Things can't be as you wish, but life still needs to go on.

Shen Guanglin, who returned to Shanghai, disappeared for more than a week.

Of course, he didn't really disappear, but went home to nurse the child.

Of course, Shen Guanglin himself does not have this function, and his sister Li Rong does have functions but not the ability, but all this does not prevent Shen from checking whether her sister's infrastructure is still perfect.

During this period of time, Shen Guanglin deliberately did not inquire about the news of the capital, and hid in a small building to form a unified system, caring about spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Until one day two weeks later, Professor Shen felt like he had to go back to work.

However, when Shen Guanglin really returned, he found sadly that some workplaces could no longer accommodate him.

For example, the Carbon Fiber Research Institute is like this.

"Why, when did the hall become a staff dormitory?" Shen Guanglin's tone was emotionless, but he hoped that Lao Liao would give him a perfect explanation.

Working in the headquarters office building is boring. President Wang is quite capable and manages the group's affairs in an orderly manner. Shen Guanglin can't find a chance to criticize him.

However, when he arrived at the laboratory, Shen Guanglin felt that he was an authority in this area and could still criticize a few words.

No, not far from the office building across the Ho Chi Minh Trail is the carbon fiber research institute that Lao Liao is in charge of.

He hasn't paid attention to this place for so long, and he also wants to come over to see how it's going.

As a result, as soon as I entered the door, I saw no. 30 people lying on the floor of the hall in disorder, all of them were sleeping, some were snoring, some were grinding their teeth, and some were farting.

The air conditioner in the lobby is very cool, but there is no need to worry about catching cold. They still have quilts, but the pillows are not enough, so they can only use books instead.

Lao Liao followed behind Shen Guanglin, a little nervous, but he still didn't wake up those sleeping classmates.

In fact, Lao Liao was just a researcher before, and he only had such a long time as the director. If he didn't do well, he should.

But Lao Liao is a responsible person, and he is still very dedicated to the work assigned by Professor Shen.

Especially, during the time he was abroad, he always felt that the experiment process was a lot wasted.

Therefore, after returning, he didn't dare to enter the adjustment and rest stage like Shen did. He wanted to make up for his progress by working overtime.

"Professor Shen, the people who sleep in the hall are our interns, too many people have come here recently, and the dormitory is not enough.

We are currently doing research in three shifts, and those who work night shifts have nowhere to go, and two people sleeping on the same bed are prone to conflicts, so some students simply moved over.

Don't worry, I will ask them to put away the bedding after noon. "

In fact, it was Shen Guanglin who arranged for a large number of interns to pile up crowd tactics, and Shen Guanglin also arranged for the mobilization of a large number of interns to Shanghai.

It's just that the people above moved their mouths, and the people below broke their legs.

Shen Guanglin forgot about it after making the arrangements, and he didn't expect there to be so many people.

"How many people have no place to live?" Shen Guanglin asked.

"Not many, everyone sleeps in shifts, the vacancy is about 500 people?" People come every day, and Lao Liao is not sure how many people have no place to live. Anyway, those who have no place to live will find a corner to live in. down.

"There are so many!" Shen Guanglin was surprised, "How many people did your carbon fiber research institute recruit?"

In Shen Guanglin's opinion, a scientific research project team with dozens of people is too much.At least, when someone Shen is engaged in scientific research and public relations, a few people or a dozen people can produce results.

Director Liao replied in a low voice, "It's not a lot, maybe more than 1000. If there are more people, the laboratory will really not be able to accommodate them."

"How many?"

"More than 1000, really less than [-]. I divided it into [-] process groups, which can speed up the progress of the experiment. I think the construction speed of our factory is also very fast, so I want to make a few products that can be mass-produced earlier. come out."

Shen Guanglin took a deep breath, awesome, Shen Guanglin's laboratory has been established for so long, and if all the researchers are added up, there are not as many people as this.

As expected of an old researcher, he is a material for big battles.

"I think this way. Now we have equipment, research methods, and funds. We can't affect the progress because of manpower problems. Now, we can complete three months in a week, so the progress is very fast. Soon."

Lao Liao said this, and explained to himself: "When we used to engage in big battles, there were so many people. I experienced it once when I was young."

Shen Guanglin remained silent, listening while walking.

Probably because he didn't get a response, Lao Liao didn't know what to do, and said to himself, you should give a response.

After a while, Shen Guanglin went to the interior of the laboratory, and Lao Liao could only follow up with three steps and two steps.

This building has five floors, only the first floor is half a corridor with a hall, and the rest of the floors have the same layout, with an aisle in the middle and laboratories on both sides.

Now, as long as it is an empty laboratory, it is full of people sleeping in it, just like the youth hostels and carriage shops in this era, sleeping in Chase bunks.

Shen Guanglin didn't enter the closed laboratory until he approached a room with a sign of "Testing Center" that was half-open. Then Shen Guanglin pushed in. Several young experimenters stood up quickly, as if they were waiting for the test center. The look of the review.

"Where are you interns from?" Shen Guanglin asked kindly.

"He's from Dongying, from Petroleum University."

"Are you going to get used to it when you come here?"

"Very good. Meat is enough for three meals a day, and there is also a daily subsidy of 5 yuan."

It costs 5 yuan a day and 150 yuan a month, which is really not bad in this era, and many people who work formally are treated like this.

Hearing that his classmates didn't have much complaints, Shen Guanglin felt a little relieved.

"After graduation, would you like to work for Great Wall Group?" Shen Guanglin asked another question that he really wanted to ask.

In this era, college students are still assigned after graduation. No matter what school or major, it is not difficult to find a job with a solid rice bowl.

The top domestic universities do have the opportunity to go abroad, but Shen wants to know whether they are willing to come to the Great Wall Group for relatively ordinary universities like the University of Petroleum.

"I've stayed."


"I graduated this year and have decided to stay."

"The units allocated by the state are gone?"

After all, the job assigned to college graduates is still very important. Once you give up, it is almost impossible to enter the state agency. At this stage, there is no civil service examination, and there is no social recruitment.

"The job assigned by the state is Jinling Chemical."

"Beautiful!" Shen Guanglin was speechless, "Work hard, get promoted and raise salary, win Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of life is just ahead."

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