Start with a college teacher

Chapter 899 Taking office

Chapter 899 Taking office
I was so happy that I went home early before I got off work.

Lao Liao used his private money to weigh three and a half catties of pork belly, and cooked a meal of braised pork early in the morning. It was crystal clear and attractive.

The child is not at home after middle school, and the wife comes back from get off work and eats while complaining, "Isn't it going to be a bad day after this? Now is the critical period for the merger of the two companies. I don't know what will happen in the future. If you have money, save it." , even if it is a gift for the superior, hurry up and tell me how much private money you have, hand it over!

Career is a man's second spring, and Lao Liao's self-confidence as a man has returned. Therefore, Researcher Liao said confidently, "Look, your man is about to feel proud."

The daughter-in-law believed and doubted, and even acquiesced in her husband's messy behavior.

It's just that if you have children, you can still stay away from them.

The daughter-in-law didn't express any dissatisfaction, she sighed and turned her head to sleep.

I didn't sweat, I didn't even bother to take a shower, and I had to rush to work the next day.

Early the next morning, Liao Fan received a call.

When I heard it, it was a young man's voice, saying that it was the driver sent by the head office.

Today is a good day for Director Liao to officially take office. He came here early in the morning to pick up the leader.

Moreover, the young man said that he parked on the street at the entrance of Director Liao's alley, and he could see it when he came out of the street.

"Hey, there is a special car here!" Director Liao was a little happy, and he didn't want to stay in bed anymore.

People are somewhat vain, and he finally said goodbye to the days of squeezing the factory car.

Sometimes, a happy life is as simple as that. If you have a career and a special car, as long as you don't mention what happened at night, it is a perfect life.

Director Liao cleared the phlegm, made a "hmm" sound, and then said, "But please wait a moment, I just woke up, and my wife is making breakfast, go after eating, and come over if you haven't eaten yet. .”

The boy on the other side quickly said, no, I have already eaten it.

How much heart is it to go to the leader's house for breakfast, and Liao Fan's house did not prepare an extra one.

The daughter-in-law is still a good daughter-in-law, and she didn't dwell on what happened last night. At this moment, she poked her head out of the kitchen, "Old Liao, who called so early? Is the school going to visit your home?"

At this moment, Director Liao is already arranging his favorite fake collar in front of the full-length mirror.

The people of Modu are still amazing, once wearing such a gadget, the mental outlook of the whole person can be raised to a higher level.

Although, Professor Shen has already said that there is no need to go to work during this period, and we will talk about research after moving to Shanghai.I still have to pack up quickly, as the director on the first day, being late for work will have a bad impact.

"It's not a home visit. It's my driver who called, saying that the company sent me a car, and I will have a special car for work in the future."

The daughter-in-law sneered, "You want to be an official, you are crazy, and you still have a special car, what brand is it?"

The daughter-in-law was serving pickles to the table, while helping Lao Liao to serve porridge, she still joked: "When you become an official, I will be the wife of an official in the future, so I won't pursue the matter of your diarrhea at night."

Lao Liao was ashamed, but still said solemnly: "We Jinling Chemical belongs to the Great Wall Group, and of course the Great Wall Motor is equipped for me. Although this is a new brand, it comes from European blood. It used to be the car of the national leader. Woolen cloth."

"As for the leaders of the country, hurry up and brush your teeth. If you are late, be careful of the leaders in your office. He loves to wear small shoes with others, especially after his wife wears worn-out shoes with others, he is completely nervous. But don't worry, I can Not that kind of person, even for the sake of the child, I will guard you."

Seeing his daughter-in-law getting more and more outrageous, former researcher Liao became a little anxious: "Now I am the leader! From now on, only I can criticize others, and no one can criticize me except Professor Shen."

Seeing that Lao Liao was in a hurry, the daughter-in-law put away her smile: "Okay, my boss, I heard that you have been reporting to Professor Shen for the past two days. How is he?"

"Yushu is facing the wind, wise and wise, extraordinary, majestic, far-sighted, and insightful." In short, for Lao Liao, Professor Shen is a god in the world.

"Okay, okay, I didn't ask you to recite idioms, tell me, Professor Shen is also doing research, maybe he can't do it at night."

"You're not finished yet, are you! What nonsense are you talking about!" Hearing his wife slandering his idol, Lao Liao refused.

"Don't talk, don't talk, hurry up and eat, or you will be late if you delay."

Today's porridge was a bit hot, Director Liao ate breakfast slowly, but his wife had already started to jump anxiously, "Old Liao, hurry up, it's already time, if you delay, you will be late."

"Okay, that's all right, what's the rush, I said, I have a special car, so don't worry." Lao Liao said that he was not in a hurry, while wiping his mouth with a small towel.

Napkin paper is not popular in this era, usually a handkerchief is prepared, and it is used for all snot, tears, and saliva. Some romance novels even say that it is a champagne.

When the couple went out, the factory car had already parked at the alley.

A shiny black Great Wall sedan and a bus with peeling paint were parked in front and back, symbolizing the future and the past.

The bus at the back is the commuter car of old Liao's wife and the workers. Needless to say, the car in front is Director Liao's new car.

Many workers don't know that Researcher Liao has been promoted and raised to the pinnacle of life. They don't know that Lao Liao is not Lao Liao now, but Director Liao.

However, it is also understandable that it will take time for the spread of what just happened.

Moreover, Jinling Chemical is such a big company, everyone is not in the same department, and a small Liao Fan can't make a splash at all.

Many of the workers waiting for the bus knew Liao Fan and his wife. They just went out when they saw them, and couldn't help shouting loudly: "What are you two dawdling about? Didn't you also have a morning exercise? I'm waiting for you, hurry up!"

Lao Liao's daughter-in-law was a little embarrassed, and wanted to hurry up a few steps while dragging Lao Liao.

But Director Liao was unmoved, he put on his posture, waiting for this moment of comfort: "I don't take the bus, that is my special car."

Everyone laughed.

This old Liao must be crazy for wanting to be an official, and I heard that he even sought out Professor Shen to show his courtesy.

Who are you, a junior college student at the School of Chemical Engineering, who are you, a great professor at Beijing University.

The daughter-in-law was also ashamed and annoyed, "Who are you to lose, let's go, everyone is waiting for us, we are going to be late."

Lao Liao was not in a hurry, he walked straight to the car, and stretched out his hand to shake hands with a serious face, "Little comrade, you have waited for a long time, thank you for your hard work."

The crowd laughed again.

The daughter-in-law is about to burst into tears, this old Liao is too embarrassing.

However, the driver of the car quickly got out of the car and held Lao Liao's hand with both hands: "You are Director Liao!"

Lao Liao waved his hand, "I am Liao Fan, let's get in the car."

The young man quickly helped Director Liao open the car, and covered the top of his head with his hands to prevent bumping his head. He gently closed the car door, and then quickly returned to the driver's seat, kicked the accelerator, and the car rushed out with a squeak.

While getting on the bus, Liao Fan rolled down the window and glanced at the bus from the corner of his eye.

Everyone was surprised.

Old Liao's daughter-in-law was even a little lost.

"Let's go!" Lao Liao gave an order.

"Come on! Leader."

"Old Liao, Lao Liao." The daughter-in-law came to her senses, but the car had already left.

(End of this chapter)

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