Many people wanted to participate in the battle organized by Shen Guanglin.

After all, the project team chaired by Boss Shen has never failed.

Funds have been put in place, the venues are ready, and the equipment is on its way.

Then start recruiting.

In fact, Shen Guanglin's laboratory has no shortage of talents in this field.

Even though their biological base in the capital was destroyed by people, people are still there.

Someone has everything.

Now they not only have people, but also have money, equipment, and the personal participation of Professor Shen, so everyone is confident and has long wanted to participate in this battle.

However, Shen Guanglin considered more.

He felt that for a laboratory to continue operating, it still needed fresh blood injection, otherwise it would be in an unhealthy state.

So, recruiting is a must.

However, after all, Magic Capital is not the capital. Since they have decided to fight here, they naturally have to integrate into the local area, accept local culture, and use local people.

Zhou Fen is a local. She is a graduate student of Modu Medical University and an assistant teacher. She looks pretty good, in terms of Shen's aesthetics.

As soon as she heard that Professor Shen Guanglin wanted to recruit students majoring in biology and medicine for project public relations, she hurried over.

Modu Medical University is a university with a long history. In a few years, they will be merged by Fudan and become a more famous and historical university.

In fact, in Modu, the best school for medical majors was originally Tongji, but their medical majors moved to Jiangcheng after the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the medical field here is the world of Modu Medical University.

In fact, Tongji made a wrong payment in Jiangcheng after all.

In this era, when it comes to domestic medical schools, the most resounding slogan is "Southern Xiangya, North Union", and there is no Tongji at all.

Even if the scope is further expanded, it is still "East Qilu, West China and West".

In this era, not everyone has the treatment of Shen Guanglin, and they can take a car at will.

Although Zhou Fen is a teaching assistant at the medical school, her transportation is still a bicycle, a 28 bar.

Of course, the so-called 28 bars are actually two 28-inch wheels with a straight steel pipe.This kind of bicycle is also laborious when getting on and off the bike. In fact, it has many functions and advantages.

Bicycles are a good thing. In order to learn to ride bicycles, Emperor Xuantong sawed off the threshold of the gate of the Forbidden City.

The spring breeze doesn't understand the style, and it's still quite cold, but Assistant Professor Zhou is riding his bicycle quickly, sweating profusely.

Soon, she arrived at the interview site.

Although Professor Shen Guanglin is very famous, Zhou Fen has never met him, nor did he know him before.

Assistant Professor Zhou came, but of course no one greeted her, but a young classmate gave her a registration form.

The content to be filled in is very detailed, and after filling it out, it is a personal resume.

After all, what Shen Guanglin organized this time was not a face-to-face meeting, but a real interview.

Because of his outstanding achievements in the development of leukemia treatment, Xiaoma is the actual leader of the project team and one of the admissions judges.

The charter king is the major shareholder of the project. Although he did not appear in person, he still sent an agent to come.

Of course, the people of Xiangjiang know that Shen Guanglin is a manager, and he also knows that he has a very good relationship with the boss, but because this is after all taking the boss's life to test here, he is still very cautious about the interview.

I have interviewed several waves of people before, and everyone is not satisfied.

Although the students of this era study hard, the depth and breadth of their studies are not enough.

In general, they are too far behind the people they cultivated in Shen Guanglin's lab.

However, Shen Guanglin's laboratory has been relocated to the magic capital at this stage, and if he stays proud for a long time, he will face the dilemma of no successor.

Therefore, how to recruit new people, how to cultivate, always have to give a charter.

It's playing like this now.

There are indeed many good schools in Modu, but whether they can bear the heavy burden is unknown.

Professor Shen Guanglin is finally about to get down to business, but he can't break the pot!

For so long, he has been wandering outside. Strictly speaking, he has been away from scientific research for a long time, and this return should also be taken seriously.

The interview started again.

"Mr. Zhou Fen?"

Looking at this good-looking girl, Shen Guanglin suddenly felt that it is very rare for academics to have good facial features, and she looks in line with her own aesthetic. If there are no other flaws, I want this person.

"Hello, Professor Shen, I'm actually still a student." Seeing Professor Shen, she suddenly became a little nervous.

Of course, Shen Guanglin did not pretend to be condescending, but shook hands with her gently, his hands were very soft.

Then, Shen Guanglin asked, "What do you think of my genetics and immunology?"

Classmate Zhou didn't respond for a while. What do you call your genetics and immunology?

Shen Guanglin also knew that she didn't understand, "It's about using your own immune system to treat cancer, what do you think?"

Scholars of this era pay attention to character, and they come to seek refuge. However, in their minds, only by stating the shortcomings of your project and making you think that my level is okay, will you look at talents for the sake of talents Enroll me.

At least, that's how it is written in many storybooks, otherwise how can it be a blockbuster.

Zhou Fen also made this plan.

But she really didn't understand what Shen Guanglin said just now.

"I'm sorry, Professor Shen, I'm a clinical student and teaching clinic, and I really don't understand this. However, Professor Shen, you are the greatest scientist. Your point of view must be reasonable."

This sentence is quite right.

"Are you from the Magic Capital?" Shen Guanglin asked an irrelevant question.

"Native." Zhou Fen answered truthfully.

"Very good, you have been accepted. Follow him in the future" Shen Guanglin made a final decision.

So many people in the front have been eliminated, this girl just complimented and was admitted?

Is it because she looks more upright?
of course!

In Shen Guanglin's place, this classmate Zhou is more pleasing to the eye and worthy of his own students.

Moreover, she also considers herself the greatest scientist in the world, which shows that she is realistic.

That's it, what's the problem?Shouldn't it be accepted?
Qian Jin bought horse bones. What he wanted to buy was Wei Zhongxian, not Wei Zheng.

At the end of the one-day interview, Shen Guanglin recruited 10 people, all of whom were like this. The recruitment team completed the task very well, and the KPI was full.

Everyone was ready to pack up and leave, and only at this time did the charter king's agent find the opportunity to question Shen Guanglin: "Professor Shen, what kind of team do you want to set up, I mean, can these people fight?"

This is what he is most concerned about, because, in his eyes, these people are rotten fish and rotten shrimps, and the boss's life is handed over to them, which is a waste of life.

Shen Guanglin hesitated for a moment and said, "This is my business."

"No, I'm responsible for Mr. Bao's safety." He couldn't understand, how did Shen Guanglin become a top scientist in the world by his luck?

The reality is really like this. Whether the old bag can survive or not depends on luck.

At his stage, the deadline is approaching. Shen Guanglin uses immunotherapy, which is also a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Of course, his more purpose is to advertise, just to tell the world: I, Shen Guanglin, want to conduct research in this area, and you should try it with your life.

In fact, Shen Guanglin must really rely on those people in his laboratory.

It is obviously unrealistic to expect these few people to complete this task.

So, Shen Guanglin smiled: "Just prepare the money, that's your duty, isn't it?"


The staff were very disappointed.

In his sense, the boss is dead, but not completely dead.

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