Start with a college teacher

Chapter 898 Appointments

Chapter 898 Appointments
Carbon fiber has always been produced by researchers from various petrochemical and coal research institutes in China.

For these domestic institutions, Shen Guanglin has never paid much attention to them, always thinking that they are rotten fish and shrimps, a bunch of mobs.

In fact, the intelligence and intelligence of Huaxia people are not inferior to others at all. What they lack is research funding and the attention of their superiors.

For example, the research institute of Jinling Chemical Industry is not actually used for scientific research. Most of their functions are only used to maintain the establishment and pay wages.

If they can contribute to the annual technical transformation and large-scale maintenance, they will be able to complete the expected tasks very well.

What kind of scientific research results you really want to make depends on your personal preferences. Anyway, there are no tasks above, and naturally there is no funding.

This is not only the case with the research institute of Jinling Chemical Industry, but also the entire Ministry of Coal. There are probably dozens of similar research institutes under its jurisdiction, but their combined research funds may not be able to exceed one million. It is expected that they will produce results. It's really not that easy.

There are exceptions to everything. Researcher Liao Fan has really achieved results in places that everyone is not optimistic about. This is really a surprise.

Others probably don't know the future of carbon fiber, but Shen knows it very well.

This is a large market worth hundreds of billions of dollars, and it can play an extremely important role in the entire aerospace field and in the field of new energy applications.

If you are shooting a sci-fi movie, it is a good idea to use carbon fiber to build the building, because with it, you can easily erect the building to a height of thousands of meters.

The 636-meter-high building in the later generations of Shanghai should have been history long ago.

Of course, Jiangcheng, located in central China, was planning to build a taller building, but it was restricted because of the height limit, which was inexplicable.

Facing such a heavyweight achievement of carbon fiber, it cannot be overemphasized.

The next day, all the personnel in Shen Guanglin's laboratory who were in charge of carbon fiber research flew to Jinling urgently.

Boss Shen's life-threatening call made them feel uneasy.

Fortunately, Shen Guanglin was just eager to verify the results, and didn't care about their thoughts.

The results are indeed gratifying.

Researcher Liao Fan did not lie either.

Moreover, according to his description, everyone has a basic judgment, and it is really not difficult to mass-produce this product.

In particular, Shen Guanglin's laboratory is very experienced in the transformation of achievements, and is already familiar with it.

Earned it, really earned it!
With such a research result, Shen Guanglin earned more than the sum of the two petrochemical companies.

How to reward Liao Fan and how to make good use of this talent, this is the next thing Shen Guanglin has to think about.

"In this way, I will give you 1000 million, oh no, 3000 million, and let you set up a carbon fiber research institute alone. I will find all the members for you, just this bunch of stinky fish and rotten shrimp."

Shen Guanglin didn't hesitate at all when making a decision: "This group of people can only make one set of fishing rods after so long, and it's too stretched. It's time to put some pressure on them."

The students in the laboratory were a little stunned. Our carbon fiber research is at the forefront of the world, but materials with both tensile strength and transverse modulus are relatively rare, and he happened to come across them.

Shen Guanglin doesn't care about these things, research that can be industrialized is good research.

So it was decided, Liao Fan will be the leader of carbon fiber research in the future.

This time, the middle-aged researcher Liao Fan was stunned, "Me? Can I be in charge of a research institute alone?"

He really couldn't believe that Professor Shen could give him such an important task. The last time he was a leader was when he was a labor committee member in elementary school.

According to his idea, it would be great if Professor Shen could give him a first-level salary. If he could have the opportunity to go to the capital and create an opportunity for his children to study, that would be even better.

However, what Shen Guanglin gave completely exceeded his expectations.

"Of course! The Great Wall Group is a place that will not bury talents. As long as you have talent, gold will shine sooner or later." Shen Guanglin gave an affirmative answer. He wanted a thousand dollars to buy a horse bone, and he wanted to set up a model for this talent.

"But, I'm just a college student who graduated from Jinling Institute of Chemical Technology. They are all undergraduates and graduate students who graduated from Beijing University. I"

Speaking of this, Liao Fan began to feel unconfident.
Discrimination against origin in domestic academia is simply too serious.

Even, at Capital University, if it is not the postgraduate doctoral students transferred from the undergraduates of the school, they will not admit that they are their alumni.

Shen Guanglin didn't care about this, "What's the matter, I never went to university, and I also worked as a professor at Peking University."

Of course, outsiders really don't know whether Professor Shen has ever studied in university or not, and where he went to university.

He said he didn't go to college, and others really couldn't refute it.

Shen Guanglin happily made his decision.

The group of people in the laboratory were also powerless to resist. Who made their skills inferior to others, and they did make more powerful results.

This is a huge market worth hundreds of billions, and Shen Guanglin deserves to pay attention to it.

Moreover, Shen also has a team dedicated to operating patents. After several patent disputes, he has become well-known in the industry.

These people are very good at maintaining patents. Others want to get carbon fiber technology from Shen Guanglin, which is simply wishful thinking. The patent barrier alone can block a large number of people.

Of course, if domestic companies want to enter this industry, it will be another situation. They have no habit of abiding by patents at all, and they pursue the doctrine of borrowing, and their appearance is even more ugly.

Therefore, if carbon fiber is to be mass-produced, what Shen Guanglin really needs to guard against is not outsiders, but "our own people".

That's all off-topic, and the next step is how to set up the new carbon fiber research institute.

Whether the new carbon fiber research institute is located in the capital or in Jinling has its advantages, but it does not meet Shen's wishes.

In this way, the headquarters of the Great Wall Group is in Shanghai, so the research institute should be moved to Shanghai.

Mr. Shen will be there for a while, and his key research direction is still in the direction of lithium batteries. Shen Guanglin must push mobile power to a new era.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin decided to designate a piece of land in Shanghai as the exclusive site of the Carbon Fiber Research Institute, and everyone can consider moving next.

Hearing this, the middle-aged researcher Liao Fan was stunned. Such a pleasant surprise made him short of breath and confused.

For the past two days, he seemed to be living in a dream.

Liao Fan used to be a promising young man who went to college, married one of the most beautiful women in the factory, and gave birth to a lovely child.

In the past, Lao Liao engaged in research, neglected to take care of his wife and children, was scolded by his wife every day, and looked down upon at his mother-in-law's house, but now, everything in the past is worth it.

Being able to join Shen Guanglin's laboratory is already a dream beyond the reach of researchers.

You know, that is the sacred place in the hearts of all Chinese scientific researchers.

It's a pity that in the past, there was basically no social recruitment there, and almost all the students used were self-trained students, and they were all from the Department of Beijing University.

Now, I am actually qualified to independently lead a research institute!
Unlimited money and less bureaucracy, this is a good thing that I dare not even dream of.

Will my wife dare to look down on him in the future?Does mother-in-law dare to roll her eyes at him?
snort! 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor.

(End of this chapter)

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