Start with a college teacher

Chapter 92 Treasure Hunt

Chapter 92 Treasure Hunt
This meal was very refreshing.

Everyone is very satisfied. After all, in this era, everyone does not have much oil and water in their stomachs. If they can eat a good meal, they can remember it for a long time.

Cousin Shen Longhou's combat effectiveness is the most amazing. Relying on his cousin's hospitality, he can choose his favorite dishes. For this reason, he specially scooped up half a bowl of braised pork for himself.

After eating this bowl of rice, the boy's throat became hoarse.

Shen Guanglin thought it was very novel. He had never heard of such an immediate effect of eating braised pork.

In his day, few people had experienced such a wonderful experience.

The prosperity was over, and the villagers left, leaving a pile of leftovers.

These leftovers are also not easily thrown away. They are collected in several large pots and mixed together. Neighbors will send two bowls to each house, which will not be wasted.

Everyone will not dislike this is leftover food. No one cares about this. Instead, they feel that this kind of leftover food tastes more delicious. If you want to make it specially, you can't make it.

The ancestor worship ceremony ended perfectly, and everyone also recognized the fact that there are "descendants" in Shen's family room.

Uncle Shen Longxian also withstood the "test" set by Shen Guanglin.

Shen Guanglin offered sacrifices on behalf of the family, but the younger uncle did not express any objection. Maybe this was due to feudalism. In his bones, he probably also recognized the rule that the eldest son and grandson should lead the family.

Moreover, this set of ancestral uncles did not show any intention to fight.

This is rare!

With this house, this is not a small benefit.Although it is a clan ancestral hall, my uncle has managed it by default for many years, but he has no money to redeem the right to use it.

Shen Longxian is indeed a person who can "give up" very well.


At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, he "give up" to receive this house, and even got the status of a "poor peasant".

In the past 20 years, the most sought-after status has been "poor and lower-middle peasants".

On the other hand, the luck of the second sister Shen Longfeng was not so good. The family was named a landlord early on, and she received special treatment within a few years.

In the 80s, the most indispensable thing in the village was the homestead.

The foundation stone for the new ancestral hall was laid soon. Shen Guanglin only needed to pay for the materials, and he didn't have to pay a cent for the labor costs. They were all volunteer labor in the village.

Although people in this era are poor, they do not lack enthusiasm for doing things. Everyone works very hard. As long as they can have a full meal, they really do not spare their physical strength.

The ancestral house was obtained, and Shen Guanglin personally went to "confirm the rights". He did not write his own name, but his uncle. Anyway, he was a family, and he could leave it to another "self" in the future.

Shen's ancestral tablet has also been cleaned and stored in a wing, and the official relocation ceremony will be held after the new ancestral hall is completed.

This house is finally vacated!

The next thing to do is to buy household items and repair the damaged house.

After all, the century-old house is in disrepair, and some rooms have already begun to leak.

Until this time, the uncle Shen Longxian, who has always been "high and bright", raised some objections.

It's not an objection either. Seeing how he was about to stop talking, he seemed to have a lot to say, but he didn't know where to start.

"Uncle, if you have something to say, you can say that this house was originally yours. When I filed with the real estate bureau, I already wrote your name. I will not fight for our ancestral property, that is, when we return to our hometown during the New Year's holiday. Just get us a room where we can stay."

This was also Shen Guanglin's original thought. They were a "real family". He never thought about fighting for this property, it was totally unnecessary.

Shen Longxian didn't bother about who the property should belong to, but avoided everyone and prepared to tell Shen Guanglin a secret.

He hesitated for a long time to mention this matter, but he avoided Li Rong and other outsiders, and specifically told Shen Guanglin alone, that is, let him be a staff member.

"Eldest nephew, you know that's not what I meant. In fact, I hid something in our ancestral house. I don't know if it's suitable to take it out. It's been so many years, and I don't know what to do?"

"What are you hiding, Jinwu Zangjiao? It's just a broken house and I haven't seen outsiders living there. My little aunt can't agree, can it? Is it a gold bar? A big yellow croaker or a small yellow croaker? Uncle, you can do it." Shen Guanglin stood up. With a thumbs up, of course he knew that the uncle was hiding something, otherwise how would Shen Houdao get on the road of an antique dealer.

But he was still curious, just wanted to see what the uncle was hiding.

"But it's not as precious as the yellow croaker. If I had the yellow croaker, I wouldn't be able to live like this, but I did hide some good things."

Shen Longxian went to work as an apprentice in the factory as early as the Wang puppet period. When he went to work in their company, he was spurned by others, but everything was for survival. Otherwise, how did the industrial workers in the three eastern provinces come?

After 45 years, Shen Longxian worked in the National Machinery Bureau, he left the production line and became a manager.

Before and after the millions of heroes crossed the river, most of the people who had the ability and background but also sinned against the people ran away. Shen Longxian did not have this level and ability, so he could only take advantage of the chaos to move some items that others despised.

For example, some literati calligraphy and paintings, some decorative ornaments and other worthless junk.

The valuable gold and silver pieces have been cleaned up long ago, and what remains are indeed some worthless "stupid goods" during the war and turmoil.

"Are you afraid that you didn't hand it in at the beginning, and now the country is looking for trouble after the fall?" Shen Guanglin asked his uncle, he knew that this matter has passed, and the country will not pursue it any more.

"Well, there are some reasons for this, and another reason is that I was classified as a poor peasant before I handed it in. Poor peasants cannot own these things, and I am even more afraid.
Shen Longxian said that he didn't want to, and he was also very embarrassed. He really didn't know what to do?
Versailles this match!
"And then save those things until now?"

Shen Guanglin's eyes immediately became brighter. It turned out that the good things that Shen Houdao tinkered with were left over at this stage, and were hidden deep enough.

"Yes, I have been buried there and never dared to take it out."

If it weren't for Shen Guanglin to renovate the house, it is estimated that these things will be put away for a few more years, until the policy is more relaxed, the house is demolished and expropriated, and Shen Houdao is an adult.

"Let's talk about it, what good things do you have?" Shen Guanglin was full of expectations.

At the end of the 90s, after he was born, all the good things in the family had been sold out. The family was rich, but it seemed that there was no foundation.

"That is, some old books, calligraphy and paintings, etc. I can't move or keep the big ones. There used to be a sandalwood carved flower screen, but it was beautiful, but unfortunately it was burned in the end," said at the time. It's rot, it's dross."

This incident was moved by Shen Longxian himself and destroyed. He was very impressed and felt very sorry in his heart.

"You didn't think about rescuing it? It's a pity!" Shen Guanglin felt a pity when he thought about it, how much would it be worth in 2020?

"I thought about saving it again, but there was no way. At that time, because I moved this screen, people thought I was selfless enough, so they let me manage the warehouse. I did steal some things and hid them in our old house. ."

Can you still do this?

The standard tutorial for guarding yourselves, 666!
How can such things like treasure hunting wait until the next day, Shen Guanglin can't wait, he can't wait for a moment.

He quickly asked his uncle to take him to see the family's "collection".

The big mansion with three entrances, the usable area is really not small.

Entering a room casually, Shen Longxian took out his pick and digged on the ground.

The top layer is a layer of blue bricks. After prying open the bricks, there is a layer of floating soil below, and then a layer of wooden boards. When the wooden boards are uncovered, there are some straws, and then some wooden boxes.

Books and paintings are placed in wooden boxes.

(End of this chapter)

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