Welcome the new year, hope that the country will be unified,
Say goodbye to the old year, and look forward to the reunion of flesh and blood.

In the busyness of the Shen family, the Spring Festival of 1990 came like this.

Even after the Spring Festival, President Wang did not mean to reunite with his family.

He is still doing his best for cross-strait friendship and unification of the country.

This rebellious son, it is not bad that he was not expelled from the Wang family lintel, but he did not want to repent, so he had to hang himself on a tree.

In fact, he did not, he also has his own pursuit.

Since the official opening of Shen Guanglin's laboratory in Modu, this President Wang has also started to do his job.

Don't underestimate him, he is also a doctor, and he is a real doctor of materials science.

The scale of Shen Guanglin's laboratory is now extremely large. There are many research groups, including a chemical research group and a group specializing in materials. It happens to be the same major as Lao Wang, and it also opens up the second spring of his career.

This kind of fun is even more joyful than his little girlfriend looking for him from Wanwan.

No, it didn't take long. President Wang also wrote a high-quality paper and sent it to Shen Guanglin for review and revision to see if it could be published, and to satisfy Wang's vanity.

Of course it can be published.

Even if the quality of this article is not high, Shen Guanglin can help him improve it, not to mention that the level of the old man is already good.

After working for so many years, he also has some experience and experience, all of which are in the article.

The article is soon finalized and ready for publication.

The articles pushed by Professor Shen Guanglin can be published no matter how bad they are.

Moreover, those top-level journals are not top-level at all with Shen.Even if he writes some articles on industry speculation, he can still publish them in the most conspicuous position, plus the editor's case: this is Professor Shen's latest thinking on this profession, which is very forward-looking and practical, and can be used by researchers Kam.

Then, the number of citations went up.

The number of citations in Shen's articles has always been above the standard.

Therefore, the scientific research community is not so white and flawless. As long as there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

The current Shen Guanglin is probably the head of the Huashan faction in Xiaoao Jianghu. As long as he hasn't practiced the sword technique of warding off evil, he is a decent hypocrite.

Of course, although the hypocrite Shen Guanglin is highly sought after by thousands of people, he is not without troubles.

The biggest problem now is the lack of funds for the laboratory.

Of course, it's not that they can't open the pot now. Shen Guanglin calculated, and if the current expenses are maintained, after three years, the laboratory will be out of money.

You said, a laboratory does not have three years of surplus food, can it be called a good operation?

Some time ago, due to the relocation and social unrest, the loss to their laboratory was still relatively large.

For example, the bottles and jars were not easy to move when we moved, and now they are still sealed in the old laboratory near Jingcheng University. As for when the Shen Guanglin laboratory in Beijing will start again, someone Shen needs a suitable step. Down.

If the leaders of Beijing University did not invite him in a sedan chair, he would not go back.

Really heartbreaking.

Among all the people who scolded Shen, many of them turned out to be people from Jingcheng University.

Shen Guanglin is not the type to spit on his own, he is a bit petty.

I would have my heart on the bright moon, but the bright moon illuminates the ditch.

If you don't invite me, I will definitely not come back.

However, I also don't talk about resignation, just stand in the pit and not shit.

In order to defraud some funds, Shen Guanglin could only think of a way.

If there is a topic in today's society that can deceive these big dog owners to donate money, it is probably only the topic of health and longevity.

In the aspect of longevity, Shen Guanglin still has a lot of research.

After all, he is also a person who is afraid of death.

Without any special preparation, Shen Guanglin can write a very good article: How to live a long life.

In fact, from a historical point of view, this is also traceable.

There are many articles that can be written about the thousands of years of civilization history in China. The words of those alchemists are not credible and have no scientific basis.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin started from a mathematical point of view. Starting from Qin Shihuang, Huaxia has experienced a total of 408 emperors, with an average age of 39.2 years old.

In China's feudal society, the status of eunuchs was extremely low, and many eunuchs were tortured to death very young, but even so, the average age of people was over 70.

Having something and having nothing are two completely different states.

Therefore, the secret of the eunuch's longevity is obvious.

To this end, Shen Guanglin's laboratory has also conducted a set of comparative experiments, which is to compare castrated sheep with ordinary sheep to see which one has longer lifespan.

It was also clear that the uncastrated sheep, while growing taller, also aged more rapidly.

And how women can live longer is actually supported by data.

In a certain historical period, there has been a wave of "self-combed women" trend in China. These women are self-reliant and do not marry for life. Probably because they have not given birth to children, they also generally live long lives.

There are even examples in the world. For example, Chang Kaishen's wife looks like a longevity person, and she must live longer than her two sisters. Why, let's think about it.

In addition to these two real-life examples, there are also many ways to make people live longer. These are the topics of Shen Guanglin's laboratory research.

However, due to the lack of current laboratory funds, I am afraid that further research cannot be done, which is a pity.

If the funding is sufficient, their research must be able to produce more results.

To this end, Shen Guanglin also set up a special project team called Shen Guanglin Laboratory Life Research Center.

To this end, Shen Guanglin placed advertisements in newspapers, and the Life Research Center was about to start fundraising.

He Shen assured someone with his own reputation that he would make sure that the funds were used exclusively.

Everyone who has money will hold a money field, and those who have no money should not come to join in the fun, and you will not be given the opportunity to watch the fun.

Of course, even if you want to donate, there are restrictions, and not everyone can donate.

Shen Guanglin also set a limit for this fundraising. The first period is to collect 5000 million US dollars, divided into 25 copies, each 200 million, and the big guys can only buy whole numbers.

Of course, the big guys who donate actively also have benefits, not the kind of benefits in the live broadcast with WeChat, it is the real benefit.

For example, you can take the lead in trying the longevity products produced by Great Wall Biopharmaceuticals, and you can regularly check the research progress of the project team.

Even, when you are rich enough, you can set up a sub-project for you to a certain extent.

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