Start with a college teacher

Chapter 897 Windfall

Chapter 897 Windfall
In this way, Shen received another wave of admiration and gratitude.

It is really a blessing for our employees to have a leader like Professor Shen. I wish him a long life and an early birth.

"Professor Shen already has a son."

"real or fake."

"Well, I've seen it. His wife is very beautiful, with a little boy."

Everyone was very excited to meet such a wise and great leader. Some technicians felt that their spring had finally arrived.

No, it may be out of gratitude or speculation. On the day when Shen Guanglin was collecting folk songs, a bearded man walked into Professor Shen's office.

Shen Guanglin didn't take it seriously at first, until the man revealed his private research results.

"What, you made carbon fiber that can be mass-produced at a low price?"

Shen Guanglin raised his voice involuntarily.

"Yes, it is made of asphalt, and it can definitely be mass-produced." The man is very confident. This is the advantage of the chemical factory, and there are various raw materials that can be tried for free.

Carbon fiber is not a rare object. Shen Guanglin's laboratory has been researching this thing for a long time, and there are still some results, but it has not been able to achieve low-cost manufacturing.

The Great Wall New Material Company far away in the capital, the products they manufacture contain carbon fiber, which is very expensive.

Now, a middle-aged researcher with a salary of less than 200 a month came to him and told him that someone made carbon fiber at a low price and could be mass-produced. How could Shen believe it!
If you are a young person in the 21st century, you only need to pay attention to the products on the market, almost no one knows about carbon fiber.

Moreover, in this era, Shen Guanglin, as a senior air force fisherman, although his fishing skills are difficult to say, the fishing rod he uses is made of carbon fiber, which is a private customization.

In later generations, all the more expensive sporting goods, nine out of ten can have some relationship with carbon fiber.

For example, bicycles, I heard that there is one called Trek Butterfly, which is very popular in Douyin.

Of course, the richest people still appear on Zhihu and some social software. They often buy Porsches. At the age of 20, they are worth over [-] million yuan.

In addition to carbon fiber fishing rods, those expensive tennis rackets and golf clubs also use carbon fiber.

Whenever the pursuit of high-strength and light-weight equipment is generally considered carbon fiber.

Even the power generation fan in the new energy, that is, the big fan blade, is actually made of carbon fiber composite materials.

Don't think this thing is cheap, it's just an iron frame and a fan, tens of millions.

In front of carbon fiber, the current king aluminum alloy is not even suitable for lifting shoes. Even if it is titanium alloy, it cannot compete with carbon fiber.

Some supercars, as long as they are made of full carbon fiber, the price and style will soar immediately.

The only thing that can stop the development of carbon fiber is about production capacity and price.

In the past, this technology was monopolized by Fusang people, and the price was extremely expensive.

As far as the level of consumption of fishing rods is concerned, not to mention the Huaxia people, even the Fusang people are reluctant to use them. It has to be the richer Citi people who are keen to use carbon fiber to make various items.

In fact, as early as the early 70s, the scientific community had already made clear the future positioning of carbon fiber, and there were many ideas about the fields where carbon fiber could be applied.

However, until now, only Fusang people in the world can produce a certain amount of carbon fiber, which is still in short supply.

As far as Shen Guanglin's fishing rod is concerned, it is actually a laboratory product. If it is converted into money, it will not be worth 10,000+.

This is low-key luxury.

No one would believe such a fishing rod, not to mention selling it, even if it is gold.

It's really hard to believe that a middle-aged researcher made carbon fiber.

Jinling Chemical has existed for many years. It's not that it doesn't have a staff of researchers. On the contrary, there are quite a few of them, as many as several hundred.

But these people have some academic qualifications, but there are not many from prestigious schools. It is already very good to be able to graduate with a bachelor's degree.

These people have not produced research results in the past.

As for patents, what is that?
Domestically, the Great Wall Group values ​​patents, because Huaxia has not even become a member state of the Patent Cooperation Treaty until now.

The middle-aged researcher did not expect Professor Shen to be so impatient. Fortunately, he was prepared and felt that he finally found the right person: "I am indeed an isotropic carbon fiber made of short pitch fibers. I have tested all the parameters. After that, the tensile strength is 3500MPa, and the modulus is 50GPa. The tensile strength and modulus are the basic parameters of carbon fiber, and the specific definition is as follows"

The middle-aged researcher started talking about this.

"It doesn't matter what carbon fiber is, I understand."

Shen Guanglin is no stranger to carbon fiber, so of course he knows the definitions of these terms. The so-called tensile strength is the ability to hold larger fish, and the so-called modulus is the ability to allow the fishing rod to withstand greater bending.

Fishermen have a thorough understanding of these parameters.

Shen Guanglin recited 3500 and 50, and started to call his laboratory in front of the researcher: "What is the basic data of the carbon fiber produced by our laboratory?"

When the other party heard that it was Professor Shen, he hurriedly answered cautiously: "Professor, which one are you asking about? The tensile strength and modulus of carbon fiber are often not both high. Generally, one is high and the other is low."

"You just say the best data!" Shen Guanglin already thought they were long-winded.

"We achieved the highest tensile strength of 8 G, and the highest modulus of 90G Pa."

After hearing this data, Shen Guanglin was a little disappointed.

This is not a surprise, it is different from what is written in the novel.

As far as this data is concerned, there is still a gap between this and my own laboratory, but the ability to lower production costs is better than nothing.

"In this way, I have a piece of carbon fiber material data here. The tensile strength is 3500 MPa, and the transverse modulus is 50G Pa. Later, you can evaluate its application value and see if it can be used."

"Impossible!" An exclamation came from the phone, "Our laboratory hasn't reached this level yet."

Shen Guanglin was confused, "Didn't you just say 8 G and 90 G Pa, why is it impossible?"

"There is a conflict between tensile strength and transverse modulus. We really can't achieve this data at the same time. Like your fishing rod, we just take a high transverse modulus, but the tensile strength is actually not very high. Enough, but you haven't caught any big fish, so."

"It's just nonsense!" Shen Guanglin stopped the lab staff from talking nonsense, he already had the information.

"What's your name?" Shen Guanglin began to chat with the researcher about the family life in a pleasant manner, but he still cared too little for the staff.

The middle-aged beard said very carefully: "Professor Shen, my name is Liao Fan."

"Hey, he's still an actor."

(End of this chapter)

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