Start with a college teacher

Chapter 912 Suffocation

This flashlight from Oriental Huaxia Great Wall Group really surprised everyone.

This should not be a product of that country.

It wasn't until everyone heard that Great Wall Group was actually a Xiangjiang company, and its roots were still under the protection of the Queen of England, did they take it for granted.

Even South Africa has world-leading technology, but this has been broken after the black brothers came to power.

Everyone didn't care about the gift from Professor Shen at first, they just thought it was more exquisite.

Almost everyone thought that the super battery that Professor Shen said was just a joke.

However, after they really took it back, there were always some people who really tried it.

If you don’t try, you won’t know, and if you try, you will be shocked.

The flashlight was on all night, and it was still on when I woke up the next morning, and the brightness did not decrease.

This guy has a longer battery life than the Queen of England.

In fact, there is another flashlight in the pre-sale list of the Great Wall Group. It does not need to be charged at all. Its two sides are embedded with solar cells, which can be charged under the sun. is attractive.

Unlike everyone who just regards this flashlight as a toy, Motorola's Carter didn't sleep well all night.

The more they test, the more frightened they become.

As far as this battery is concerned, both the battery capacity and the charging and discharging speed are much faster than our own Ni-MH batteries.

Even, it has exceeded the theoretical limit of Ni-MH batteries, which is simply impossible.

However, the technicians also speculated: this should not be a nickel-metal hydride battery, maybe it is a lithium battery. Only lithium batteries can have such good data performance.

"Lithium batteries? Have they solved the explosion problem?"

In fact, Motorola also has a research and development department for lithium batteries, but everyone is not optimistic about this substance, which is too dangerous.

"I don't know, it will take a longer time to test, even a test cycle of several months or more than half a year."

However, Carter couldn't wait for a few months or half a year, and he couldn't even wait for a day.

As great as Professor Shen, isn't it true that lithium batteries are easy to explode, or has it solved this problem?
Otherwise, it is better to ask Professor Shen directly tomorrow, not only how he solved the problem of the explosion, but also what kind of cooperation he wants to promote.

Otherwise, they are so good, why come to Chicago, here is an economic and financial center, but not an academic center.Compared with other schools, Northwestern University does not have an advantage.

It was very late at night, and Carter still forced himself to sleep for a while, but he still got up before dawn.

People don't get sleepy when they have something on their minds. It's a long way from Motorola's headquarters to the hotel where Shen Guanglin is staying. It's more than an hour's drive on the road.

But even though Carter didn't sleep much at night, he arrived safely.

At this point in time, even the waiters in the hotel haven't changed shifts yet, let alone whether Professor Shen has gotten up yet.

Arriving at the hotel early, Carter felt a little relaxed, so let's take a nap in the hotel lobby.

However, it was already ten o'clock in the morning when Carter woke up again.

It's over!Professor Shen won't go out to socialize!Are you still waiting to see him in the past?

If this super battery is given by others first, the conditions will be difficult to discuss. What should I do?

When Carter got up, Shen Guanglin's security personnel were also resting in the lobby, and they were also on shift.

Carter hurriedly asked the guard: "Has Professor Shen gone out?"

Of course the bodyguard knew that this Mr. Carter had come here since before dawn, and also knew that he was a sponsor of Motorola, so he was more polite.

"Professor Shen didn't get up. He is too tired these days and has accumulated too much fatigue. The doctor said that he has a little fever, so he needs to stay in bed."

That's good, that's good.

Immediately, Carter came to his senses. Isn't there another lecture today? This is the last tiebreaker. If Professor Shen can't attend, what should I do if the on-site performance is not good?
With the foundation laid by Professor Shen, his students took the place of the last speech. No matter how bad the performance was, it still fulfilled the expectation.

The truth is this, but Carter is still a little uneasy.

What if someone scolds Professor Shen deliberately for not working hard?
What else can I do?Let them go, Professor Shen didn't eat their rice.

After all, there are keyboard warriors in every era, not just women's basketball.

In this way, until the beginning of the lecture, Professor Shen really did not show up.

Today's speech will be played by a student of Professor Shen on behalf of the teacher.

However, in this case, the people who wanted to see Professor Shen were really disappointed. Some even turned their heads and left, while others stayed and wanted to see if there were any new tricks today.

The reporters of the technology media are heavily paid, and they cannot leave.

Today is the last lecture, and of course there are new tricks, and they are carefully designed.

The on-site host was a classmate surnamed Pan.

With Professor Shen's expedition, it is no longer the "animal series". Blind wave.

Student Pan, whose real name is Pan Zhongdan, is a very smart and flamboyant male student, suitable for such an occasion.

After a hot DJ dance, classmate Pan Zhongdan jumped onto the stage wearing his underpants.

I don't know, I thought it was Michael Jackson.

"Gentlemen and ladies at the scene, have you felt the power of the super battery?"

The feeling is felt, it is really strong, one section is stronger than six sections.

But what is the use of it? Even with ordinary batteries, we can walk at night without being afraid of the dark.

And, they're more concerned with the light bulb than with the superbattery.

This is the first time they have seen this kind of light bulb. The brightness is bright enough, the light-gathering ability is also very good, and it does not generate heat. If this kind of light is used for home lighting, will the home environment be improved to a higher level?

This is an LED light. This product is really good, but the press conference on LED lights has already been held. This is not the focus of today. The focus of today is still the super battery.

The reporters of the technology media already have a draft. If there is no new content in today's speech, they will focus on the LED lights.

In fact, the focus of today's lecture is not super batteries, but something else.

"Do you want to know that there are more magical applications about super batteries?"

Student Pan yelled loudly, and the DJ on the spot was also playing appropriate music to adjust the atmosphere: "The wind is roaring, the horses are roaring, the Yellow River is roaring, the Yellow River is roaring"

Many people didn't understand what kind of music it was, but felt that it was particularly refreshing. Driven by Pan, they responded loudly:


"Okay, then let's count down by tens, ten, nine, eight, seven,"

When the count reached zero, the live music stopped abruptly, and suddenly became quiet. At this time, several large characters appeared on the screen:
"Let's suffocate our dreams together."

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