Start with a college teacher

Chapter 913 Backstab

"Let's suffocate our dreams together."

Carter wondered how their super battery could make people suffocate their dreams.

However, when the screen was turned on again, the words on it had been changed, and it read: Let us welcome the next new era.

At this time, classmate Pan began to ask everyone, "Does everyone like to play games?"

There were mixed hands at the scene.

Pan Zhongdan continued to ask, "Have you ever played games?"

Needless to say, even if you don't like it, it's normal to play games as a kind of entertainment.

"Do you still remember that my mentor, the great Professor Shen Guanglin, invented a game that became popular all over the world?"

Everyone is confused, Professor Shen has done such a thing?
Many people are puzzled, and it is still popular all over the world, at least I have never played it.

Classmate Pan didn't care about the reaction of everyone in the audience, but continued to follow the process.

I saw him turn around and point to the big screen. At this time, a frame appeared on the big screen behind him, and the building blocks of various shapes fell down inside, and they would be eliminated in a row. The falling speed of the building blocks ranged from slow to fast. Points are also gradually rising.

"Do you know what game this is?"

There were indeed people who knew about it at the scene, and a small group of people shouted proudly and loudly, "Shen Fangkuai!"

However, more people have indeed seen this game, but do not know who invented it.

Now, they know that it was Professor Shen Guanglin who invented it!
Eyes opened today.

"Many people may know that Pingguo Company has a gameboy, which integrates this game. Currently, Mr. Alex's company is the agent of Pingguo Company's leisure and entertainment products."

Classmate Pan took out a gameboy and said that this best-selling little guy was produced by us.

At the right time, Alex also stood up and said hello to everyone.

The spotlights on the scene flickered immediately. Perhaps tomorrow, every technology media will have his photo on the headlines.

All the money has been spent, so they can't help but do things.

Cube games are fun, but that has nothing to do with super batteries.

Is it just to extend the battery life of the gameboy?

"Everyone, don't worry, this is just the first stage, let's move on to the second stage."

There was another burst of music, and the curtain ended with the music, which was the beginning of the second session.

"Do you have the habit of recording your friends' mailing addresses and contact information?"

"Of course there is!"

Classmate Pan also knew that they had.

Therefore, an address book was displayed on the big screen. It was handwritten. Although it was broken, the handwriting was still clear. However, in the column of the phone number, the last number was rotten.

"We have a saying in China, which is: Cars and horses are slow, letters are far away, and there is only enough to love one person in a lifetime.

Now, there is a phone, and it is convenient to contact. However, if the phone book has passed through the years and the phone numbers recorded are incomplete, when you want to contact the lovers and friends in the past, you may leave regrets. "

Really people have this kind of experience, for example, the address book is lost, for example, the laundry is soaked in water.

"Now, if everyone has an electronic address book, and it is the kind that can store a lot and for a long time, all these unpleasantnesses are no longer a hindrance."

After classmate Pan finished speaking, it was like raining on the big screen. Rows of contact information fell from the top surface, piled up into a page, turned over, and there were rows again.

As the subtitles fell, there was also fast-paced music: "Xiong Jiu, cross the Yalu River with high spirits."

I have to say that this special effect is well done, and a chicken leg should be added to the behind-the-scenes staff.

This kind of electronic address book is very good, but what can it show?Everyone is puzzled.

"This is only the second stage, everyone, don't worry, now, let's enter the third stage!"

The big screen changed again and again, and the live music also stopped.

"Have you called yet?"

Cut, of course I did.Many people showed disdain.

Probably, you are the only ones in Huaxia who haven't made a phone call, boy, may I let you see what the phone looks like, my phone is very long.

Classmate Pan ignored the provocations of those people and continued to follow his own pace.

"Many people may have a phone at home, but have you ever made a mobile phone call?"

The greeting has been upgraded. At this time, only some people can respond to Pan's question.

Yes is yes, no is no.

After all, even in Citigroup, mobile phones are expensive, not only for equipment, but also for service fees.

As expected of a big dog, one-third of the people at the scene said they had a mobile phone.

"Does the mobile phone work?"

"Of course it works!" Some people replied proudly, "That's the smell of money."

"Is it really useful?"

Of course, it can move after all.

"Actually, I don't think it's easy to use at all!" Student Pan suddenly increased the volume, "How can such a bulky mobile phone be easy to use? Take a mobile phone out and prepare a handbag for it , What is this convenient, this is convenient for the robbers."

The audience burst into laughter.

Indeed, those who can use mobile phones are rich people, who can robbers rob if they don't rob them.

"Have you ever imagined a mobile phone that can be carried in your pocket?"

How big is that pocket?Today's mobile phones can also be placed in pockets, and even some windbreakers are specially designed with such pockets.

"Does anyone smoke?" Pan asked another question.

"I don't smoke, I smoke big mama!" Someone rushed to answer.

People around laughed together.

In Citigroup, there are indeed some people who feel that cigarettes are not exciting enough, and then smoke mama.

However, Pan turned a blind eye to this kind of intentional sabotage, but continued with his own topic.

"If there is a mobile phone that is as big as a cigarette box, it can store a phone book, play games, and have a caller ID function, would everyone want to have it?"

"This is impossible!"

"If there is such a product, I will definitely use it, no matter how expensive it is."

"Think about it, everyone. If there is such a product, will it consume a lot of power? If you still use it for 10 minutes and charge it for two hours, will your experience be good?"

Everyone understands, after all, aren't you trying to promote your super battery?

Boy, you win, I believe super batteries are useful, hurry up and let the tech companies make that phone you say.

"I have a mobile phone here. I wonder if it can meet everyone's expectations?"

At this time, Pan Zhongdan stopped hiding, and he took out the finished product that the Great Wall Group had made a long time ago.

He saw a small and exquisite mobile phone appearing in his hand.

At the same time, a detailed picture of the mobile phone was displayed on the big screen.

Wow!What he said turned out to be true.

"Do you want to experience it?"

"miss you!"

Everyone was looking forward to it, only Carter felt like a backstab.

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