Start with a college teacher

Chapter 896 Integration

Chapter 896 Integration
For later generations of mainlanders, they have a not too stereotyped impression of Wanwan people, that is: "stingy".

Crooked people are stingy, and they will try their best to not let you take advantage of him.

Of course, this sentence is not absolute. For example, President Wang is not such a person, but for most crooked people, if you put the label "stingy" on their heads, at most one out of 10 will be wronged. But at least 5 descriptions are not strong enough.

Even if the Wang family is the richest man in Wanwan, the Wang family still pursues the spirit of simplicity and frugality.

Whenever a customer comes, he always spends a lot of money on entertaining the guests. The old man thinks it's not worth it. It's better to hire a chef to make steaks and open a small restaurant by himself, so that the entertainment expenses can be reduced.

Eat more than one fish to avoid waste.

It may be because the taste is really good, or it may be due to the face of the guests. The reputation of Wang's Wangpin steak is not bad, and it has spread even in mainland China.

Therefore, the cousin is proud of this, and there are reasons for her.

When she heard that Professor Shen wanted to buy better steak, she never believed it.

But the steak came quickly.

Even though I don't want to admit it, I have to say that the steak that Professor Shen invited the Wang brothers and sisters to eat is really delicious. Although the chef's technique is a little rough, the taste is really better than their Wang Steak. few.

It's so weird.

"There's something wrong with this beef, where did it come from?" My cousin couldn't help but doubt the origin of this beef. Of course, she was born in a wealthy family and knew that for rich people, it would not take much effort to get some high-end beef.

Even poor countries can't stop their pursuit of high-end consumer goods. Just like the Kim dynasty, which likes to be hereditary, their father and son's spending power on high-end caviar is also astounding.

Shen Guanglin smiled without saying a word.

Wang's steak is economical, but it's really not very delicious.

Perhaps because people are not from the same era, everyone has different ideas about business management.

Or maybe expressing some substantive disapproval of this kind of enterprise that relies on careful calculation and careful planning, Shen Guanglin actually doesn't have that strong sense of admiration for the old man of the Wang family.

The God of Management, just listen to it.

Of course, after President Wang joined the job, his management ability is indeed excellent. Under his management, the profit of Great Wall Group has increased by at least 10 points. Overall, this is a very huge fortune. No matter how much annual salary you pay to President Wang, Not much.

However, what Shen Guanglin agrees more is to rely on technology to change life.

As long as I'm ahead enough, as long as I'm building exactly what people want, I won't be left behind.

It is only 1989 now, at least until 2020, Great Wall Group will not be left behind.

At that time, it is simply unimaginable what the Great Wall Group will be able to develop into.

But for the traversers, they have only developed such a small amount of wealth in nine years, which is actually a bit low.

Some reborn and time-traveled people became the world's richest man in just one or two years, which made Jianlin cry and Jack Ma's heartbroken.

Of course, Xiyu Cake also achieved this by virtue of its strength.

In a certain way, Shen Guanglin is really inferior to those reborn people, his development is too slow.

Especially at the level of financial operations, even if Shen knows when the economic crisis will break out and when it will end, what he can do is to double his wealth.

It is impossible to make a lot of money at all. People end up with millions, and earn back tens of billions, which is faster than the generals of the Golden Triangle.

But I have to say that nine years have passed, Shen Guanglin is still young, but he has become a real big shot.

This time, when my cousin came to invite Professor Shen to visit Wanwan, Shen Guanglin didn't think much about it and refused directly.

He has this qualification.

Moreover, no matter who looked at it, even if it wasn't in terms of technological achievements, even in the business world, he had a higher status than the Wang family.

Professor Shen usually has so many things to do, and he doesn't get enough sleep, so he doesn't have time to play house with you.

Therefore, he simply refused.

Under the promotion of Wang Wenyang, since the Great Wall Group successfully acquired Yanshan Chemical, even if Shen Guanglin is the shopkeeper, it is not easy to get easy.

