Start with a college teacher

Chapter 925 Comeback

In such an extraordinary period, it is not suitable to have redundant emotions and redundant actions.

It's all about going ashore safely.

Shen Guanglin knows that this is a two-year transitional period, and the Great Wall Group should focus on foreign countries instead of domestic ones.

In the country, it is enough to defend the city without losing it.

Some people asked for advice: whether to start from some gray levels.

After all, it is not that the Great Wall Group has never done this before.

For an enterprise to grow bigger, it is not enough to rely on being civilized and polite, but it still needs some practical actions.

Some people are greedy for money, some are lustful, and some want both. The Great Wall Group has been satisfied with all of them.

Otherwise, the Great Wall Group needs so many raw materials every year, how can it organize production stably?
However, now is an extraordinary period, and it really can't be done like this.

Even without looking at the action plan they reported, Shen Guanglin directly rejected it. What time is it now? The risk is too great.

Therefore, it is good that the server is manufactured, but if it can be sold, it will be sold, and if it cannot be sold, then it will be sold later.

After all, the Great Wall Group is now dancing on the cusp.

In the recent period, a certain magazine in the south has been revived again, and it has started to point the finger at the Great Wall Group again.

Of course, this time they didn't name them directly, but secretly said, what kind of enterprise is a sweatshop?
Why are the social wealth created by everyone taken away by those enterprises.

This kind of argument is indeed very popular during this period, and it is difficult to refute it.

After all, those who do product OEM earn the hard-earned money of the workers.

A reporter said that he went undercover in a garment factory of a certain garment group and conducted on-the-spot investigation.

"These unscrupulous companies, in order to maximize profits, have designed a salary model based on piecework wages. If workers want to make more money, they have to work overtime desperately. The extension of workers' working hours will also lead to a decline in workers' physical fitness. ."

The article also listed that a certain worker, who was clearly ill, did not dare to ask for leave, insisted on going to work, and finally fainted in the workshop.

Of course, the article said so much about sweatshops, but he just didn't report how much the workers' wages are per month.

This cannot be said.

Because, in their philosophy, it is undignified to be a worker in a textile factory, but it is honorable and proud to be a reporter in a newspaper office.

As a result, the wages of those undecent jobs are much higher than those of decent people like them.

How can this be reported? Isn't this an enemy?
Otherwise, more people would want to go to those sweatshops.

Moreover, the purpose of these newspaper reports in the Southern Department is not to help workers grow up, but simply to attack the Great Wall Group.

So, they said, as early as decades ago, we have eliminated exploitation and eliminated the exploiting class.

Now, they're back!
In order to grab high profits, these enterprises cruelly exploit and ruthlessly squeeze their employees.

If this development continues, the morality of the whole society will be degraded. People will care more about money than the pursuit of ideological and moral cultivation, and faith will begin to be lost.

Anyway, this is a very, very serious matter.

At the end of the article, they began to point questions: especially the so-and-so group, they started their business by taking advantage of loopholes and speculation to a considerable extent. This is not to promote social progress, but to destroy the order of the planned economy.

Moreover, the misdeeds of a certain group go far beyond this. They even dare to compete with state-owned enterprises for production resources.

In order to maintain their own production, this company used various means to snatch the production resources that should have been supplied to state-owned enterprises at high prices, causing the price of raw materials to increase inexplicably, causing operational difficulties for many manufacturing companies.

Moreover, they wantonly import raw materials for production from overseas, especially CCCP, deliberately suppressing the price of raw materials for production and reducing the living space of raw material supply companies.

The reporters wrote very hilariously, and they didn't feel that there was any contradiction before and after.

On the one hand, Great Wall Group competes with state-owned enterprises for raw materials, driving up raw material prices; on the other hand, it imports raw materials and suppresses domestic raw material prices. What do you want them to do?
According to their logic, it seems that the Great Wall Group should not maintain production, and doing nothing is the best.

However, Chinese literati have always been illogical. If you talk about logic with him, he will play hooligans with you.

According to the reports of the southern media, the Great Wall Group is no different from the previous landlords and capitalists, and it is even getting worse.

At the end of the day, they shouted loudly, in short, they must not let the ashes resurface.

Inside the Great Wall Group, there are also people who always pay attention to the movements of the southern media.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin quickly read the report.

This is the horn of war.

During this period, not only the southern media, but in fact, the arguments of many local media in China are like this. After all, it is the time of the west wind, and the east wind has encountered setbacks and is a bit weak.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin was not angry after watching it, and he was not allowed to be angry at this point in time, it is better to keep a low profile and restrain himself.

In good conscience, the Great Wall Group clearly provided workers with an opportunity to make money.The money they earn is also one of the most important sources of income for the family.

If the Great Wall Group does not recruit these workers, will those state-owned enterprises provide them with a decent job with no overtime and high wages?

And these people don't guide in this direction at all, they like to go online.

This transition period lasted for two years. If they continued to scold them like this every day, the Great Wall Group would have become a stinky shit long ago.

This is something that no amount of charity can get back.

Still have to fight back a little.

The Great Wall Group is still not capable of dealing with others, but they have many tricks to deal with these southern media.

During this period, it would definitely not work to continue mobilizing the government to put pressure on them. This is the laziest tactic. The Great Wall Group has already prepared other methods.

Over the years, many places have been undergoing restructuring work, and East Guangdong is no exception.

The headquarters of the southern media is in Yangcheng. After several previous fights, the Great Wall Group has already figured out their roots.

Don't fight unprepared battles, no, the Great Wall Group would rather lose money, and also opened a printing factory near the newspaper office, and it opened not one, but several.

Usually, these printing factories can also do some printing of textbooks of Beijing University, and even the internal materials of the Great Wall Group are also printed by them, so although the profit is not much, they can survive.

Obviously, the purpose of the Great Wall Group to open a printing factory here is not to make money, but simply to replace the southern media's own printing factory.

The price of the printing factory outside is lower, and the high-quality paper imported from the Maple Leaf Country is still used. The printed newspapers are rich in ink and better in quality, should the newspaper office consider it.

Originally, the media in the southern department had their own printing plants, but after considering economic factors, they gradually fell into disuse.

What's more, those old and worn-out equipment were also bought and sold for a good price.

In this way, in the past two years, the entire printing factory in Yangcheng was secretly monopolized by a certain company.

It's not that other people can't come in, or they can't come in at all.

If you come in, you lose money. The more business you do, the more you lose, so what's the point.

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