Start with a college teacher

Chapter 928 Eligibility

More than 7000 million RMB and more than 500 million foreign exchange.

This is not a play, a thick stack of paper, this is real money.

They can't question that they didn't spend so much money, isn't this a disadvantage.

The next step is to visit the production line. Of course, there is no mass production of base station servers, and now only the production line of mobile phones can be visited.

The mobile phone production line is highly automated, many welding machines are automatic, and there are many testing equipment that people can't understand, which is very technological.

Sure enough, along the way, no one mentioned the matter of reimbursement.

Isn't this obvious? If there is so much money, why should I study this thing? Isn't this a diseased brain and a full stomach?

If I really have this money, I've been working on a few short-term projects, and I've been promoted and transferred away long ago. Would I still be here to ask for help?

Sure enough, they didn't even talk about the follow-up technical review, there was nothing to talk about at all.

You are begging others, so you have to be reasonable. If there is no reason, you will not be able to justify it by force. Even if people have results, they will not share them with them.

In particular, this person is not someone else, this is Vice Minister Li's son-in-law, and he really can't do too much, if someone overturns the table, they won't be able to eat any food.

No, now that it's time for dinner, I have to eat before leaving.

No matter how upset Shen Guanglin was, he still had to treat his father-in-law well, Lao Li still had some face for this.

The lunch was well prepared, which was Shen Guanglin's favorite taste. Yishui's Huaiyang cuisine was mixed with a few Shandong dishes.

Shen Guanglin likes Jiuzhuan Dachang and Yipin Tofu.

During the banquet, everyone talked and laughed at Yan Yan, and there was no such unpleasantness.

Reaching out and not hitting the smiling faces, everyone respected each other, exchanged glasses, and the atmosphere was much more active.

After a few cups of Moutai, Director Ma also started a grievance meeting.

In the early years, he and Vice Minister Li were colleagues. He was still the leader of Lao Li, but he was sent down for a period of time. He returned to work a few years ago. Just when he wanted to make a difference, he encountered disarmament and cut funding.It is really difficult for their units to make ends meet now, and comrades are also living in the open air, and they have to be self-reliant, which is not easy.

After finishing speaking, he took a sip of mulled wine, and it was his incompetence that caused the entire 414 to feel sad.

It's just that what he said didn't get someone Shen's sympathy.

In recent years, Mr. Shen has been routinely used by Lao Li a lot, and this kind of routine is no longer advanced enough to arouse his sympathy.

Of course, Shen Guanglin still often suffers from being cheated, but many times Shen Guanglin takes the initiative, and he also has a heart for the country and the people.

It's just that Shen Guanglin's mood is a bit unhappy now. His company is suffering from unfair treatment, and all this was done by Lao Li's people, so there is no place to justify it.

When the accounts are settled in a few years later, the responsibility is not all on Lao Li's head.

Do something bad with good intentions.

Now is the time when the Great Wall Group is suffering. We are already like this. It is too dishonest for Lao Li to bring people over to collect wool.

No wonder Shen Guanglin was unhappy.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin just listened quietly to what they had to say, and did not pick up on them, and occasionally said to Lao Li: "Eat vegetables, eat vegetables, every time you come here, I have never treated you badly, you always come here Take advantage."

This statement is also a bit insinuating.

Lao Li didn't pick up on it. He also knew that he had lost money to Shen Guanglin, but Lao Ma was his old leader. Now that he was in trouble, he wanted to see if he could help.

Just when the topic started to fall silent, the hard-backed man suddenly spoke:

"Professor Shen, I just saw the small version of the big brother you are producing. I heard that the sales volume is good. Can you teach us? We just make something for the government and the army. You teach us how to make it. I guarantee the product How about not entering the market?"

Shen Guanglin knew this would happen!
When they first came, those two white shirts were indeed with them!

They had this idea early on.

No wonder they don't pay much attention to the base station server, but the mobile phone production line is very careful.

What are they thinking, is it not enough to eat and get for free?
Of course it is not enough, because the base station server may not be able to make money, and their 414 Institute already has technical reserves, and the research and development of Great Wall Group is almost the same, but the thinking is different.

That's why they say it's for military use, and it's best not to use it for civilian use.

In fact, this is the case with many technologies. Military technologies are kept too secret, and gradually become obsolete and lose their market value.

Shen Guanglin still didn't answer his words, but continued to pour wine for Lao Li: "Aren't you already retired? After retirement, you should have a good rest. If you can't do it, you can take your grandson. I'm too busy every day. Does it make sense?"

However, probably Shen Guanglin's indifference directly annoyed that hard-backed man: "Professor Shen, what do you mean? I, Wang Haibo, is a straight-hearted soldier who doesn't know much about technology, but since I'm assigned to the 414 Institute, I can We can’t just watch everyone in the firm eating bran and swallowing vegetables. We are originally a manufacturer of communication equipment, and the quality of the wireless walkie-talkies we produce is also very good, which also overlaps with your business. Shouldn’t you send a few people to help us with the mobile phone? Are the production racks erected?"

Shen Guanglin took a look at Lao Li, "I've seen a lot of peach pickers, but I've never seen someone who insists on getting their hair cut and shaved. Now is not the time for Qing soldiers to enter the customs."

The general said here, what can Lao Li do, he can only turn his head to Lao Ma and say, "Director Ma, that's not what you said before you came here, why, take my Lao Li's face seriously."

Director Ma hurriedly laughed, "I'm sorry, Minister Li, I'm sorry, Professor Shen, this little Wang is just a mess, and his words are a bit rough, but he has no bad intentions, and it's all for our care." Think, you take more care, more care."

However, that hard-backed man named Wang Haibo didn't know whether he was pretending to be a gangster or a real gangster, and he actually joined Shen Guanglin's army instead: "Professor Shen, if I said something wrong, I can't give you any compensation. Kneel down!" If you kowtow, you can give us a good word and help us transform the production line, whether it is successful or not."


Shen Guanglin's words echoed on the floor, and for this reason, he also didn't want to spoil them.Although they are in the name of doing good for the public, if they really succeed, it is not because they have been promoted and raised their own salaries.

This time, not only Wang Haibo, but even Director Ma's expression turned ugly.

Being rejected so flatly, Wang Haibo's eyes started to turn red. What he wanted was Shen Guanglin's consent, even if it was a hesitant consent, it was not Shen Guanglin's straightforward "no".


Everyone was startled.

The strong back slapped the chopsticks on the table, and raised his thumb: "Good man, Professor Shen is indeed tough enough. If I were still in the army, I would definitely cut off the chicken head and burn yellow paper to make you a sworn brother."

What he said was not approval, but sarcasm, and even a little threat.

"You don't have that qualification!"

Although Shen Guanglin's tone remained the same, the words he uttered were not polite at all.

"What?" The stiff back was confused. Is this what a professor Wen Ya said.

"I said, what is your identity, you want to worship me, you are not qualified."

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