Start with a college teacher

Chapter 940 A Fair Chance

Chapter 940 A Fair Chance

The Great Wall Group has officially recruited volunteers from the outside world, and it is no longer hidden. The list is 10 cases, and the registration fee is also 10 US dollars. It is mainly for overseas regions.

Without it, the treatment is too expensive for ordinary people to afford.

There are reports in the media of later generations that 120 million injections are given. It is hard to say how many injections are given a year, but it is estimated that injections are required every year.

In other words, this method is not easy to be popularized on a large scale. It is different from the treatment of leukemia, which is a good medicine for the people. As long as everyone works hard, they can still afford it.

The reason why Shen Guanglin did this was actually to save the life of the charter king.Now the Great Wall Group's industry needs the transportation of the ship king too much. These years, without the support of the ship king, his company's development would not have been so smooth.

In particular, in the next year or two, the Great Wall Group's strategic focus will be on Brother Maozi. If there is no shipping, it will be a lot of trouble.

Therefore, whenever there is a way, Shen Guanglin will also think about saving Lao Bao's life, especially since this old man is still so cute, he always wants to make Shen Guanglin his son-in-law.

Shen Guanglin also discussed with him, and only called him father-in-law, but the old man didn't agree if it was okay not to marry his daughter.

Although Professor Shen's research group has not been made public, his laboratory's international reputation does not need to be publicized too much. Although this time it is a guinea pig that has been recruited for human experiments, many people still flock to it.

Shen Guanglin didn't care about collecting lists and patients. He would sit in Laobao's room and chat with his old friends when he was tired of taking care of the children at home these days.

If you stay with the elderly for a long time, you will become more depressed.Shen Guanglin obviously wore fashionable casual clothes, but he insisted on wearing a unique spirit, unshaven and old-fashioned.

Shen Guanglin explained that he was tired of taking care of the children.

Although the children are taken care of by the mother-in-law and adults, it is a natural obligation for a father to take care of the children.

In particular, Mr. Shen not only had to take care of his children, but also his wife. He had two, and it was normal for him to be weak.

Therefore, during this period of time, Professor Shen himself, who often sits and naps at the door, has become a landscape of the project team.

As a result, many ladies who thought they were pretty good-looking had passed by him five or six times, but they still didn't attract his attention.

How could Shen Guanglin have the heart to think about this now? No matter how beautiful these women are, can they be as beautiful as his sisters?He left his lovely wife at home alone and hid here with Lao Bao, because he didn't want to get too close to women.

It is said that the royal family of the Qing Dynasty liked to raise deer in the back garden. It is said that deer blood is very beneficial, and Shen wanted to try it.

On this day, Shen Guanglin was in a daze again. A young man came to him for some unknown reason and asked directly, "Are you Shen Guanglin, Professor Shen from Capital University?"

Shen Guanglin hadn't seen such an impolite way of greeting for a long time.

Following the voice, he raised his eyes and saw a man who was about his age or slightly younger, with deep bags under his eyes, and a tired face just like Shen Guanglin.

Shen was also not angry, but replied with great interest: "Yes, I am Shen Guanglin from Beijing University."


"I heard that your research group is recruiting volunteers for reputation. You want to find cancer patients, right? You also want those who have lymphoma?" The young man glanced at Shen Guanglin again, "My uncle has lymphoma, and you admitted him for treatment. Let's go."

"Then you should go to the person in charge of the laboratory to sign up. I'm not in charge of this matter." Shen Guanglin didn't bother to vent his anger on such a trivial matter. Such an impolite young man would suffer big losses in the future.

The young man rolled his eyes, "I looked for it, but they didn't agree, and asked me to pay the money first."

After a pause, the young man continued, "Who set your price? Isn't this a slaughter? 10, who can afford it?"

"Heh, isn't it natural to pay to see a doctor? Young people are so angry, I think you are a little bit ignorant, you still have to pay attention to health preservation."

Shen Guanglin didn't want to explain to him what the basis for the project fee was, there was nothing to debate, so what if he won.

However, the young man had no intention of leaving,
"If we pay the money, can you guarantee the cure? If you take your medicine and something goes wrong in the end, will you be responsible?"

What he said was unreasonable, but judging by his upright look, it seemed that he was really invoking a teacher to ask a crime, which made people feel a little uncomfortable.

Of course, when it comes to the ability to irritate people, Shen Guanglin will also know, "Is there any medicine in this world that can cure all diseases? If the person disappears, how do you know that you died after taking the medicine? People have seven disasters and six disasters. Misfortunes and blessings, could it be that he was suffocated to death due to poor bowel movements?"

"What are you talking about? What is suffocation due to poor bowel movements? Who are you cursing?"

If it weren't for the fact that there are no tables currently, the young people would have patted the tables.

"Hey, isn't it enough to die the same way as President Yuan?"

Shen Guanglin stopped talking, and continued to look at the scenery and bask in the sun with the emotion just now, but his behavior was seen as showing weakness.

"Let me tell you, Professor Shen, my uncle just happened to have lymphoma, and now I've sent it to you, and you have to accept it, or you have to accept it if you don't. It's all your responsibility if he does something good or bad. , don't try to shirk."

Where did this Lengtouqing come from? He came here to act wildly.

Shen Guanglin threw a slipper at his assistant, "What are you doing to eat? Why do cats and dogs come to my side!"

The assistant was hit by a shoe for no reason, and felt very uncomfortable. He hurriedly called the security team leader and asked what was going on.

The security team leader said that they were brought here by government officials, they came to look for Team Leader Ma, and they were accompanied by school leaders.

Where are the school leaders from?And who is accompanying?
The security team leader couldn't explain clearly, but Shen Guanglin already roughly understood what was going on.

From the arrogant expression of that young man, it can be seen that this should be a privileged class.

However, Shen has never been considered a member of this class, and he especially hates the inexplicable sense of superiority of these people.

Before crossing over, he, Shen, was considered a small rich second generation, but he couldn't even raise his head in front of other second generations like others.

Therefore, now that they have status and status, Shen Guanglin doesn't want to spoil them.

Get out!Get out now!
You know, the salaries of the security guards are paid by Shen Guanglin, not from the sky.

This side started to drive people away, and the old ones were attracted there.

Xiao Ma came with the leaders.

It turned out that this group of people had already run into a wall with Xiao Ma, and the young man was not angry, so he took a step first and rushed to Shen Guanglin's side.

 It's already 10 o'clock when I came back today, I wrote a chapter in a hurry, I have nothing to do during the day tomorrow, I will update it normally
(End of this chapter)

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