Chapter 900
Lao Liao went to work happily. He was full of energy all day long and could do almost anything.

As for whether it was a story or an accident after get off work, he didn't announce it to the public, but from the joyful expression on his face, he knew that he was living a good life.

During the period when Professor Shen was in Jinling, he played the role of the magic needle of the sea.

In terms of inviting people to buy people's hearts, Shen has a special habit.

However, after reaping this wave of goodwill, Shen is really ready to return to the magic capital, and plans to leave after the Qingming Festival.

Tomb-sweeping Festival is a major traditional spring festival. Tomb-sweeping, offering sacrifices and remembering ancestors is a fine tradition of the Chinese nation since ancient times.

Originally, Tomb-sweeping Day and Hanshi were not the same festival, but with the deduction of history, they gradually became unified.

Of course, cold food is a custom in the north, and fireworks are fasted on this day, which is rarely cared about in the south.

Similarly, southerners pay more attention to ancestor worship and tomb sweeping than northerners, which is also a difference between the north and the south.

The more grand ancestor worship ceremony in the north is actually held during the Spring Festival. The scale of the New Year's Eve is grand, and it is also a time to show the prosperity of the population.

With the cheap sister coming to Jinling to look for relatives, Shen Guanglin's "parents" have already set up a tomb in Jinling, where they can worship.

As the only son in the family, as a big shot in the family, since he, Shen, is still in Jinling, he is going to lead the whole family to worship the ancestors.

Rituals cannot be discarded.

It was at this point in time that Shen Guanglin heard that some unpleasant things had happened in the capital, and some people made trouble with excuses.

The mountain rain was about to come and the wind filled the building, and someone Shen was afraid, and decided to move the carbon fiber research institute to the magic city immediately.

Moreover, he also issued a series of orders overnight, as long as they are from Shen Guanglin's laboratory, no matter who they are, they are not allowed to go out.

Even the interns at the Great Wall Group are like this. You are not allowed to ask for leave, you are not allowed to go out, and you hold back when you have something to do.

However, during this period of time, Jinling Chemical and Yanshan Chemical have just completed their acquisitions, and the entire chemical sector is a start-up in the Great Wall Group, and President Wang still needs to stay in the two places for a while.

But the cousin has nothing to do, so she has to go to Shanghai with Professor Shen.

Just go, there are many people accompanying Shen Guanglin, and she is not alone.

Moreover, there is no paparazzi in the media of this era, and the media that dared to report Professor Shen indiscriminately have already been cleaned up.

In particular, that southern magazine has repeatedly lost in the contest with Shen, and has changed several editors. Now, they are trying their best to wait for the opportunity.

Even in Xiangjiang, Professor Shen is not someone who can be reported indiscriminately.

Great Wall Entertainment was originally just an ordinary entertainment company, but now it is about to develop into a large media group.

Moreover, this company has also taken over TVB's theater chain, and has gradually developed to the mainland. Coupled with its huge brokerage business, it can really be said to occupy half of Xiangjiang.

At least, in the film industry, no one dares to wrestle with them in the open.

In the dark, they were even more afraid.

In this era, Xiangjiang's blackness will be very rampant, but this is actually a strange phenomenon caused by some people's deliberate connivance.

The foundation of Great Wall Entertainment is actually not very clean, but they have money, and money can turn ghosts around.

Moreover, it is said that some Jiangyang thieves have a good relationship with them, and they even let out a word: Don't touch people from the Great Wall Group.

It's really black and white.

Therefore, although Professor Shen's security team is indeed very strong, no one has really thought of him yet.

In this way, the cousin set off with Professor Shen, along with Liao Fan and his wife.

This little sister-in-law finally realized how extraordinary her husband is. Since the family got a car, she didn't particularly support Director Liao's going to work in other places. This turned anger into joy.

Moreover, although the woman looked exposed, it could be seen from the eyebrows that she was still a tender quail.

The cousin did not expect that it was not his wife who greeted Professor Shen at the airport, but a person in the entertainment industry, a teacher named Yuanyuan.

It has to be said that compared with ordinary people, the cousin can call herself Lin Fengjiao, but compared with Teacher Yuanyuan, she can't even compare with Ajiao.

Sure enough, it's human face and animal heart, rich people don't have a good thing!

Shen Guanglin also asked his cousin, "When are you going to go home." He didn't want to get too involved with Wanwan.

If it weren't for President Wang's outstanding ability, he would have completely cut off the connection with Wan Wan.

It's just that my cousin said that I came with a mission, and the mission has not been completed, so I can't go back home.

"Then there's no way."

Mr. Shen doesn't have time to take care of your emotions. He is busy and has so many things to deal with.

It doesn't matter, the cousin can take care of Professor Shen's emotions.

Since Professor Yi Shen is not willing to go to the bend, then it is okay to let them come to the mainland.

Moreover, this matter is already in the process, but Shen Guanglin doesn't know it yet.

After returning to Shanghai, Shen Guanglin did not fool around with Teacher Yuanyuan, but lived back in his own home, and the others were naturally received and arranged by staff.

As the headquarters of the Great Wall Group in Shanghai, their staff is still qualified in dealing with people, and there will be no neglect of others.

If there were such people, they would have been dismissed early.

After Professor Shen arrived in Shanghai, he began to plan the carbon fiber laboratory. The machines in the capital can be left there, even if there is no other use for hiding. Anyway, the equipment here is newly bought, all of which are on the market. Fresh stock just released.

Even Director Liao had never even heard of a lot of equipment, not to mention using it.

However, for a research institute, the most important thing is not the equipment, but the people.

As long as he returns to the field of carbon fiber research, Liao Fan is like a different person. He still has a good idea of ​​the principles of molecules and the mixing and matching of various materials.

In the past, he suffered from lack of funds, and he could only think about many ideas in his head, or go to the production line to get some leftover materials as experimental materials for a try, and there was no one to help him.

Therefore, he was able to produce results, although there are factors of hard work, but there is also an element of luck.

It's different now, he assigns a task, and the execution ability of the subordinates is simply too strong, which puts him under a lot of pressure. If it weren't for decades of accumulation, he would have been overthrown by these young men.

(End of this chapter)

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