Start with a college teacher

Chapter 932 Clean up the old mountains and rivers

Since Shen Guanglin's return, the Great Wall Group has produced more and more good things.

After half a year of ups and downs, Shen Guanglin's laboratory is finally on the right track again.

During this period, Shen Guanglin's laboratory has produced 4 high-quality papers, which are ready to be published in top journals.

This is very good, which means that their scientific research competitiveness is still there, which is a good thing.

Even Shen Guanglin himself was afraid of how much his laboratory would regress after going through this turmoil.

Now it seems that the level is still there.

Shen Guanglin's laboratory is still the world's top laboratory.

Speaking of which, destruction is easy and construction is difficult.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to give the old man his death, Shen Guanglin took the time to take a look at his headquarters, the Great Wall Biological Base.

See you and fight like you don't see each other.

What a dilapidated one.

The fishing pond and barbecue area that Shen Guanglin repaired for himself in the early years are no longer the same as before.

It is said that the workers at the breeding base had a dispute with the besieging rioters, and some were injured.

Shen Guanglin did not go to visit the injured, but he sent some money as a token of condolence.

Don't worry about your future work, the biological company will still be re-opened, and if it doesn't work, you can still work in a new material company or Great Wall Electric Company. In short, Shen will not abandon everyone.

The breeding of experimental animals is actually a rigid demand. As long as universities and research institutes continue to conduct biological experiments, these experimental animals are indispensable.

Thinking of this, Shen Guanglin couldn't help complaining about Lao Li, didn't you work for the country and the people, your son-in-law's biological base was smashed, why didn't you protect it?

Over the years, so many cattle and sheep in the breeding base have been fed to the dogs. Lao Li Sanwu brought his friends over from time to time for toothbrush sacrifices. Shen Guanglin never asked them for money.

Fortunately, the mutton eaters are still there, but the shepherds are gone.

You know, leukemia treatment drugs are developed here.

You know, many vaccines are also developed here.

Fortunately, the Great Wall Group's industry in the capital is not important, and the northern business department of Great Wall Electrical Appliances is basically based in Jinmen, so Shen Guanglin asked people to relocate the breeding base there.

The two places are not far apart, but the situation is heaven and earth.

Fortunately, the monkeys and dogs used in the experiment were not completely lost, some of them were eaten by humans, and the monkey brains tasted good.

But most of them have been adopted by others. It's simple. We don't care where you come from, just spend money to buy them back.

Shen is rich, and his subordinates are still there.

Someone has everything.

The biological base has made money over the years, and when the biological breeding base is reopened, it can continue to earn foreign exchange.

In fact, since China was blocked, animal experiments in many foreign laboratories have been affected, and now the price of monkeys on the market has doubled.

In this way, the supply is still in short supply, and many animal experiments can only be queued or postponed.

Without the low-priced and high-quality monkeys provided by Great Wall Biological Company, animal experiments in many domestic research institutes and universities have stopped. From a global perspective, the entire biotechnology has stagnated, and it is no longer as silky as it used to be. .

The capital was finally unsealed, and Shen Guanglin immediately decided to remove everything in the biological base.

These things belong to someone Shen, brick by brick, you don't cherish them, I cherish them myself.

In the future, this land should be handed over to my sister for real estate development, it is not suitable for industrial development at all.

How much joy, just burn it.

In the capital, Shen Guanglin also met the leaders from Shanghai, who were promoted.

A prophecy.

Shen Guanglin said at the time that the leadership can go further, and now the blessing has come true.

However, he didn't have the awareness to come to the door to be a dog licker, and after expressing his congratulations, he returned to the magic capital.

Bureaucrats are unreliable, even my own father-in-law, let alone other people.

Or family life is warmer.

Two wives, one family, each child has a mother.

Shen Guanglin's girl was born before the Spring Festival, but according to the lunar calendar, it was already after New Year's Day.

Just because of the question of how old the daughter is, they also had a dispute.

Mother-in-law and Li Rong inherited the traditional concept that as long as the Spring Festival has not passed, it is still 1989, but Shen Guanglin insisted that the girl was born in 90.

You know, this is an era behind.

If you don’t believe me, just ask the young people nowadays, if you marry a wife born in the 90s, it means you are still young; if you marry a wife born in the 80s, then you are an old hag.

The little girl's name was also given by Shen Guanglin. Since her son's name is Shen Mengxi, which was taken from "Mengxi Bi Tan", she looks very knowledgeable.

When it came time to choose a name for the girl, he got lazy, Shen Guanglin didn't think much about it, so let's call it "Mingxi", Shen Mingxi, it sounds nice too.

The old man is gone, as long as Lao Li doesn't fight for the right to sign, this power belongs to Shen Guanglin, and no one can take it away.

The Spring Festival is a day of reunion, and brother-in-law Lu also came back from Eastern Europe to report to Boss Shen.

With the blessing of money, brother-in-law Lu is sitting there, and now almost every day a ship arrives at Modu Port. The ships are not loaded with valuables, but they are not cheap either. They are all steel, aluminum, and copper. Ah and other production materials.

Of course, some waste machinery was also pulled over as scrap steel.

I really didn't expect that it can still be used after a rest.

Now, the Great Wall Group has set up a waste repair company, which is to repair those old equipment, see what it is for, refurbish it and use it again.

Don't say it, don't look at Maoziguo's things that don't look good, the workmanship is really solid, and they can be used for many years.

Of course, they shipped more, or conventional materials for production.

A magazine in the south is right. The Great Wall Group has recently imported a huge amount of production materials frantically. If these materials are released, they will even exceed China's annual output.

This certainly has implications.

Since the Great Wall Group stopped buying steel from China, the growth rate of infrastructure materials has slowed down, while the business of various steel and non-ferrous metal companies in Maoziguo has shown a prosperous scene.

In other words, the Great Wall Group, relying on its own strength, used the loan from Brother Maozi to drive the development of Maoziguo's steel industry.

The Assyrian Iron and Steel Plant, known as the battlefield meat grinder in later generations, is now booming in business. The billowing smoke in the chimney covers the sky and the sun, which is a very busy scene.

All they produced were supplies for the Great Wall Group.

When brother-in-law Lu came back this time, he was asking about the strategy that should be implemented next.

It's very simple, you can only get loans, continue to borrow, and borrow as much as you can.

These production materials, no matter how much you buy, you can't have too much.

Here, Shen Guanglin is really grateful to the charter king. Without his shipping company, it would be really not easy to transport so many materials to China.

It would be nice if the ship king had a young and beautiful daughter.

It's a pity that his four daughters are all very old, and even the divorced fourth is ten years older than Shen Guanglin.

Shen Guanglin is not an actor, so he doesn't want to be commented, "His middle age is her old age."

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