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Chapter 91 Ancestor worship 2

Chapter 91 Ancestor worship 2
Ancestor worship requires "three animals".

The three sacrifices are divided into "big three sacrifices" and "small three sacrifices".The big three are cattle, sheep, and pigs; the small three are pigs, fish, and chickens.

The time is short, and the "big three animals" are not ready for a while and a half. They use the "small three animals" for temporary ancestor worship this time, that is, they need to use whole pigs, whole fish, and whole chickens.

Therefore, killing a pig is also necessary.

Pig slaughtering is a craft that only a few people are proficient in. For example, there was once a very famous athlete whose family had been slaughtering pigs for generations.

Shen Longxian took the initiative and bought the largest and most handsome pig from the next door village. It weighed more than 300 catties and had a very sexy walking posture, and it only cost 200 yuan.

Killing pigs is a favorite thing, and many people like to watch. After all, entertainment is still too poor now.

Including Li Rong, everyone is looking forward to the day of pig slaughter.

There is a saying, "the pig's straw bag, the sheep's hero, the cow's tears turn around".

It means that when the pig is being slaughtered, the howl is earth-shattering, but it is actually a straw bag, which is useless; The cow knows that he is about to die, and when he is ready to slaughter his neck, his eyes will be full of tears, full of grievances.

Then start killing pigs!

The history of our ancestors raising pigs has exceeded 1 years. Up to now, there is a whole set of procedures for killing pigs.

First of all, the pigs need to be "emptied" one or two days in advance, that is, they will no longer be fed, which is the same as the requirements for patients undergoing surgery.

Of course, not feeding the pigs is for the convenience of cleaning up the pigs, and not allowing people to eat is because the food in the esophagus will choke the air pipe during the anesthesia process.

Today is a red day,

A big fat pig was pulled by a scooter, calling all the way.

Shen Guanglin was an intellectual, so naturally he wouldn't do it himself.

The village has enough manpower. The choice is to start the killing ring in front of the old house.

The uncle found a few young and strong descendants and lifted the tied second senior brother onto the chopping board.

Second Senior Brother really realized that something was not right, and began to howl even more desperately.

The pig butcher doesn't care about this. He kneels directly on the pig's spine with one leg, grabs the pig's chin with one hand, pulls it backwards, and then holds the sharp knife with the other hand and stabs it directly from the neck, touching the heart. After that, the knife was turned over again, and when it was pulled out, the blood flowed out.

When the bloodletting process is about to end and the pig's struggle begins to weaken, there is actually a finishing touch, which is to move the pig's chin and shake the pig's head to make the pig's blood flow as cleanly as possible.

The next step is to blow the pig, then beat it hard with a stick, then shave, and finally disembowel.

According to Wang Jianguo's habit, to use an idiom to describe the process of slaughtering a pig must be "behead first and then play".

What children like and look forward to most is pig urine bubbles, and they can be happy all day when they play football.

Killing pig dishes is not popular in Jinling, it is a custom in Northeast China.

In Jinling, everything on the pig is useful, and it will not be eaten in one pot.

Moreover, this pig is used for sacrifice, and it will be used for cooking after the sacrifice.

Everyone has discussed it, the format of this event is simple, but there are still two ceremonies to be held.
First, the filial son sends his relatives to the funeral, which is equivalent to a funeral, and then the ancestors are brought into the mourning hall, and they are presented to the table. Everyone worships together and completes the sacrificial ceremony.

Since the traditional forest land of the Shen family has been destroyed and used for farming, the ancestors who can still have reliable evidence have been moved to the mountain by their descendants, and the same is true of the cemetery of the Shen Longxian family.

The old Shen family still had some fields, but Shen Longxian himself was a worker, with a city hukou, and he had no farms.

But my aunt Shen Lanmei and cousin Shen Houdao both had serious rural household registrations, and both of them had fields.

