What a dilapidated building!
This is even worse than the Tongzilou in Shanghai.

The Tongzilou in Shanghai is old, but not dirty.

In Shanghai, every house has its own sanitation area. Although it is very crowded, everyone keeps it clean.

It's different here, the ground is full of rubbish, the sewage is flowing, the walls are full of graffiti, and the words are all swear words, some beginning with F and some beginning with S.

Xiaotian, how can you live in such a place!

Classmate Pan is just a frail scholar, not a very courageous person.

Without Smith, without the two bodyguards sent by Professor Shen, he would never have dared to stop in such a place.

The eyes of those black faces all around are horrible.

After checking the address, Pan knocked on the door for a long time, but no one answered.

Ask Smith for advice, what to do next?
Of course, Smith had no opinion. Pan was the VIP of Alex's company, and everything was based on his opinion.

Then just wait.

Come here, if you don't see your old classmates, he won't give up.

It didn't matter if we waited until it was dark, and there was no one in sight.

In just one or two hours, there were several waves of black guys with malicious intentions who were going to make some money and spend it.

However, they retreated when they saw the rough security guards with guns.

They may also have controlled weapons, but they are certainly not as good as these professionals.

In the darkness, a Miaoman figure slowly walked over.

Probably because she saw several figures at the door of her house, she was frightened.

However, this is her home after all, if she doesn't live here, where can she live.

"Xiao Tian?"

Classmate Pan looked at the figure who dared not move forward, and shouted presumptuously.

"Pan Zhongdan?"

The girl really responded, it was that haunting voice!

When old classmates meet, it is natural to remember the past.

While talking, student Zhang opened the door.

Although the outside is dilapidated, the situation inside is much better than what Pan student thought.

Zhang lives in a spacious home with a living room and a balcony. The living conditions don't seem to be that bad, it's just that he lives in a slum.

Probably, there are also rich people in the slums.

However, when he was looking around, classmate Pan saw a large photo hanging on the wall.

It was a group photo of a man and a woman, full body.

The man's height is not too high, his facial features are half correct, and his age is a bit too old, and that woman is clearly Zhang Xiaotian!
Seeming to have noticed classmate Pan's gaze, Zhang Xiaotian forced a smile, "You can tell, I'm actually married."

"Here," Classmate Pan didn't know whether to be happy for her or sad for himself: "Is he treating you well? Are you happy?"

"Life, what's the matter? He is very nice. He opened a logistics company and took good care of me." After saying these words, Zhang Xiaotian went to clean up the clothes on the sofa, "The house is a bit messy, don't mind, sit down , I'll get you a glass of water."

However, in that pile of messy clothes, there were men and women, which made Pan's body even more rigid.

She had indeed married another man.

"I won't sit down anymore. My friend is still waiting outside. I'll go back now. You, as long as you live a happy life." Classmate Pan was ready to leave, looking for a place to lick the wound.

"Okay, I won't see you off. My wife has encountered some troubles recently. I really didn't treat her well and neglected her."

Zhang's expression was very tired and a little lonely, which made people feel distressed.

At this time, classmate Pan didn't want to leave.

"Xiaotian, since old classmates meet, we must have a meal together. It's not easy in a foreign country. Don't worry, I brought money."

After finishing speaking, classmate Pan also took out the stack of dollar bills, which was so thick.

Zhang Xiaotian said quickly, "Hurry up and put it away, this is a slum, seeing that you have so much money on you, there is no way you will be in danger."

However, since old classmates meet, let's have a meal together. It is really not easy to meet old classmates in a foreign country, and the two of them had some affection in high school, and said some silly things about meeting forever.

how far is Forever?
Classmate Pan originally thought that it was as far away as Huaxia to Citigroup.

Now it seems that forever is forever.

The place to eat was not in Brooklyn. After getting in the car, Smith took them to a Chinese restaurant near Marriott.

"You Chinese people like to eat Chinese food the most, right? This is the most authentic Chinese restaurant in New York. It must be suitable for you."

Classmate Pan doesn't understand the market, but Classmate Zhang still knows, "It's too expensive here, let's go to another place."

"No, Mr. Pan's consumption will be paid by Alex Company." Smith winked at Pan Zhongdan with a smile on his lips.

"Since we're all here, let's go. As you can see, I have money." At this time, classmate Pan had no choice but to bite the bullet and come in. The cost here cannot exceed 3000 US dollars, right? Smith didn't It is necessary to pit yourself.

Since Alex's company pays the bill, the meals are naturally arranged by Smith, and all the signature dishes will be served.

In fact, Smith didn't eat much Chinese food, so he didn't want to let it go when he had a rare opportunity to be reimbursed by the company.

"It's really our company paying the bill. If you don't believe me, you can ask Professor Shen."

Classmate Pan believed it.

The teacher's face is bigger than the sky.

"Pan Zhongdan, are you okay?" At this moment, classmate Zhang Xiaotian remembered that it was time to ask about the situation of his old classmate.

"I'm fine. Do you know that my mentor is Professor Shen Guanglin. I am very happy under his staff. Although we have worked a lot of overtime, we have achieved a lot. When I came to Citigroup this time, the teacher thinks that I have performed well. Very good, rewarded in one breath."

Classmate Pan was about to talk, only then did he realize that Xiaotian didn't seem to be in a good mood, and he should take care of her mood.

"What's the matter with your husband, can I help you?"

"No need, there is just a bad woman who came from China. She fell in love with my old Liu's money and did a fairy dance. Then my old Liu drank too much and ended up jumping in." Speaking of this, Zhang Xiaotian started Gritting teeth.

Classmate Pan was also dumbfounded. Is this still the Zhang Xiaotian in my mind who looks like a fairy while holding a glass of boiled water?

"Your wife's surname is Liu? Then what are you going to do next?" Pan was very concerned, and even felt that if he could help, he might have some chances.

"What else can I do? Let's go to court. Today I went out to find a lawyer for a day. You know, there are no good lawyers in Brooklyn, and the asking price is too expensive." Zhang classmate was tired of talking about this, and her husband went in. Now She has to be strong.

"Our company has it!" Smith next to him answered.


"I said, our company has a lawyer, and we paid a lot of money to hire it, but it turned out to be useless."

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