Start with a college teacher

Chapter 927 Technology Transfer

The Great Wall mobile phone is on fire, and the fire is in a mess.

In Chinese-speaking regions, Big Brother retired quickly, without even having time to occupy the market.

Great Wall Group is always full of explosive products, and it is impossible not to admit it.

In order to meet this wave of upsurge, Great Wall Mobile's new factory is under construction again.

Even, due to the blockage of sea transportation of carbon fiber production equipment, the factory originally reserved for them has also begun to switch to the production of mobile phones.

It is indeed a good thing that the mobile phone is popular, but the base station server, which costs more and more painstaking research, has become a sales problem for them.

So far, the base station server developed by the Great Wall Group has not yet started selling, and someone is thinking about them again.

It's Lao Li again!

It was he who brought outsiders again.

The sales staff of the Great Wall Group left a prototype for a certain department, but they did not buy the equipment, but they still took it out for testing.

Then, the test results were jaw-dropping.

So, Lao Li came again.

He came, he came, and he came again with outsiders.

Seeing the person coming with a straight back and a vigorous and sturdy expression, Shen Guanglin didn't even want to ask what department he came from.

Shen Guanglin was a little unhappy that Comrade Lao Li was always involved in these crap.

Perhaps Lao Li also has his own difficulties, and it may be his feelings, but it has to be said that the loss of more than 6 million US dollars from the petrochemical group is not wronged at all by Lao Li.

If the Great Wall Group was not owned by Shen Guanglin himself, he, the chief scientist, would have been impeached long ago.

However, when his father-in-law came, Shen Guanglin couldn't directly refuse to meet him.

What should be seen is still to be seen.

Therefore, when Shen Guanglin came to meet Lao Li, he saw a few white shirts there. They looked like government employees, and they were scattered in the hall so blatantly. Some of them even handed out business cards to the representatives of Motorola. : "We are developing and constructing in Pudong. If you are willing to invest, there will be preferential treatment in all aspects."

However, the people from Motorola are also very down-to-earth, "We are only looking for mobile communication equipment suppliers at this stage, and we have already negotiated with Great Wall Group, and we have no plans to invest for the time being."

"Looking for an OEM? We can do it too, and it will be cheaper. We are also planning to build one for the mobile phone OEM. If you place an order with us, there will definitely be a discount."

Looking at such a scene, the staff of the Great Wall Group will be blown up.

Who brought these people in?
No need to ask, it's Lao Li again.

But they were not directly related to Lao Li, they came with that group of hard-backed people, they were regarded as escorts, but they had bad intentions.

Seeing Shen Guanglin come in, the group stopped soliciting, but they didn't feel embarrassed.

Until, Shen Guanglin found someone to throw them out.

Do you want to make a face?
Soliciting customers came to Shen's head.

The hard-backed group of people wanted to talk, but seeing that Lao Li didn't move, they didn't speak for them.

You can't lose the big because of the small.

"Comrade Li, what instructions do you have for your visit this time?" Shen Guanglin asked angrily.

Lao Li did notice Shen Guanglin's displeasure, but he didn't care.

A public heart, a clear conscience.

After all, she was fine a few days ago, so she shouldn't have changed her face so quickly.

"Xiao Shen, this is Director Ma of Institute 414. I heard that you have produced a good server base station relay equipment. They are here to investigate." Lao Li said that the purpose of his trip was that the server provoked him. .

Shen Guanglin is too familiar with this routine, his past experience is almost vivid.

In Huaxia, those who can use digital codes are either military departments or confidential units, but no matter which unit it is, Shen Guanglin doesn't want to get involved now.

Shen Guang and Lin Xin said, are you panicking because I'm idle? Aren't you asking for trouble for me?

Just aim at those people with straight backs, and you don't need to guess where they came from.

"Hello, Professor Shen, I'm Ma Dehua from Institute 414. I came here today to see if your technology can be used by us. Don't be nervous. If the technology is really good, we are willing to pay for it."


Shen Guanglin did not report any hope.

For so many years, he has not received a penny.

You know, in this era, the military and military industry departments are not only poor, but also extremely tyrannical. Their appetites are so good that they can eat almost anything.

Transferring the technology to them is really too much for them to afford. It is estimated that it can only be given away for nothing, or they have been forcibly expropriated by them.

The most outrageous thing is that some companies say that they have turned from the military to civilians, but this kind of units don't understand the market at all, and they often mess around. Even if they destroy the market, they will still behave innocently, saying that this is not a war. Sin is the wrong trend.

"You want the technology of the base station server relay equipment, don't you? If you want to use it, then take it, and forget about any technology authorization fees. I know you have no money."

What Shen Guanglin said was not polite, he didn't know how much technical support he had provided to these departments, and he was used to it.

The process of technology delivery was very smooth. It took only two or three hours for them to understand the principle and algorithm basis of this technology.

Sure enough, it is very powerful, as expected of a genius scientist.

It's just that Director Ma's other words made Shen Guanglin very upset.

"Professor Shen, after evaluation, we don't think this technology is suitable for civilian use, so you can't"

The people involved in the negotiations were about to explode, and the bald old Zhang expressed serious dissatisfaction. The technology we developed by ourselves was not allowed to be used by us. What do you mean?
However, Shen Guanglin remained unmoved: "Okay, I understand, then it's just for you to use, and it's the same if we develop a new technology in parallel."

With the foundation laid earlier, they can develop a set in parallel.

"That won't work. The new technology has to go through our review." Another hard-backed man who followed Director Ma interjected, his tone a little blunt.

"You!" The bald old Zhang was going to get angry, this is too bullying!
But he was still stopped by Shen Guanglin: "Then will you give us our research funding?"

"It can be done."

"Such a good research result, we should provide funding." Director Ma said that this is the attitude of negotiation. You said that you don't want money, which makes me feel very uncomfortable. We are like beggars.

"That's fine. The base station server research group's research funding account for the past six months is here. You can report it here."

The bill is very detailed, even the accommodation and food expenses are clearly listed.

Director Ma turned to the end and was dumbfounded when he saw the total price.

More than 7000 million RMB and more than 500 million foreign exchange.

If the money is given to them, they will be able to produce such results.

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