Start with a college teacher

Chapter 901 Experimental Equipment

Chapter 901 Experimental Equipment
The Queen of England, who has been shut down in later generations, once said a word, don't bow your head, the crown will fall.

In fact, the original text of this sentence comes from Julius Caesar, and the full text is: Don't bow your head, the crown will fall; don't shed tears, the bitch will laugh.

Of course, if you want to reduce the number of words, you can also quote the full text in English, which will increase by at least dozens of words.

Now, the problem Lao Liao encounters is: his subordinates are too strong, and he can't hold it anymore.

In this case, you can only grit your teeth and persevere.

Don't bow your head, go on no matter what.

Everyone has their own difficulties at this stage of life. Don't be discouraged, don't be discouraged, and go on bravely.

In middle age, there are not many opportunities left for him.

Even for a genius like Shen Guanglin, things in his hands were not so smooth.

Up to now, his mobile phone battery has not started to be scheduled for the production line, and now there are trivial matters to bother him.

The visiting delegation from overseas is about to come to Shanghai, and Professor Shen is required to participate in the reception by naming them.

Come on, come on, what's the matter with someone Shen.

Professor Shen is really busy during this time, and he spends less than four hours playing with the children every day, which is not a good sign.

In family education, the absence of a father is a big problem. Although his son is only one year old, he decided to do a good job of accompanying him.

As far as work is concerned, Professor Shen is also really busy, so the matter of lithium batteries is not too long-winded. Now it is enough to worry about the students, and there are still a lot of things waiting for him in the carbon fiber research institute. Decided.

Many people are dissatisfied with Lao Liao being the director of the Carbon Fiber Research Institute, but he has made achievements, and no reward can be given too much.

Now that Lao Liao has been appointed as the person in charge of the research institute, Shen Guanglin will always help him get on the horse and see him off.

With the full support of Professor Shen, the resistance of Lao Liao's work is much smaller.

The new carbon fiber research institute is not located near the manufacturing plant of Modu Automobile, but is located in Pudong nearby.

This also highlights the importance that Shen attaches to this industry, and it is also the support for Lao Liao's work.

From a historical point of view, every inch of land in Pudong is worth an inch of gold, and if you occupy more land now, you will have more wealth in the future.

This wealth cannot be taken away by someone Shen, and will be left to the descendants of the Shen family after all.

The carbon fiber research institute and carbon fiber production plant are not far away, they are placed near the headquarters of the Great Wall Group.

On a sunny skyscraper, if you open the curtains, you can see the scene of the factory construction in the distance, which can be described as a live broadcast.

It's just that the construction of the factory still needs some time, but the house of the research institute is ready-made, and the experiment can be started when the experimental equipment arrives.

The headquarters building of Great Wall Group is located in the central business district, with two sides facing the road, and it is ready to be developed into an urban complex.

On the other side of the building, there are a large group of small buildings. Each building has different functions. One is for the laboratory, and the others are for the various industrial clusters of the Great Wall Group.

Great Wall Group is a large group, and each of its industries has developed into an independent group. These companies cannot all be located in the group headquarters building, so they each have their own office area.

Between these buildings and the skyscrapers of the headquarters, there are tree-lined trails that cannot be driven by cars, but people can only walk, so people also jokingly call them "Ho Chi Minh trails".

In fact, the real "Ho Chi Minh Trail" is an important symbol of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Vietnam, and it has historical commemorative significance.

However, after the victory of North Vietnam, he turned around and aimed at Huaxia, playing the role of a white-eyed wolf very well.

Shen Guanglin lived in this era, and only then did he understand the helpless act of self-defense and counterattack back then.

Therefore, it is really not a loss for these people to be beaten.

On this day, the "Ho Chi Minh Trail" belonging to the Carbon Fiber Research Institute finally started to be full of voices, because it was originally a pedestrian path, but a lot of moving vehicles came in, crushing the lawn.

It turned out that the newly ordered equipment from the Carbon Fiber Research Institute had arrived.

There are a lot of equipment types here, and the high-temperature cracking furnace is only the core one. Others include driving machines, spinning machines, water washing machines, pipe rubbing machines, film winding machines, core pulling machines, polishing machines, curing machines, oven and more.

It's good to have money, you can buy the most advanced equipment at the moment, and you don't have to worry about the obstruction of the Batumi Agreement.

It's just that such good days are numbered.

In a few days, the golden age of such unscrupulous equipment purchases will no longer exist.At that time, it was not impossible to buy high-end equipment, but it had to go through many difficulties and change hands in order to get one or two.

For this reason, Shen Guanglin's Great Wall Group established a corresponding overseas entrepot trade company, which made everyone quite puzzled: what is this for, can't we directly import it?

If Shen Guanglin didn't explain, he couldn't say that he was planning for a rainy day.

In fact, we are no strangers to the blockade.

In the history of China's scientific research in the past few decades, proud researchers have invented many wonderful experimental methods, with the purpose of bypassing the dilemma of lack of equipment.

Therefore, there is not much pioneering work they really want to do, and they still focus on follow-up research.

Even so, it is still difficult.

For Chinese scientific researchers, the experimental methods done by foreigners are not necessarily secret, but the scarcity of experimental equipment is a real difficulty.

Huaxia researchers, who are seriously lacking in scientific research equipment, often spend a lot of energy and a lot of time to complete the simple work of the other party in order to reproduce the experimental conclusions of the other party.

There are indeed many unconstrained and unconstrained methods in it, which can be called classics, but because of the passage of time and the single function, these shining wisdom can only be buried in the pile of old papers, and can only be dug up occasionally to remember.

One of the famous examples is like this. Although it did not happen in the scientific research circle, it is equally representative, and that is the "flying thunder cannon" in the history of our army, also known as the "conscientious cannon".

In 1947, our military scientific research personnel invented the flying thunder cannon for attacking fortifications, which played an unexpected effect in the Huaihai Campaign. The Huangwei Corps was buried under this simple weapon.

It's just that if there are better weapons and equipment, who wants to use such crude things.

Therefore, when we arrived on the Korean battlefield, we had cannons supported by Maoziguo, and this kind of equipment bid farewell to the stage of history.

(End of this chapter)

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