Chapter 902 Visitor
"Group 7, experiment 35. Raw material: vinyl pitch. Process: short-path distillation. Target: pyrolysis tar"

Doing experiments is so dull and boring.

Although the method and formula provided by Liao Fan are very good and can be used commercially, the carbon fiber laboratory has indeed made repeated experiments with good results.

However, what the laboratory needs to do next is to find the best point and make better products.

And what this requires is repeated experiments back and forth.

Although exciting data have been obtained in many repeated experiments, no one knows whether the next group has better data.

Temperature, pressure, catalyst, each is a factor affecting product quality.

Therefore, any material formula is obtained through countless repeated experiments. In these fields, both Maozige and Citigroup have great advantages, which is why Shen Guanglin spent a lot of money betting on Maoziguo.

Being able to spend a little money to get such recipes and experimental records, how many detours have been avoided.

For example, Huaxia has delayed for many years how the special steel used on the deck of the aircraft carrier is made.

Later, Baosteel Group spent a lot of money to research it. There are not many countries that can manufacture this kind of steel. How to heat treatment and element ratio are state secrets.

In fact, Maoziguo has ready-made data there, especially after their disintegration, the Nikolayev Black Sea Shipyard stopped working. As long as the opportunity is right, stealing a little of this kind of information can be of great help.

In any case, it is more important than buying an empty shell.

Material experiment is a long process, and many people's interest is wiped out in repeated experiments.

Liao Fan may not be a qualified laboratory director, but with the previous rules and regulations of the laboratory, after his hard study, Xiao Gui Cao Sui was able to formulate an experimental plan that did not make mistakes, which is enough up.

Even Professor Shen didn't say anything else after reading it, but nodded approvingly. It's very rare for Lao Liao to be able to do this.

It's just that after a group of experiments, everyone is very tired.

That is to say, there were enough experimental dogs in the research institute, so it persisted.

Scientific research and public relations are like this. The funds must be sufficient, and people must be used to collect them. Huaxia has a lot of experience in this area.

If the country needs to overcome a certain problem, they will mobilize all the resources they can mobilize extremely quickly, and then choose a leader with outstanding levels.

After making a public relations plan, the rest can start to pile up the staff.

There is no doubt that a large number of people can indeed speed up the experiment process.

Otherwise, Edison used more than 6000 kinds of materials in the process of inventing the light bulb. If he did it alone without the help of his assistant, he might not be able to make it in his lifetime.

The process of optimizing the carbon fiber experiment is in full swing, but Professor Shen still has to attend social activities, and he cannot avoid it in the Jianghu.

The welcome event was organized by the city, and the big people who came were Wanwan, for this reason, everyone from top to bottom attached great importance to it.

In particular, Wang Wenyang's cousin even jumped up and down, haunting Shen Guanglin back and forth.

Shen Guanglin knew that she was waiting for him to ask her some questions, but someone Shen was patient enough not to ask.

Whatever you like, come whoever wants to come, since you can't refuse, so what if you attend.

Probably, you want to see Professor Shen because you think the eggs taste good, and you also want to see the hens.

The hen will just come out and show you. Anyway, they can't take the hen to stew. The hen has an owner and is still laying eggs.

However, the Great Wall Petrochemical Company has just been established, and President Wang is still busy.

Even, for the sake of his career, he didn't have time to meet the relatives who came from Wanwan, so he hid in the capital early, and didn't plan to come to Shanghai at all.

Maybe it's out of sight and out of mind, or maybe it's out of guilt towards the family.

After all, what he, Mr. Wang, is doing now is a business that overlaps with that of the family.

Moreover, the industrial scale of Jinling Chemical and Yanshan Chemical is really not small, and the number of workers has already caught up. If you add the large amount of equipment that Shen spent a lot of money to buy from BASF and Bayer, once it is put into production, these The released production capacity is close to the industrial scale of the Wang family.

In the future, it is hard to say in the international market, but the chemical raw materials that the Great Wall Group itself needs will definitely be self-sufficient.

The Wang family's plastic group is about to lose a major customer, and this was ruined by his own children.

What a crime.

Shen Guanglin didn't know how to welcome the Wang family, he just waited at the Peace Hotel.

Of course, the government wanted Shen Guanglin to go to the airport to greet him, since he was a heavyweight foreign guest after all.

But Shen Guanglin clearly refused, and Shen is not a small person. He is now a great scientist, and it is impossible to meet a businessman.

The Peace Hotel, a very famous hotel during the Republic of China, was still an important place for foreign affairs reception during this period. Shen Guanglin used to live here often, and only returned to his home after having a wife and children.

No matter how good the house is, no matter how good the building is, when the regime changes, it will inevitably become the wealth of others.

The villa Shen Guanglin is living in is like this, it is said that it is one of the properties of a wealthy family in Xiangjiang.

They also wanted to come back and take it back, but lacked the corresponding procedures, so they had to give up.

Moreover, they pretended to be magnanimous and said: Professor Shen is my idol, and if he lives in this house, it is not considered a burial.

As expected of the hospitality organized by the government, I don't know how many chefs were used. The drinks and snacks prepared taste very good. Shen Guanglin is addicted to eating, and he feels a little bit reluctant to leave.

However, a lady who looked like a staff member came to Shen Guanglin's side quickly, "Mr. Shen, foreign guests are coming soon, these are for decoration, please don't eat any more."

After finishing speaking, she hurriedly arranged for the staff to make up for the missing dim sum and re-arrange the plate.

Cut, boring.Is someone I Shen not a guest?
However, Shen Guanglin did not have too long to think, and the foreign guests arrived.

The leader of the municipal government, Shen Guanglin, knew each other. They were all old acquaintances. They were surrounded by a thin old man. Is this the God of Management?

The cousin saw Shen Guanglin sitting in the corner at a glance, took the initiative to come over, and happily talked about how lively the welcome ceremony at the airport was and how high the specifications were.

Shen Guanglin didn't care about this, but asked lightly, "Who is your God of Management?"

(End of this chapter)

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