Start with a college teacher

Chapter 916 Strategy

In 1949, Mr. Zhang led a team to Beiping to participate in the negotiations. After arduous efforts, an armistice agreement was finally obtained.

As a result, the Jinling side read it and said, "Wenbai is incompetent, loses power and humiliates the country."

As everyone knows, that was already the best result.

The next three days will be to cross the river, and it is better to chase the poor and the poor to the end. Wouldn't it be even more sad for Chang Kaishen to become the owner of the fraudulent island?

Now, everyone feels that in future business negotiations, we should try our best not to let Professor Shen come forward to preside over them. It is too easy to retreat and compromise. This is not a negotiation, it is simply a loss of power and humiliation to the country.

In order to show his understatement, Professor Shen ended up sending out all the interests of the Great Wall Group.

Shen Guanglin smiled and didn't explain much.

You are short-sighted when you look at it that way.

However, the entire Great Wall Group is Shen's company, only when he doesn't want to participate, when no one else can force him.

In fact, they don't understand Professor Shen's good intentions.

Don't be dazzled by the media's touting. The technical advantages of the Great Wall Group are not as strong as they are displayed.

Many technologies are actually a piece of window paper, and some are "old technologies" that have been developed by others, but they just didn't expect to be used here.

Being able to obtain the patent authorization of mobile communication equipment and mobile base stations, the purpose of going abroad to Chicago this time has been achieved.

The hearts of the people are not enough to swallow the elephant, but the harvest this time is enough, basically clearing away the obstacles for the Great Wall Group to continue to develop in this field, which is already very good.

Now the country is about to change, and it is almost impossible to have such an opportunity in the future.

People need to know how to be content.

You know, even though Citigroup is the largest capitalist country, even if they claim to be a beacon of freedom, democracy and equality, in fact, all of this is nonsense, whoever believes it is stupid.

These people can't understand how deep the water in Citigroup's mobile communications market is.

But Shen Guanglin knew very well that the Great Wall Group would not be able to set foot in it. It was meaningless if the scale was small. If the scale was large and the development was fast, it would be the first bird.

This is the experience and lessons learned by a certain flower company in later generations with blood and tears.

Therefore, no matter how advanced the Great Wall Group's mobile communication technology is and how excellent the products it manufactures, they will always find various reasons to keep it out.

That being the case, it is better to be generous from the beginning and tell our partners that we will not enter this market, so as to save you from worrying.

The Great Wall Group has always kept its word.

Mobile communication equipment is not required to enter, but other electronic products are allowed.

Wouldn't it be better to use the saved energy in Fuso and Europe, where they can compete with companies such as Motorola and Nokia?

At this stage, it is enough to be able to obtain GSM technology and these patent authorizations.

This has saved China's telecommunications industry from many detours.

With these technologies, the Great Wall Group can safely develop its own server and routing system. This is the path taken by Huahua Company in the previous life, and it has been proved to be feasible.

It's already like this, can I get more?
Of course!
Motorola is not a barbaric and unreasonable company. They feel very ashamed when they heard that Professor Shen is so understanding and friendly.

Therefore, in order to have a better partner, they took the initiative to ask: "Is the Great Wall Group still operating the OEM business?"

"Of course, OEM is an important way for Great Wall Group to make profits, and they started their business by relying on this.

To provide partners with better services has always been the goal and corporate vision of Great Wall Group. "

Since this is the case, it is simple. The motorcycle company proposed: can we ask the Great Wall Group to help us manufacture the next generation of mobile communication equipment?
They also said that the profit may not be too high, but we will not make it difficult for our partners.

of course can!

In real history, motorcycle companies were, after all, the only second largest supplier of mobile communication equipment in the world, and their status at that time was comparable to that of Apple later.

Therefore, OEM for Motorola is a good business that can last for many years.

As for how many years this business can last, it all depends on when Shen Guanglin wants to turn the tables.

After all, MediaTek's road is ahead, and someone Shen can end the era of feature phones at any time.

At this stage, since Motorola is a partner, we offer preferential prices for our batteries, and everyone can benefit from each other.

In this way, the framework of cooperation between the two sides was determined.

As for the details of the negotiation, I will leave it to the people below to discuss. Professor Shen is not in good health, so he needs to rest more.

As for the deadline for the negotiations, Shen Guanglin also gave a time point, everything must be negotiated within one month.

Time is running out, the longer the delay, the more variables there will be. He doesn't know what kind of news will come one day.

These days, people are in Citigroup and their hearts are in China. Shen Guanglin is also always paying attention to domestic news.

My sister is in the capital, and there is no special news recently.

No news is good news!
In fact, my sister also sent her good news that their real estate company finally had something to do.

On the same day that BASF's oil refining equipment arrived in Beijing, the Beijing government really gave her a piece of land for commercial development based on the principle of reciprocity.

This piece of land is not big, only tens of acres, just for my sister to practice.

The Beijing government said that if the Great Wall Group is willing to build a skyscraper in the capital, the land can be chosen by him.

As long as it is not Zhongnanhai in the Forbidden City, other locations are easy to discuss, even if you choose the city government, there is no problem.

However, Shen Guanglin has no idea of ​​building large-scale projects for the time being.

Since everyone reached a cooperation agreement and became friends, Motorola also invited Professor Shen Guanglin to visit their laboratory.

Really good, advanced, and fun.

During the visit, Shen Guanglin also put forward some small suggestions, which were all beneficial and inexpensive, but everyone thought it made sense after hearing it. As expected of Professor Shen, he has a very keen sense of touch.

For a while, the host and guest enjoyed themselves, and the only one who was unhappy was Alex.

The speech is over, everyone is a winner, the only one who is not happy is Alex.

You know, in order to welcome this new cross-age product, they almost even have a team of lawyers ready, isn’t it just an infringement lawsuit, just fight with them, if you have money, we are not afraid of them!
Alex's company has made a lot of money representing Apple game consoles over the years, otherwise how could it possibly beat Nintendo in the North American market.

Strength is reflected in sales volume.

However, it is the Great Wall Group's strategy not to enter the North American mobile communication market. If Alex has any objections, we will pay for how much you spent on this speech.

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