Start with a college teacher

Chapter 915 Cooperation

The process of dismantling the mobile phone was not smooth.

Shen Guanglin already expected that someone would disassemble the prototype after getting it, so he packaged the entire chip in one piece and carried out anti-theft treatment.

Not letting the battery explode is already an act of mercy.

It is still in the initial stage of mobile communication, and Shen Guanglin has not followed the path of MediaTek, after all, it has not yet reached that time.

When MediaTek's integrated chip came out, the price of mobile phones plummeted, and the feature phones were made like cabbage, directly knocking down Nokia and Motorola.

You can't do that now, it's not time to flip the table yet.

When I start to make smart phones in the future, there will be another industry revolution.

This time, in order to "prevent theft" and prevent technology leaks, Shen Guanglin still asked people to repackage various functional modules.

The purpose of packaging is to better protect the circuit board on the one hand, but in fact it is more to prevent others from disassembling.

Sure enough, during the dismantling process, Motorola broke the mobile phone. So far, they have not analyzed the purpose of those functional modules.

However, they are not without complete harvest. At least, they have obtained the battery parameters of the mobile phone. It is not a cylindrical battery, but a square battery specially used for mobile phones.

Others are coming prepared

After getting the first-hand data, Carter felt powerless.

The next step is to urgently hold a meeting among the top management of the entire motorcycle company.

The current decision cannot be made by Carter alone.

Everyone first watched the video of the live lecture, and they were amazed. This is not a lecture, it is clearly a new product launch conference!

The hateful thing is that this press conference was sponsored by his own company.

The Great Wall Group must have harbored evil intentions.

Look at the reporters in the audience, all the technology media from Citigroup are here, and their fees are much higher than those sponsored by motorcycle companies.

Next, everyone collectively reviewed the report issued by the technical department.

The mobile phone has been disassembled, and the more core technology is temporarily invisible to everyone, but through the parts that can be seen, some conclusions can be clearly drawn.

The technical content of this mobile communication device is very high, so high that the new generation of products that Motorola is developing, the technology used in it is not as good as this.

Then what are you doing idle, rush to register the patent.

There is no use at all, the Great Wall Group is the legendary patent troll.

Even without their mobile communication equipment, the patents cannot be registered by motorcycle companies.

"The new generation of servers developed by our company has several technologies that are in dispute with the patents they applied for. This has been repeatedly verified by the R&D department."

What, they are even working on the server?

Carter thought about the call he made that was automatically answered, but he didn't bring it up in the high-level meeting.

Otherwise, it will only increase troubles in vain.

After everyone's discussion, some conclusions have been drawn. Great Wall Company is a very strange company. Their pursuit of patents is extremely pathological. That is to say, even if they do not intend to produce a certain product, their patents have long been at the forefront. .

"Yes, many companies even thought of developing this technology because they read their patent documents."

The meeting's conclusions were hopeless.

Then what kind of meeting is there? Let's talk first and see what they want. If it's not too much, they can agree.

One thing does not bother two masters, since Carter has contacts with the Great Wall Group and Professor Shen, it is better for you to go.

Within the motorcycle company, this matter has temporarily come to an end.

The next day, when Carter came back to the hotel, Professor Shen was in much better health and was eating pizza in the restaurant.

Chicago's thick pizza is still very famous, and those who come to travel must enjoy this delicacy.

Seeing Carter coming, Shen Guanglin carefully ordered one for him.

"Come on, Mr. Carter, thank you for sponsoring my lecture. Without your support, we would not be able to achieve such a good result."

Shen Guanglin's thanks were extremely sincere, and he spoke like a spring breeze.

It's just that Carter didn't feel warm because of it.

"Professor Shen is the most famous scientist in the world. No matter where you go, everyone will welcome you. How could your speech not be effective?"

What Carter said was neither yin nor yang, and some words were insincere.

"That's different. No matter how effective the previous lectures were, there wasn't so much media coverage." After Shen Guanglin finished speaking, he was fiddling with some newspapers and magazines.

Carter took a cursory glance and saw that they were all well-known technology magazines.

"An Invention Across the Ages"

"Masterpiece of Subversive Era"

"Oriental companies are about to dominate the world"

In short, the titles are more powerful one by one, and the content is more exaggerated than the other.

However, Shen likes such flattery. He thinks what they are telling is the truth, not exaggerating at all.

"Professor Shen, please make a price, the group has authorized me." Carter suddenly said this

"What?" Shen Guanglin didn't understand.

"I said, about mobile communication equipment, can you make a price? Patent licensing or buyout, you are not coming to Chicago just to visit Northwestern University, right?"

"Of course not. I'm a Jordan fan. I came to watch him play. They're about to set a record."

"Let's stop beating around the bush, okay? I'm here with sincerity." Carter spoke very directly.

Shen Guanglin smiled, "Why can't we make such a promising product by ourselves? We must authorize it to your company."

At this time, Carter had no choice but to start playing rogue, "Because this is Citigroup, and you are still using our serial number, which also violates our patent. If you really want, we can let you sell all of your communication equipment." stay home."

Of course, Carter's words were harsh.

A patent is actually a fig leaf, and everyone can infringe on it, at worst, a protracted lawsuit will do.

Alex is even gearing up for a lawsuit.

However, Professor Shen Guanglin agreed lightly to what Carter had never thought of.

"I agree to cooperate."

"Why?" Carter is the one who is puzzled now. It is you who have the upper hand. Moreover, the relationship between Huaxia and Citigroup is now in the honeymoon period. It is difficult for motorcycle companies to get support for Huaxia. Those lighting companies are examples.

What Carter didn't know was that it might take less than half a year before the relationship between the two countries would drop to a freezing point.

Shen Guanglin didn't intend to elaborate on this matter, but said casually: "The Great Wall Group can make money in too many directions, and the mobile communication field is only a very marginal industry of the Great Wall Group.

Presumably you also know that we have made some small achievements in the field of biopharmaceuticals and in the field of lighting.

So, there may be a market in the field of mobile communications, but it's not that important.

It is also very simple to cooperate. Everyone shares patents. Your patents in the field of mobile communications and base stations are disclosed to Great Wall. Correspondingly, our patents can also be licensed to you for free. "

"that is it?"

Carter quickly thought about the pros and cons. In fact, this is a good thing. Combination brings benefits, while separation brings harm.

It's just that the patents of the motorcycle company are obviously more than those of the Great Wall Group, which is unfair.

However, Shen Guanglin directly overwhelmed Carter's psychological defense with another sentence.

"I know what you want to say. Fairness and unfairness are only relative. I can promise you that in the next 20 years, our mobile communication equipment will not enter the North American market, whether it is the mobile terminal or the server routing market. Yes. Whether or not your equipment should go to China depends on your own decision."

"Huh? Really?"

"Of course! But in the markets of other countries, we compete fairly."

What a surprise!
Also afraid that Shen Guanglin would go back on his word, Carter immediately said, "Deal!"

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