Start with a college teacher

Chapter 936 Storytelling

The grass stage team was so hastily established, and scientific research has officially begun.

After all, time waits for no one, and Lao Bao is still waiting for the children to produce results to save lives.

However, the control of the entire project is in the hands of someone Shen, the charter king is the party, but his agent is not.

Therefore, the agent has no right to speak.

Moreover, he did not grasp the key points. If recruiting a few people at random can complete such a major scientific research problem, what should Shen Guanglin and the others do?
This kind of plot can only be performed in Hollywood movies. I am incompetent, I am cowardly, but I can save the world; I have tattoos, I use drugs, but I am still a good girl.

If just organizing a few stinky fish and rotten shrimps can defeat the big villain, then the big villain is too incompetent, and it is simply killing himself.

Shen Guanglin's purpose is actually to promote himself and his laboratory, so whether the final result is success or failure, he is ready to tell a good story.

Shen Guanglin's laboratory has a mature mechanism, there are successful cases in the past, and they have overcome larger scientific research problems, so everyone should not panic.

Isn't it genetic engineering? The hardest part of the whole project is to find the right gene segment and implant it.

They have done this job many times, and they are already familiar with it. It is nothing more than spending more money and doing more experiments in groups.

Now, what Shen Guanglin has to do himself is simple, that is, set goals, break down the work tasks, and each claim a piece.

Once these are done, the following people will naturally proceed to the next step according to the set requirements and steps, one by one, and there are even many steps that can be carried out simultaneously.

Everyone is accustomed to working together, and they do things in an orderly manner, not without clues and directions.

So, the new topic came, everyone was excited, but not nervous.

Only the ten new recruits had a particularly complicated mood. They were excited, nervous, and felt a lot of pressure.

You know, this is a project team ready to conquer cancer!
When they were able to join in, they were one in a hundred who broke through many difficulties and difficulties. Everyone was thinking about what to do next, and some people were even thinking about how they could turn the tide.

What to do next?
Next, I invite Zhou Shiyang, a junior biology student from Jingcheng University, to announce it for you.

Xiao Zhou was a good boy and didn't participate in those messy things, so he was entrusted with important tasks after arriving in the magic capital. This time, he was the leader of the newly recruited ten-person team in the laboratory.

"Hello, classmates and teachers. Welcome to Shen Guanglin's laboratory. In the next period of time, I will assign tasks to you. I hope you can spend a pleasant trial period in our laboratory."

Yes, although they are here to turn the tide, they are still in the probationary period, or the internship period.

When people are blind, what they need most is a guide.

Even though Classmate Zhou was still a child, with him around, everyone was less nervous and began to relax.

"Xiao Zhou, what do you want us to do next? Did Professor Shen tell us how to assign tasks to us?"

of course not.

They thought too much, how could their tasks be assigned by Professor Shen? They were directly assigned by Gui Xiaozhou.

As for how to train new people, Shen Guanglin's laboratory has already developed a unique mechanism, just apply it directly. After they graduate, they can join the group and become a qualified and happy experimental dog.

So, in the face of everyone's doubts, Zhou took out a new employee training schedule. In fact, it was prepared for freshmen, and it was just right for them.

Of course, this is also a traditional training program in Shen Guanglin's laboratory. Only after everyone has gone through a complete set of training, has become proficient, and passed the test, can the next step be possible.

So, they officially went to work, and the first task was to recognize and use the pipette.

Very good, 10 pipettes, one for each person. If everyone can take the liquid accurately and quickly, this subject will be over, and the next stage of advanced learning will begin.

However, this kind of work did not meet their expectations, and some people expressed their dissatisfaction:
"Xiao Zhou, what are you doing with a dropper? Aren't we here to do cancer research? Can such a gadget cure cancer? I still have a lot of ideas that I haven't communicated with Professor Shen."

God is pitiful, some people have never even seen a pipette, just like this, they can still conquer cancer?
What Zhou said is also very practical, "Your task at this stage is to follow me to learn. As for overcoming cancer, it is not your concern. If you don't study well, not only will you go back where you came from, but also I'm going to eat and hang."

"No! I want to see Professor Shen, you little guy, you can manage me if you're still fresh."

This man was dissatisfied and really went to see Professor Shen, and then everyone really never saw him again.

Shen Guanglin recruited them to tell stories and play supporting roles, and he didn't really rely on you to do things. He couldn't tell the priorities.

All, the group of ten became nine.

In Shen Guanglin's story, he is the only one who is the protagonist, and no one can argue with him.

In times of difficult funding, every researcher knows the importance of telling a good story.

Of course, most academics don't have the opportunity to tell this kind of story, because the public is only interested in top research results.

You can only be popular with the public if you are at the top and tell a story at the same time.

Only in this way can we continue to cheat money and continue with the next scientific research project.

In the scientific world, being able to tell stories can be deceiving too much.

For example, the story about the benzene ring in the dream that a snake bit its tail;

For example, about cowpox and dairy workers, and then think of the story of the treatment of smallpox.

These stories are all wonderful, I can do it, he is just a good example of luck.

What Shen Guanglin wanted to gather was such a story. He gathered a group of people at random, and it took a while to make a CAR-T.

For scholars from all over the world, there is no problem with hundreds or thousands of people who can be called top-notch.

However, if one goes up one level, it can be said that the number of top scholars, scholars who can perform world-class, will not be too many, and it is estimated that there are not 100 scholars.

As for these 100 people, there are still many who are already old and dying, basically quit the front line of scientific research and are already waiting to die.

In this way, there is not much left.

If they're not very good at telling stories, they'll be remembered even less.

The public only likes this kind of anecdote when they can tell a story and tell it vividly, when doing a world tour.

Then, it is possible to win an award.

Shen Guanglin is both doing business and doing scientific research, so he knows that if a company wants to go public, it must learn to package and tell stories.

Similarly, if a research group wants to become famous, it also has to learn to package and tell stories.

These ten newly recruited people think they are important, but in fact they are just a scrap, a scrap, and they are not the backbone of the whole story at all.

Therefore, if they are willing to learn, they can learn for a few years, and gradually they may become a qualified experimental dog.

I wanted to be the protagonist in the story from the very beginning, how could this be possible?

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