Not to mention anything else, it is about the establishment of the management team, which is a big headache and thorny problem.

In this era, the transportation between the two places has just been established, and there are not many entrepreneurs coming from Wanwan to the mainland, and there are even fewer managers.And there are not many chemical talents in Xiangjiang. If they want to develop in the long run, they still have to rely on their own training.

At present, the Great Wall Group already has two large companies, Yanshan Chemical and Jinling Chemical. The most effective management method is to integrate their management personnel and core technical teams. It is best to mobilize and complement each other.

Only in this way can we prevent some people from taking the lead, breaking the inherent thinking, and ushering in a new life for the enterprise.

For this reason, Shen worked tirelessly to leave the capital and arrive in Jinling in person, in order to solve the problem of employee transfer and secondment between Jinling Chemical and Yanshan Chemical.

This is also the strategy that the great man thought of back then. The leaders of the eight major military regions adjusted each other, and then there were fewer internal hills and it became stable.

Shen Guanglin has already decided that in the future, Great Wall Group will implement this method every time it acquires a state-owned enterprise.

Isn't your internal relationship deep-rooted? If you are transferred to another company and start from scratch, you can't continue to engage in small groups.

In fact, it is not that there are no talents in state-owned enterprises, but most of their energy is not put on production.

Today, Professor Shen is sitting in the trade union hall of Jinling Chemical, listening to the employees' difficulties and solving them on the spot.

In terms of inviting buyers, Mr. Shen was going to end in person. At this time, the factory leader was by his side, and his cousin and President Wang were also sitting by the side and listening with their ears open.

In this day and age, whether it is changing jobs or moving, it is not so easy.

Speaking of job transfer, the transferee's job and household registration are still easy to solve, after all, there are legitimate reasons.

But what about the family's work and household registration?
In particular, what to do with the children's studies must be planned as a whole, and there is nothing missing.

Unlike the convenience of transportation and communication in later generations, long-distance relationships at that time could maintain relationships through video and airborne.

But in this day and age, relying on the contact density of one letter a month, even a couple with a deep relationship may have to consider breaking up after graduating from university because the assigned work is not together.

There are very few people who can be airborne at any time like someone Shen.

This is different from the book friends in front of the mobile phone. Not only can they be the big brother on the list, but they also spend thousands of dollars for an airborne.

Therefore, how to solve the problems of work and life for the family members of employees is a problem that they must consider when mobilizing employees.

The style of the Great Wall Group is to solve the worries of employees as much as possible, to meet the various needs of talents to the greatest extent, and to let them give full play to their ingenuity and intellectual advantages.

Fortunately, the Great Wall Group already has enough industries and is rich enough to be able to meet the work needs of most people at a time when self-selection of careers is still unclear.

All that needs to be done now is to dispel their concerns with words and actions.

The workers first raised the issue of household registration.

This is simple. Employees in Jinling can obtain a residence permit in the capital, and employees in the capital can also retain their residence registration in the capital.

Probably, this is why it is easier for those units with high administrative ranks to recruit talents in later generations.

The treatment of those large state-owned enterprises and central enterprises may not be very good, but they can provide household registration, which is worthy of many people's pursuit and yearning.

In later generations, no one knows how many beautiful girls who are as beautiful as heaven, just for the sake of a residence in the capital, endured the nausea and married a divorced and wretched man in the capital, and successfully realized the springboard of life.

Now, the Great Wall Group doesn't have much else, it just has a few bad money and the ability to settle accounts and work.

Spouse's job is difficult, right?

We're here to help you out.

What about the problem of children going to school?
We are also here to help you solve the problem, student status is not a problem.

There are elderly parents at home to take care of.

In the same way, just take them to the capital together, the unit has a house.

In short, as long as you have talent, Great Wall Group has room for you to develop.

(End of this chapter)

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