Start with a college teacher

Chapter 937 Standards

"Enough cluck, cluck enough!" The rooster crowing on the electronic watch woke Zhou Fen directly from his sleep.

This is the latest electronic watch launched by the Great Wall Group. She was also afraid of being late, so she bought one.

It is also Aiwu and Wu. After all, Professor Shen is the spokesperson of the Great Wall Group.

Not to mention, it's really easy to use. Not only is it waterproof, but it also has a luminous function, so you can see the time even if you don't turn on the light. Oh, it's only 5:03.

Today is the first day of official work, and she has to go earlier.

The team leader Xiao Zhou said that everyone had better arrive before 6 o'clock.

In the past, when she was a teaching assistant at school, Zhou Fen would sleep until 8 o'clock before getting up. The school started at 08:30, and half an hour was enough for washing and eating.

It's so cold in winter, how do you get up, what's wrong with staying in bed?

However, now that she has to get up at 5 o'clock, she feels as if she hadn't woken up. Perhaps, she still has an illusion, probably because she didn't fall asleep last night.

I simply took a shower. When I went out, the sky was not yet bright, but the east was already red.

This is the case in the magic capital. The dawn is earlier than in other places, but it is not so early.

If you put it in the Western Regions, people say that it will be dark at nine in the morning, and you won't go to work until ten o'clock in the morning.

Some rumors said that Professor Shen didn't go to work until after ten o'clock.

The next step is to gallop all the way, and finally there is no traffic jam at this point.

By the time she arrived at the laboratory, no one else had come yet, but Classmate Zhou was already sitting there reading a book, fully dressed.

Zhou did not speak, just sat there and waited quietly.

Some of my colleagues arrived before [-] o'clock, and some came after [-] o'clock. I wanted to explain a few words, but Xiao Zhou didn't ask, but the security guard at the door of the building registered the entry time.

By the time everyone arrived, it was already 6:[-].

After all, some people are not too close, and it is rare for them to get up in the winter.

Classmate Zhou said that there is accommodation here, but no one wants to come. There is no better place to live in a single room in the collective dormitory, and if you come here on a part-time basis, you still have to go back to the original unit. arrive.

Seeing that everyone was finally here, Zhou didn't say any other nonsense to emphasize organizational discipline or anything. Everything depends on self-consciousness.

In fact, even at this time, everyone still has opinions. After all, even if the landlord and the old wealthy let the long-term workers go to work in the fields, it is not so early.

"This is an instruction manual for the electron microscope." Zhou said, "This is the next stage of learning. When you can practice the pipette well, you can operate the electron microscope."

Everyone's eyes passed, a little bit of emotion, and all revealed joy.

Sure enough, when I came to Professor Shen's laboratory, it was different, and high-end equipment was immediately available.

"Xiao Zhou and Xiao Zhou, what is the order in which we use the electron microscope?"

Zhou Fen still mustered up the courage to ask a question. She has used a pipette before, so she is relatively skilled and ready for the next stage of learning.

Classmate Zhou was not arrogant either. He glanced at her and looked really good.

But he didn't look at it much, but said in a gentle tone: "There is no order."

What?Everyone was puzzled.

"I mean, what if two people are working on the pipette at the same time? How does the electron microscope work, and how much time does it take for each person?"

This is also an issue that everyone cares about, because everyone came together and there is still some competition between them. Everyone wants to use it early and use it for a while.

"Oh, there is no time limit, one electron microscope per person, until the operation is proficient and there is no error." Zhou's answer was very casual, but everyone listened not at all.

The crowd stopped talking for a while.

Really rich!It's not what they understand.

People are not bad at all!
In the future, if they encounter something different from their understanding, it would be good to regard it as the exclusive feature of Shen's laboratory.

All mornings are study time, and it is entirely up to everyone to learn by themselves.

After Zhou classmates assigned the task and demonstrated the electron microscope once, they disappeared, leaving them to practice on their own in a separate room.

It's lunch time, and that's what everyone is looking forward to.

Many people are dizzy and dizzy after a morning of high physical exertion.

Since the laboratory is so rich, their food should not be bad, and there should be pork. It's better to have stewed noodles with pork, but it's time for dinner.

In this era, the winter food is generally very bad, nothing more than the old three: radish, cabbage and potatoes.

If you want to add some side dishes, add a few pieces of fried tofu and it will be delicious on earth.

However, they soon ate a different delicacy in the world.

I really didn't expect that Dongpo meat would be enough!Beef stew with potatoes is also enough.

Lunch is still self-service, and everyone queues up for lunch.

Many people have prepared three bowls, one for vegetables, one for rice, and one for soup.

So arrogant!
At this meal, everyone ate a mouth full of oil, and even some people's throats were hoarse.

The fat is too oily and my throat can't stand it.

In the afternoon, the spirit of everyone's study was better, and some people even learned how to use the electron microscope in just one day's effort.

The night began to fall, and everyone knew that the time for dinner was 5 o'clock. After dinner, everyone consciously worked overtime. It was [-] o'clock, [-] o'clock, and [-] o'clock.
Everyone looked at each other and didn't know what time they got off work.

Look at the other floors, everyone is working.

This is a little uncomfortable.

Finally, everyone was looking forward to it, and finally Teacher Xiao Zhou came, "Mr. Xiao Zhou, when should we get off work?"

"It's random." Classmate Zhou answered very casually.

"Does the laboratory care?"

"It doesn't matter, it's up to you to learn or not, and it's up to you when you get off work. Why do you care about the lab?" Classmate Zhou was surprised, as if this question shouldn't be asked.

"Then why do we judge the merits of our studies?"

"I don't judge, it's not the three best students. When you are almost finished, if there is an experimental team, they will come and choose."

Of course, Zhou has another meaning, that is, if no one is picked for a long time, this person will be returned.

"What are the selection criteria?" This is the question that everyone cares about.

"Of course you are useful. Of course, the reference conditions are your working hours." Classmate Zhou still stole some clues for everyone. He also had opinions on everyone being late in the morning, but his education did not support him. Stereotypical management.

"What is the working time?"

"It's about how many hours you can work a week."

Sure enough, they still had requirements, and everyone said they understood.

"Are there any specific requirements?" Zhou Fen continued to ask.


Everyone was confused again. "Then how many hours should we work?"


This question is a bit irritating, but someone still asks the point: "How many hours do those team leaders like to work when picking people?"

That's the point.

"Not necessarily, if you look good, 100 hours will do."

100 hours, how long is that?Everyone began to make mental calculations: 7 days a week, wouldn’t that mean at least 14 hours a day?

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