As early as when Shen Guanglin just took out his mobile phone, Alex realized that he might have to sue the mobile communication equipment company, so they spent a lot of money to hire well-known lawyers to help out.

Citigroup's well-known lawyers are very expensive and charge by the hour.

As a result, Professor Shen reached a strategic cooperation with the motorcycle company after only the first negotiation.

Fortunately, I did not lose money, and got the agency right of LED lighting.

Everyone is happy, but the lawyer is useless.

Everyone thought Zhang would take advantage of the convenience to borrow Alex's lawyer for free. Anyway, the lawyer's fee was paid, so it was not for nothing.

As a result, they didn't.

She said that as long as she has a good lawyer, she is not short of money.

Moreover, the money for the dinner that day was all paid by classmate Zhang. If he has money, he directly swipe his card.

When we arrived in New York, we were already in classmate Zhang's territory, so how could we let his old classmate pay for it?

Even if Alex's company pays the bill, it still owes a favor, no matter whether Student Pan owes a favor or Professor Shen owes it, it's not good.

After a meal, Pan was completely dumbfounded.

This is the second time.

When he learned that classmate Zhang was married, he was stupid once. Now, classmate Zhang is not short of money. This is the second time he feels uncomfortable.

I hope you have a good life, but it's better not to be better than me, this is the normal life.

The so-called unsatisfactory life of student Zhang Xiaotian is purely student Pan's imagination.

You may be doing well, but I may not be really bad.

The reality is like this, student Pan was never given a chance to show the Heart of the Virgin, and he didn't even have the chance to say that Professor Shen rewarded him with a large sum of dollars.

Because, it is said, classmate Zhang's family is worth several million.

Although Zhang Xiaotian's lover is a bit older, he has achieved a lot. He came here early, has worked hard for decades, and has a small family fortune.

Old Liu opened a logistics company, which accounts for more than half of the freight logistics business in Brooklyn. It's really not short of money.

And the reason why they live in slums is actually because the business is distributed here.

In Citigroup, it is true that money can turn ghosts around.

The facts of the case gradually became clear. The woman who was the plaintiff was also of Chinese descent, and she met a fellow villager in New York.

When a fellow countryman meets a fellow countryman, both of them have teary eyes, and they can make a pair with a little wine.

Therefore, don't test a man's concentration at all, it won't work.

Old Liu drank too much that night.

As a result, Lao Liu returned home with the woman in a daze, and they called the police the next day.

People want money, Lao Liu thinks it's a fairy dance.

This is probably the case, so Lao Liu was arrested and needs a lawyer to release him on bail and sue him.

"What will you do in the future?" Classmate Pan still had fantasies in his heart. In the heart of the young man, if one party cheated, shouldn't he tear Ma Su down and break up bravely.

Zhang did not, but said naturally: "What else can I do, let's do it and cherish it."

Shen Guanglin is not interested in this kind of gossip, but the middle-aged Lao Liao and Mrs. Liao are a little different. They really want to know how overseas Chinese live.

It's a pity that Mrs. Liao can't understand these foreign words, and Lao Liao is also half-baked, but he can still be his wife's interpreter.

With the joining of powerful lawyers, they also got a copy of the case file.

"Come on, can you translate for me what does this mean?"

Lao Liao began to translate word by word like this. Life is more exciting than novels. Such an exciting plot really cannot be written in novels, and 404 is required.

Among them, there is such a sentence:
“How long do you think this lasted?”

"I don't konk, a bout two minutes."

"What are you talking about, 2 minutes? That's still your strength."

Lao Liao thought so too.

The matter ended in this way, after Xiaotian said "keep the clouds open and see the moon", and did not leave Pan a chance to pick peaches.

Shen Guanglin and his team returned from Citigroup soon.

Everyone has gained something from this trip, even classmate Pan has gained a lot of loneliness, emptiness and coldness.

When it was time to get off the plane, they didn't expect that they would have a pick-up service, and they were all cadres of China Merchants Bureau.

After all, everyone looked like a dog in suits and leather shoes at this time, and together with the staff of Alex Company, they were immediately recognized as overseas compatriots.

In order to seize the opportunity, some people didn't even abide by the rules of the airport, just got through the protective rope and handed their business cards to Lao Liao who was walking in the front.

As he is the oldest, he looks like a successful person.

Indeed, when he learned that he was still a strong DPS in 3 minutes, Lao Liao's self-confidence was obviously strengthened.

"Are you here for tourism or for work? We are from Taigu City Merchants Bureau. We have a car that can pick you up for free and take you to visit and arrange tours."

What happened to this era?
When Shen saw this scene, he suddenly thought: In some years, when the train leaves the station, there will be some enthusiastic people frantically soliciting and killing customers at the door. sister."

It can't be said that it is exactly the same, it is exactly the same.

"We have a car to pick us up, please let me go?" Lao Liao rejected their offer.

However, the more so, the more enthusiastic people are.

Looking at such a mighty team, they thought it must be a fat pig, and they would take it to their hometown to be slaughtered no matter what.

Therefore, Cantonese speakers, Hokkien speakers, and English speakers all crowded together.

Among them, the most simple one is the investment promotion cadre who speaks the official dialect of the Central Plains: "My fellow, we are run by the Central Plains Investment Promotion Office. There is a newly built industrial development zone in our county. The land is free and the tax is preferential. Comrades, you see Will our investment there be successful?"

I don't know when these famous investment promotion officers appeared at the Modu Airport.

Here they sit on the sidelines and hardly miss any international flight.

Especially those from Citigroup and Fusang, in their eyes, they are all fat pigs, while those from African and Eastern European countries are lean pigs, no one cares about them.

This group of people guarded the airport. It seems that they have gained something before. This is the same as the black tour guide and the black taxi. It must be that this trick works well, so there are so many people waiting here.

In the end, a clever classmate shouted, "This is an overseas visiting group from Tongji University, please make way."

Sure enough, everyone let go with a bang.

A bunch of poor people pretending to be overseas students.

Sure enough, they stopped harassing and were going to chase people in the other direction.

Everyone got into the car one after another, and Shen Guanglin was still asking, "What's going on, I haven't seen anything like this before."

"That's because you didn't go abroad before. Of course, you don't encounter such a situation on domestic flights. Now governments around the world are opening development zones, so these are here to attract investment. Now they have set targets to attract investment. As far as promotion is concerned, it is still based on the amount of money, the more money the month, the higher the position."

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