After all, this is an urban village, and there are not many fields that can be freely allocated. Each person has only one-third of paddy fields and one mu of dry land.

There are no crops in the dry land of the Shen family, only wild bamboos grow.

Shen Guanglin and Li Rong have already visited. The bamboo forest is very dense and growing very well. Unfortunately, it is not yet the season to eat bamboo shoots.

However, I don't know if there is a bamboo rat that I can't think of in the bamboo forest. It doesn't need a season to eat it.

"Father" Shen Longxian's tomb is also arranged in the bamboo forest.

Since "Father" did not leave any relics during his lifetime, the small box can only put a few photos and write some words about his life. Everything is ready and sealed in the coffin.

The epitaph was written by Shen Guanglin. It is not grand, but it has something to say.

The basic meaning is to brag about the Shen family's various strengths and Shen Longxian's various glory.

The official funeral ceremony has begun!

As a rule, in the event of a mourning, the descendants must wear sackcloth and filial piety.

Needless to say, Shen Guanglin, even though Li Rong, who came with him, had no identity, he also presented a white cloth.

Going on like this, it still feels a little like Baoqiang taking the beautiful woman home for the funeral.

In the north of the Yangtze River, there is also a widely circulated custom of "throwing pots". In fact, Jinling also has it, but it is not so particular about it later.

Since ancient times, the form of "hitting the fou" has appeared in funerals.

"Fu" is an ancient tile-quality musical instrument. When Qin Zhao met in Mianchi, the king of Qin played music as "hitting the fou".

Because there were many poor people in ancient times, many people could not afford to invite a musical instrument team to see off their dead relatives, so they adopted the simple and direct form of "beating the fou" to send their relatives to the ground.

If there are descendants, the eldest son must be the eldest son and the eldest grandson.

It is also of extraordinary significance to let the nephew drop the pot. If the pot is dropped, it means that he has become the filial son and grandson of the deceased.

Therefore, all or most of the property of the deceased should be inherited by the nephew who fell, not to the daughter.

If the family has no descendants, then there will be no one who can "throw the pot" for the deceased, and the deceased cannot leave in peace. This is a huge taboo among the people, and it is extremely regrettable.

Therefore, the ancients would be so obsessed with sons and daughters and the continuation of incense.

Another sacrificial device at funerals is the "mourning stick".

Of course, in the choice of mourning sticks, there are differences between north and south. Bamboo is mostly used in the south, and willow is mostly used in the north.

Cheng Dengji said in "Young Learning Qionglin": "The father's festival is outside, so the stick is taken from bamboo; the mother's festival is inside, so the stick is taken from tung."

Therefore, in the south, traditionally, the father's funeral uses a bamboo stick, and the mother's funeral uses a paulownia stick.

In the north, children and grandchildren often use willow as mourning sticks, which also has special significance.

On the one hand, because "liu" and "stay" are homophonic, it has the meaning of memory and retention;

On the other hand, it also follows the ancient meaning of folding "willow" to say goodbye.

Now, it's the last time to say goodbye.

Everyone staggered up the mountain.

The young men carrying the mourning put the not heavy empty coffin into the pre-dug pit and bury it, and the procedure is over.

Next is the ancestor worship ceremony.

The first rule of ancestor worship is to be quiet and not to make noise, and then there are the ceremonies of "purifying water" and "purifying towel".

The so-called clean water means that there are virgins who bring clean water to those who participate in the ancestor worship, and clean their faces and hands in turn.

A clean towel is naturally a towel to dry your hands.

After "bathing and changing clothes", the next step is to ask for incense candles, and all the staff pay tribute to their ancestors.

After the ceremony, enter the food, and enjoy the three sacrifices
The pig's head is in the center, the chicken is on the left, the fish is on the right, and there are offerings of vegetables and fruits around.

Then there is the reading of the sacrificial text, and everyone salutes again.

Li Bi.

(End of this chapter)

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