Since Motorola is one of the main sponsors of this lecture, Carter naturally also got a prototype from Great Wall Group for everyone to experience.

It is indeed very delicate and small, but it is the same size as a cigarette case.

The upper part of the mobile phone is a large screen, and the lower part is the keyboard.

It's not like a mobile phone at all, it's more like a gameboy.

The keyboard is exquisitely made, and it also has a luminous function, and when the button is pressed, there is a music button echo.

The system design is also very sophisticated and mature, and there is also a lock screen button. After clicking it, there are two modes, day and night.

Then I turned the page, and there was a game in it.

Moreover, it has not only the "sinking cube" that the boy mentioned, but also two other games, such as snake eating and bouncing the ball.

Carter didn't click on the game, but on the address book.

The address book is numbered and can store 256. There are several phone numbers pre-stored in it, which are the phone numbers of Great Wall Group's offices and dealers in Citigroup, including Alex's company.

For some reason, Carter accidentally pressed the dial button.

Really dialed.

The other party was a gentle female voice: "Welcome to call Pingguo Company, please press 1 for inquiries and orders for handheld game consoles, press 2 for home computers, press 3 for mobile phones, and press 4 for manual services."

Carter quickly hung up the phone!

Others don't know, but he knows how difficult it is to realize automatic answering.

How did they do that!
This kind of automatic answering of calls, this kind of function of division, is clearly the function of the phone router that Motorola is researching, but they haven't developed it yet, and they have already incorporated it into the application?
This is not a pre-set recording, is it?
Carter didn't believe in evil, and dialed his home phone number again.

After a while of waiting tone, someone answered soon.

There is also a gentle and familiar female voice on the opposite side: "hello?"

"Alice, it's me, Carter."

Since Carter is an executive of Motorola, his wife Alice can quietly be a full-time wife. Anyway, she is not short of money. Her job is to take care of their three children at home.

"Oh, my dear, what's the matter? Didn't you say that I can't call you during working hours?" Alice was a little confused on the other end of the phone. Carter didn't come back yesterday. Is there something to call today? .

"It's okay, I just miss you, dear." Carter replied smoothly.

"Damn, I miss you too, come back early today, don't work overtime, I will make my favorite Boston lobster"

After chatting a few words and hanging up the phone, Carter's mood became even more restless.

Enemy!This is a strong enemy!
Just ask, who wouldn't want to own such a mobile phone?
Moreover, he thought that Professor Shen distributed the flashlight to use the battery to attract his attention.

My attention was indeed attracted by the battery, but it was obvious that the battery used in this mobile phone was not the cylindrical battery at all.

The light thickness is wrong!

Therefore, their purpose may not be here at all!
This is careless, there is no flash.

Professor Shen doesn't talk about martial arts.

I originally thought that they just wanted to show off the battery with superior performance, but now it seems that it is not at all, they want to overthrow the entire Motorola!

Professor Shen didn't show up at today's lecture, is he waiting to see his jokes?

Calm down, you have to be calm.

The more important things happen, the more you can't mess up your sense of propriety.

Carter found the staff with difficulty and elegance, and asked if he could take this mobile phone back?
When the staff heard that Carter was an executive of Motorola, they didn't make it difficult, "Yes, this mobile phone is given to you as a gift, but you need to go to the mobile communication company, which is the Motorola company where you work, to register. your personal information."

It was a mouthful, but Carter understood.

However, Carter was also confused.

You know, Motorola not only produces mobile phones, but also produces servers, and they are even the operators of mobile communication companies.

One thing he couldn't figure out was how did their mobile phone get connected to the Internet?
What is the mobile communication department doing?Why didn't you give feedback on such important information earlier?

How does this phone, which is already in normal use, access their company intranet?

How to obtain a network access permit?What about internal identification numbers?
Carter wanted to know very much.

After arriving at the headquarters, the technicians inquired about the background data and quickly gave him the answer, "They first used our mobile phone to register with the system, and then simulated our digital serial number to access the network."

Yes, it's that simple.

In other words, in order to obtain a network access license, each Great Wall mobile phone corresponds to a Motorola mobile phone, and they have simulated the entire set of data.

Carter is not a legal department, so I don't know if this is an infringement. It's a bit of a car modification, just changing a bicycle into a Ferrari.

However, you can simulate a mobile phone number, what about the serial number, and how to obtain the network access permission?What about the communication protocol?
The conclusion is: they use the same serial number.

In fact, this method was also thought of by Shen Guanglin.

In later generations, the telecommunications system of the Three Kingdoms was quite unsound, and many counterfeit phones passed down in China used the same serial number.

As a result, the Three Kingdoms forcibly opposed China. When they were banning, sometimes banning a serial number can make many mobile phones offline at the same time.

Now is not the time to worry about these things, if there are any secrets, let's take them out at once.

"Disassemble, quickly, quickly disassemble! See how their mobile phone is different from the one we are studying!"

Carter has also paid attention to the latest prototype made by Motorola's own laboratory. With conscience, these functions of Great Wall Company cannot be realized. This intuitive gap is simply overwhelming.

The technician stopped talking and started to do further disassembly.

"So many difficulties, so many technical barriers, how did they overcome them, how did they realize it? Why didn't there be any warning in advance?"

Curled up deeply on the sofa, Carter was talking to himself.

At this time, a colleague answered the call:

"The LED lights they made didn't have any warnings beforehand. It has been more than a year since the press conference, and so far no one has been able to imitate them."

"Ah, is there such a thing?" It's not something in the field of communication, and many people don't care.

"Of course, Great Wall Group's LED is simply a revolution in the industry. Everyone thinks that in the next five years or so, Great Wall Group will monopolize the entire lighting industry. Now some consortiums have begun lobbying for Congress to legislate and abolish LED patents. Woolen cloth."

"Shameless!" Carter is a person who attaches great importance to patents. If other companies infringe on motorcycle patents, he will be very angry.

"Perhaps, the situation we are facing now is the situation facing the lighting industry." Colleagues sighed.

"Impossible. We still have so many patents. I think their mobile devices have actually constituted infringement in many aspects."

Carter is still confident about this, and the big deal is a lawsuit.

"Yes, maybe this is the opportunity Great Wall Group left us."

"What chance?" Carter asked subconsciously.

"It's a chance to negotiate. Otherwise, why would they come to Chicago for a new product launch?"

Both of them were silent, which may be the truth.

After a long time, Carter said to himself: "Perhaps Motorola is no longer the most advanced communication company in the world."

"Because Professor Shen is a genius."


"Everyone says that Professor Shen Guanglin from China is a genius, a genius like Da Vinci. Neither Einstein nor Edison can be compared with him."

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