Start with a college teacher

Chapter 934 Save a Life

The fragrance of wine is also afraid of the deep alley.

In this era, there are many advertisements for products, and most of them are boasting that their products are awesome.

In the era when there was no advertising law, these advertisements boasted hype, and even said that water can be turned into oil, and that they had noses and eyes. Many local government officials and some scientists believed them.

In the end, this question was asked by Shen Guanglin, who came to visit from Magic Capital TV and asked Professor Shen what he thought of "water turns into oil".

How can Professor Shen see it, just stand aside and watch.

Shen Guanglin said, this is a scam.

The TV reporter looked surprised, was it true?

Of course, one of the two major scams in this century is qigong and supernatural powers, and the other is that water turns into oil.

In fact, these two scams have been going on for many years, but there has been no convergence.

In fact, as long as you are rigorous, it is not difficult to debunk them.

Shen Guanglin had already done it once about how to expose qigong and reveal the secret of supernatural powers.

In front of Shen Guanglin, the supernatural performance failed.

However, those people also said that Shen Guanglin was a black dog immortal who came down to earth and specially restrained qigong.

Therefore, in front of Shen Guanglin, it was normal for a qigong master to not be able to perform.

Do you think, if Shen Guanglin is not a black dog, how could he have so many scientific research achievements?The black dog Daxian is also a fairy.

These words almost made Shen's eyes go out, and he spit out a mouthful of black dog blood.

Well, black dog Daxian, specializing in fighting evil.

Due to Shen Guanglin's opposition, qigong and supernatural powers have become a niche movement over the years.

However, "water to oil" has been very popular in the scientific community in recent years.

As a person in the scientific community, Shen Guanglin's scolding of "water turns into oil" should not be the case.

Now that the international oil price is soaring, the domestic crude oil is in short supply, and some oil products have to be squeezed out to exchange foreign currency. People have the scientific research results of water-to-oil. If you don't support it, you still want to suppress it maliciously. What is your motive?
Shen Guanglin was helpless and could only say that that thing was the IQ tax. He even said by name that what Wang Hongsheng put into the water was actually calcium carbide.

If you really want to turn water into oil, it's not impossible. This is an old technology that has existed decades ago, that is, using water and gas to make oil.Just think, if there is no carbon involved, how can there be oil.

The reporter no longer struggled with how water turned into oil, but asked, what does "IQ tax" mean.

It means that the IQ is not enough to spend such a waste of money.

Journalists retreat.

Let's go back to advertising.

When it comes to advertising, Great Wall Group is not immune to the vulgarity. The company's annual advertising expenses can even account for one-third of the TV station's revenue.

This is the big moneymaker of the TV station.

It is because of this that the TV media basically did not speak ill of the Great Wall Group.

What really bothers them is actually the media from the southern department. They claim to have Western conscience, and they can't see what China has to offer.

Of course, there are also some advertisements for the purpose of looking for people. For example, if you have lost your wealth, come and advertise, so as not to be potted by the butcher and cook a fragrant meat without calling him.

Fortunately for Shen Guanglin, the purpose of advertising his laboratory was to make money, and it was aimed at making money all over the world.

What to say to study the nature of life and the secrets of longevity.

Can we live longer if we pay?Is this an IQ tax?

It depends on your own judgment. Anyway, we will tell you what stage our research is in. If the money is spent and the results are not produced, we will continue to raise funds next time.

This is similar to the "water-to-oil" approach, they just don't have your high-end.

So, I don't know how many people are mocking: This surnamed Shen is crazy about money, just open his mouth and ask others for money, will they really give it?
really give!
The first person to give money was a star of Citigroup -- Michael Jackson, the king of pop music.

Then, those old friends of Shen Guanglin, such as Saudi princes, such as charter kings, also donated money one after another.

After all, the fund raised this time is only 5000 million US dollars, which is not much, and even the charter king wants to make it round.

But don't, medicine and medicine will not die, and Buddha will have a fate.

The charter kings are all diagnosed with cancer. If you die just after donating money, is this still a life research team? Isn't this a funeral team?

He Shen Guanglin is not a god, how can he really treat cancer unless he uses immunotherapy.

When the ship king heard it, there are other treatments for cancer?He was immediately interested.

If it can be cured, let alone 5000 million, it is 5 million, and he is willing to try.

Shen Guanglin was not sure himself, but the ship king's confidence was more than Shen Guanglin's.

"I believe you!"

"Then let's try?" Shen Guanglin was still not very confident.

"Must try!"

Shen Guanglin really knew that this kind of therapy, called CAR-T therapy, was already a semi-mature therapy in later generations.

CAR-T, the full name is Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-CellImmunotherapy.

The English name is so long that it has to be spelled out. In fact, it is the number of words in water. It translates as: Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell Immunotherapy.

Many people are discussing the feasibility of this method. In fact, its treatment principle is also very simple. It uses the patient's own immune cells to remove their own cancer cells.

So, it's a cell therapy, not a drug.

After listening to Shen Guanglin's inscrutable introduction, the charter king was infinitely yearning.

Although he has an open-minded temperament and looks down on life and death, but if he can live, who wants to really die.

Hurry up, get your therapy out, Mr. Ship Wang can't wait.

Soon, a medical team dedicated to the ship king was established in the magic capital.

The most advanced medical equipment in the world is assembled, what embargo is not embargoed, in the ship king, the problem that can be solved with money, then it is not a problem.

The ship king is the only investor, and he is also the first guinea pig.

In the new project team, Shen Guanglin explained the principle of CAR-T therapy.

CAR-T therapy can be simply divided into several steps:
The first step is to isolate immune T cells from cancer patients;

The second step is to use genetic engineering technology to add a chimeric antibody that can recognize tumor cells and activate T cells to kill tumor cells at the same time.

In this way, this immune T cell has turned into a "special force". This special force can be precisely guided. It can accurately find cancer cells and launch attacks.

The third step is to first create one of these special forces, and then expand it in vitro, the more the better.

In the fourth step, the expanded CAR-T cells are infused back into the patient.

It looks simple, but there are very complex clinical work in the specific operation process.

If you do it well, you can cure diseases and save people, but if you don't cure it well, this is another Wei Zexi incident, just like what the Putian Department did.

Since this therapy does not have widespread promotion value, Shen Guanglin never thought that this method could also cure cancer.

So, this matter has been delayed for a long time.

In addition, Shen Guanglin has been restless for a while now, thinking about what's going to happen every day, so he can't calm down and do research.

It's a blessing, not a disaster, it's a disaster that can't be avoided.

Now, the turmoil is over, the current situation is much better than Shen Guanglin expected, and he has time to pick up this topic again.

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