Start with a college teacher

Chapter 924 Sales are blocked

When Shen Guanglin came back, everything came back.

It's all in him alone.

This time he will stay in Shanghai for a long time. Shen Guanglin told Lao Li that he will not leave here before Li Rong gives birth to a child, because the development of Pudong is too important, and he cannot be absent at such a historical moment.

Perhaps, he may not be there when Li Rong gives birth, but he, Shen, cannot be absent when Pudong is being developed.

Lao Li didn't say anything, shook his head and prepared to go back to the capital. He came to Shen Guanglin to explain his difficulties, but Shen Guanglin didn't appreciate it at all.

For the process of historical development, he, Shen, knows better than Lao Li.

So, in this matter, it was actually old Li Menglang.A short-term loss is not a loss, even if there is a greater loss, it doesn't matter. Just like what the Internet celebrity sister said, as long as you don't give up and look at the money, there will always be a day when you "keep the clouds and see the moon".

Regarding the capital city, Shen Guanglin didn't want to go back for the time being, what would he do when he went back, and increase his sadness.

Li Rong is pregnant, and he hasn't figured out how to deal with the mother-in-law yet.

Moreover, he didn't think about how to deal with those people who smashed his laboratory.

Shen Guanglin was determined to take advantage of this time to build a mobile phone factory first. This is an industry that can make a lot of money.

Now that Pudong is about to engage in large-scale development, the Great Wall Group will naturally participate actively. The presence of high-tech enterprises in Pudong is quite impressive.

If it doesn't work, they can bring in more investment and introduce more high-tech.

For example, Shen Guanglin plans to put the production of leukemia treatment drugs here.

Even though Jinmen is so close to the capital, Great Wall Group's enterprises in Jinmen are well protected.

However, the enterprises they put in Jizhou have all been hit and damaged to varying degrees.

Some people even want to rush into a biopharmaceutical company to obtain the production technology of leukemia treatment drugs. Don't even think about this, Shen will not back down.

He can withdraw from the petrochemical industry, but he cannot withdraw from the biopharmaceutical industry. The nature of the two is different.

The petrochemical industry affects the national economy and the people's livelihood, which is a large group; while leukemia treatment drugs only focus on leukemia patients, which is a small group and does not involve collective interests.

Whether it is public or selfish, it is clear at a glance.

As for how to build a factory, Great Wall Group is already familiar with the road, even building an electronic dust-free workshop is no problem, and there is no technical difficulty.

It's just that there is a little inconvenience now: the international community has blocked China, and many good things cannot enter.

Of course, Huaxia's products can still go out if they think about it, and they haven't set strict restrictions on this.

It's just that a lot of equipment ordered by the Great Wall Group has been blocked, and they don't know how to deal with it now.

In order to stop losses, they can only sell to others at a discounted price at this stage.

As a result, the one who took advantage came.

"Anyway, if you can't transport it to China, you might as well sell it to us at a low price." Therefore, some people offered a low price.

However, the Great Wall Group is not a fuel-efficient lamp. I would rather burn it out than sell it to you. I am happy.

Even, they estimated to send someone to the factory for inspection. If my equipment is still there, we would rather pay the storage fee. In case you sell it to me, wait for compensation.

Moreover, how could such a good device be damaged?

The Great Wall Group has also registered companies in other countries, and it is enough to transfer these equipment to companies in other countries.

As for whether there will be any after-sales problems in the future, can I fix it myself?
In fact, if it is true, Bush Sr. has a good attitude towards Huaxia, but the president is not omnipotent, and he is also very helpless with the decisions made by Congress.

Therefore, in the past two years, the Great Wall Group can only rely on its own efforts to start a business.

Fortunately, Huaxia's industrial system is still relatively sound. In fact, many equipment can be bought domestically. Although the quality is average, it can be used, which is better than being cheap.

It has to be said that the truly reliable equipment in this era is still made by Fuso.

High efficiency, low energy consumption, high reliability, and low failure rate. Even if Shen Guanglin is not pleasing to the eyes of Fusang people, many equipment of Great Wall Group are still imported from Fusang.

Of course, in this era of Fusang, they no longer produce machinery and equipment very well, but most of the money they have is used to speculate in real estate.

A lot of Rebirth Chronicles say they made a lot of money in the 1990 Fuso real estate bubble crash.

This statement is very depressing, but also very brainless.

Shen Guanglin has studied Fusang's economy for eight or nine years. This is a very closed place. He has not studied how to make a lot of money from Fusang's market until now. Maybe he made it with his mouth.

It is possible to swallow hundreds of millions in one bite.

However, the collapse of the real estate bubble in Fuso is indeed imminent. In the future, their "Showa man" will become a "Heisei abandoned house". It is happy to think about it.

Of course, during the waiting period, Shen Guanglin didn't do nothing. He bought a house for his sister in Kyoto before, and he just happened to cash out at a high point to make a little money.

It's a pity that there is still a house given to him by Kyoto University, which only has the right to use, not the right to transfer.

Otherwise, selling them together now will also help Kyoto University stop losses.

No matter at any time, Shen Guanglin is the backbone of the entire Great Wall Group.

At this stage, Huaxia suddenly encountered the economic blockade of Western countries. The Great Wall Group took precautions. In fact, the impact is not too big, but for other companies, it is really on the verge of collapse.

In particular, many business owners heard that Professor Shen Guanglin had returned to Shanghai, and they desperately wanted to find him.

Their purpose is also very simple, just to ask Professor Shen to allow Great Wall Bank to continue lending, otherwise, the company will really not be able to operate.

Naturally, Shen Guanglin was merciful, and at first released a few houses. As a result, these people didn't want to recover the losses and how to continue the business, so they took the money and ran away.

It is not necessary to leave a dilapidated enterprise, the worst thing is to throw it to the Great Wall Bank.

Anyway, your Great Wall Group has many industries, a large scale, and strong integration capabilities. It may not be possible to revive it.

If I make money, I'll come back.

People's hearts, it really is hard to be a good person.

Therefore, when some business owners found Shen Guanglin later, although Shen Guanglin didn't let people beat them out, he didn't continue to give charity.

Bankruptcy is bankruptcy, and as much as it can be executed, Great Wall Bank has already assessed the loss, and everything is within the controllable range.

Enterprises don't want to save themselves, relying on crooked ways will not last long.

The Great Wall Group is different. In such a difficult time, they still manufactured new equipment.

The research and development personnel are also strong, and the soldiers work hard. It didn't take long for the Great Wall Group to manufacture the mobile communication base station equipment.

They took the lead in building several test towers in Pudong, using them with their own mobile phones, and the effect is great.

Moreover, this set of equipment is GSM standard, compatible with Motorola equipment, and does not conflict with those service base stations that have been set up in China before.

The good stuff was finally produced, and Shen Guanglin let out a sigh of relief.

The marketing personnel of Great Wall Group hurriedly went to the procurement department of mobile communication equipment, planning to recommend this server to them.

The power of our equipment is higher than that of Motorola, the signal is better than theirs, and the price is cheaper than theirs. It only needs about half of the price, and we charge RMB.

In this way, it is enough for the Great Wall Group to earn three times the profit in tears, which is really not high.

However, the equipment procurement department said that we should study it first, and then rejected it, closing the door to negotiation.

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