Chapter 942 Masks
Life is so much helplessness.

After all, people are social animals. Although self-willedness is really cool sometimes, and it is in line with Shen's personality, but most of the cases are: self-willedness only exists in imagination, and even Shen Guanglin can't do whatever he wants.

Therefore, even though Shen Guanglin has repeatedly emphasized, their project plan probably cannot save the old man's life, and cannot give any guarantee.

However, the middle-aged man surnamed Su still said, do your best and obey the destiny.Could there be a worse result?

Since Professor Shen's laboratory can even cure leukemia, it must also be able to treat lymphoma.

If they can't, then who can you count on.

Shen Guanglin still agreed.

Not for power, nor for profit, just for the elderly.

After all, he is an old man who has made contributions to the country. Although there are many unworthy descendants, if he can help, he can still help.

Therefore, it wasn't that the other party had a reason why he had to agree, but that he didn't want to worry about these things back and forth.

No need to think about it, the patience of these people must be incomparable. Shen Guanglin doesn't want to waste it with them, and he can't afford it.

Professor Shen is from Jinling, and the Su family happens to have great influence in Suzhou Province, so we all complement each other in a certain way.

Sweet or not, hometown water; dear or not, hometown people.

I heard that the petrochemical industry of the Great Wall Group has been taken over for no reason. The Su family can try to help coordinate and see if they can get it back.

Even if it is not good, the compensation that should be given should be given in place.

Up to now, half a year has passed, and the relevant departments above have not given an explanation, which is really inappropriate.

In fact, Lao Li should be blamed for this matter, and those people probably did it on purpose.

Shen Guanglin didn't pursue it, but just wanted to see how it would end.

After coming to this era, Shen Guanglin has always felt a sense of dissociation. He feels that he has been playing dungeons, so he doesn't care too much about gains and losses.

He is not a person of this era, what else can he lose?
It was only when I returned home and looked at my son and daughter that I suddenly realized: It turns out that I have been deeply integrated into this era.

The child is what he cannot lose.

However, Shen Guanglin refused the Su family's proposal to help coordinate the petrochemical company.

If the petrochemical company can get it back, it must be done by Shen's own ability.

With external force, he doesn't need it.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin was still waiting for these people to give him an explanation.

Now that the west wind is blowing, Shen is waiting for the day when the east wind will rise again.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin did not make any excessive demands on the Su family's eager expectation of exchange.

After all, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

Don't ask for it now, if the laboratory's treatment method is effective, then there will be no shortage of thanks.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin only made a small request: Let that young man be a volunteer.

This time I really came to be a volunteer, similar to the kind of male nurse.

Aren't you arrogant, aren't you awesome, don't you look down on Shen's small temple?
Now, come over and be a volunteer!

Shen Guanglin said to the middle-aged man, "It is right to offset the medical expenses."

Young man, please try the small shoes to see if they fit well.

Old Su said immediately: "Of course there is no problem! The juniors should have more experience, otherwise there will be no growth."

He made the call for his nephew and agreed.

Xiao Su came to work, his name doesn't matter, he is not an important person in Professor Shen's place, he is just a passerby.

However, for Xiao Su, going to be a volunteer in Professor Shen's laboratory is really bad luck in life.

For ordering people, Shen is still very good at it.

Don't some patients need to test physiological indicators, and the job of collecting stool is left to him.

Moreover, not only did he have to do this, but he also had to get started with the laboratory tests. With the hands-on teaching of the laboratory staff, he must have learned well.

This double impact of vision and taste directly made the pampered Mr. Su want to vomit out his intestines.

This kind of life directly disgusted me.

After getting off work on the first day, Xiao Su, who finally insisted on returning home, immediately complained to her father: "This kind of work is too tortured, and I will never do it again."

Then, a big dick swung over.

Xiaosu's protesting mood disappeared without a trace, even if her mother came to beg for mercy, it would not work, so go tomorrow, dare to stab, kill you!
The middle-aged oblique Liu Hai is Xiao Su's uncle. He heard that his nephew had been wronged, so he rushed over to comfort him, and saw him smiling all over his face: "Son, you have worked hard for the sake of the family and the old man."

"You!" Xiao Su always felt that his uncle was mocking him, but he was not sure.

After all, it was my father who arranged for me to live, and it was my father who beat me. My uncle usually treats me very well.

"Son, think about it, what a great job you have done for the sake of the family! Moreover, you are not asked to do it for the rest of your life, just persevere." The uncle comforted people with earnest words and narrowed his eyes. became a seam.

"I" Xiao Su felt very uncomfortable, he had never been wronged like this since he was a child.

The uncle chuckled again: "Son, you and I are both dudes in the family. I grew up with you, and we do the same things. To describe it in one word, it's shabby."

"Huh?" Xiao Su originally wanted to find comfort with her uncle, but she didn't expect her uncle to have such an attitude.

At this time, the uncle's interest in talking came instead: "Think about it, how many dirty things we have done, if these things are placed on ordinary people, it will affect other people's lives, have you ever cared about it?" ?no."

Indeed, if you are born in a wealthy family, if you can't boss around, wouldn't it be too boring.

"Since we have offended someone we can't offend, shouldn't we be human?" said the uncle earnestly.

Xiao Su was also shocked by his uncle's words, "You mean, wait until now, and I will make up for it?"

However, my uncle didn't think so: "According to my opinion, you probably have to endure this matter forever."

"Ah? How long will you endure?" Xiao Su expressed puzzlement.


"Because Professor Shen is far above our family in terms of status and influence. He just doesn't want to care about us, not really afraid of us."

"Isn't he just a scholar?"

"Have you ever seen such a rich scholar?"

"No matter how rich a scholar is, he is still a scholar."

"They are not only rich and influential, but also have a deep background."

"Background? Isn't he from Jinling?"

If it wasn't like this, Xiao Su wouldn't dare to be angry with Shen Guanglin.

"Then do you know who is in his father-in-law's family? The one who was just published in the obituary a while ago is his wife's grandfather. That old man is much older than our old man."

"So." Xiao Su said that she understood a little bit.

"So, I bought you a few thick masks, you can use them. There are only so many uncles can help you."

(End of this chapter)

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