Chapter 939

After the celebration banquet, there is another day off.

I understand everything I understand.

Among them, Shen Guanglin knows the three flavors best.

Wealth and honor do not return to their hometowns, such as walking in brocade clothes at night.

Now, everyone has been issued a mobile phone. If they are not allowed to go back and show off, how can they show the advancement and superiority of Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

People need to be compared. I don't need to live a good life, as long as I am better than the people around me, that's enough.

So, after the celebration party was over, Zhou Fen and the others were released, and they had a solid day off. Moreover, they were sent back to their original unit, which was a mandatory task.

It's good to take a break, the bowstring that has been tensed for a long time has finally been relaxed to a certain extent this time.

Therefore, Zhou Fen slept until noon, and when she woke up, she could go to the cafeteria to eat.

Girls know how to dress up. After getting the mobile phone, she saw a hole in it, and immediately thought of how to wear it: hang it around her neck.

Zhou Fen is from the south. When she was a child, her family used corn coats to weave straw sandals, so she was given a pair of dexterous hands.These hands may not be very powerful for biological experiments, but it is enough to weave a beautiful mobile phone chain.

For ordinary people to weave a rope, it is already very good to use the three-strand method to weave a rope that is not crooked. She is different. She can weave five or six or even seven or eight strands together to make a round one, which is both strong and beautiful.

Zhou Fen's grandfather even made a whip out of beef tendon, which made a cracking sound. Later, after she studied physics, she realized that it was a sonic boom, which is the same principle as the cracking sound of a supersonic aircraft.

The cafeteria of the Medical University at noon was bustling with people. It was easy to think of the little white mice they used for experiments. It was so crowded, one cage after another, and they were all killed soon.

In fact, it's been a long time since I left school, but it feels like I haven't eaten at school for a long time.

I didn't think it was so slow to make meals in the canteen before, but the efficiency of making meals in the buffet is high.

Credit cards are not popular in this era, and cash is required, and it is not enough to just pay, there are also various food stamps.

Therefore, the time for change is about longer than the time for cooking.

Moreover, the staff in the cafeteria are not dedicated, and they are not in good health. They tend to shake their hands very much, and sometimes the dishes that are put on the plate can be dragged away by them.

Zhou Fen was different. She was good-looking, and she was considered a starlet in school. As long as she didn't go to the female chef's place for big dishes, not only would the portions be large, but they would also be meat dishes, sometimes yellow meat dishes.

It's natural to get used to it. Beautiful women have such privileges. When people laugh at you, your bones will soften.

It's a pity that after being in the laboratory for so long, I only met Professor Shen once during the interview and at the celebration banquet. I have no chance to show off my charm, so I can only make that little P kid who is also surnamed Zhou obsessed. .

This can't show skill.

The Grand Canyon was blinded for nothing, and the mountains and dews are not visible when the mobile phone is put in.

"Xiao Zhou, you are here again. I haven't seen you for a long time." The master chef who was smoking and cooking greeted her with a smile at this time. Zhou Fen also smiled and returned politely, but he was afraid that his cigarette ash would fall off. in meals.

Of course, it's not uncommon to actually fall in.

After all, according to common medical knowledge, soot can sterilize bacteria. When your feet are rotten, apply some soot, and the effect will be quite good.

"I'm doing an internship outside recently, not at school." Zhou Fen took the meal, thanked her, turned around and left, taking another look at today's meal and couldn't eat anymore.

"This, this! This! Zhou Fen, sit here!"

When Zhou Fen looked up, she saw an equally enchanting girl calling her not far away. She was also a teaching assistant at the school. Her surname was Jiang, her name was nice, and her name was Jiang Chang. Men are the target, and they look down on Huaxia men at all.

Zhou Fen wiped his forehead and said with a smile: "The restaurant is too crowded for eating, that's not good."

Jiang Chang followed and said, "It's those stinky men who squeeze you again, the inferiority of Chinese people, hmph!"

"You don't want to beat everyone to death, Huaxia men are not as bad as you said." Zhou Fen didn't like her argument.

Jiang Chang froze for a moment, and said, "You've only been out for an internship for how long, and now you've met a wild man?"

"How can I have that time, you don't know, I get up at 5:11 every morning and go to bed at 16:12 in the evening. I have [-] hours of work every day, and I have one day of mandatory rest every week, which means that I will not work more than [-] hours on this day. When Zhou Fen mentioned this, he felt terrified, and didn't know how he got here.

No wonder there is such a saying in the laboratory, "In Professor Shen's laboratory, women are used as men, and men are used as animals."

"Really or not? That laboratory is so exaggerated, why doesn't it know how to be sympathetic to women, oh, look, look, the little face is tired, it's so pitiful."

As Jiang Chang spoke, he touched it with his hands.

Zhou Fen opened her hand, and argued: "Where is it that I'm thin? Our food is very good. We eat meat every day, and it's self-service. If it's enough, I've gained several catties."

"Really, let me check it too." Jiang Chang still acted like a hooligan, "This breast is really raised a lot. It's a few catties of cotton. Let me take it out for you."

"go with!"

"What kind of cotton pad? This is my mobile phone. I was afraid of dropping it, so I hung it here." Zhou Fen said while taking out the mobile phone.

How can you not share something good with your girlfriends? She has already imagined various scenarios.

"What is this? What is it for?" Jiang Chang saw this thing for the first time. It was very delicate and small, with a sense of luxury from top to bottom.

"This is a mobile phone, used for making calls. It combines the functions of a BP machine and a mobile phone. It can read messages, make calls, and play games. There are heavy cubes in it, which is quite fun." Speaking of mobile phones, although Zhou Fen has only owned it for two days, but he has already been able to talk about its advantages.

"Really?" Jiang Chang took it, and sure enough, there was a huge screen with number buttons and music on it. There was no addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, which meant that it was indeed not a calculator.

"Can I make a phone call?"

"Can fight!"

"Which country invented it, Fusang, or Citigroup? Or West Germany, which is so good that the Chinese can't do it."

Zhou Fen was quite unhappy to hear what he said.

"This is what the Huaxia people did, the Great Wall Group." Zhou Fen emphasized, and even bit his teeth together.

"Isn't the Great Wall Group owned by England?"

"No, Huaxia's company. Our Professor Shen is the chief scientist of the Great Wall Group. Our laboratory has made progress, so I was rewarded." Speaking of this, Zhou Fen looked proud. She really experimented with Shen Guanglin. Proud to be a member of the office.

"You won't have an affair with your professor, will you?"

"What are you talking about! If you say that again, let's not be friends anymore!" Zhou Fen got angry and grabbed the phone, "I'm full, I'm going back!"

"Hmph, you said you don't have a leg. If there is no wild man to support you, they will give you a mobile phone? This must be more expensive than Big Brother, so give it to you for nothing? I'm afraid your place is made of gold."

 There are only two updates today, and it has been delayed.

(End of this chapter)

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