Chapter 943

It was too tiring to take care of the children during this time, probably because he did not have a good rest, Professor Shen felt his backache all day long.

Probably, it has been a long time since I did physical exercise.

It just so happened that Li Rong was going to recover after giving birth, so the two of them would go for a run every morning when they got up, and they would not consider going to work in the laboratory until they were sweating.

If you don't go to work, it won't work, and it will be replaced at home.

Of course, Li Rong didn't want to go to work for the time being. She went home after running, while Shen Guanglin trotted all the way to the laboratory, took a shower and changed into dry clothes before going out to the cafeteria for breakfast.

That's the good thing about being a boss, you can do whatever you want.

Even, someone Shen's rest room can have private access to the secretary's office, which is exciting to think about.

It's just that Shen Guanglin's secretary is a man, so he gave up this idea.

Think about it, he was sleeping soundly, and suddenly his chrysanthemum hurts, how scary.

Of course, it's not that Shen Guanglin can't afford a female secretary, and it's not that there aren't any good girls in Beijing University.

But Shen has something to pursue, and he has a clear distinction between work and life. He would rather know more female stars than have any innocence with female students other than Li Li.

Otherwise, there are so many new students entering the school every year at Capital University, if he would not let go of every good-looking girl, this life would be too colorful.

Shen Guanglin was not such a person.

Only some book friends will have such a dream.

It's a pity that you are just dreaming, and some art school teachers have already practiced it.

There is a tradition, what would an actor's son beat his girlfriend for?Is it really because of violent tendencies?
Now, Shen Guanglin has returned to work normally, and even Li Li has gone out to find a job and go to work.

She didn't rely on Mr. Shen's convenience to go to Tongji to teach. According to her qualifications, it was enough, but she didn't want to go. Instead, she found a very ordinary school to teach physics.

That's right, the beautiful doctor who came back from overseas went to teach physics in an ordinary secondary school, and this is a school named after aquatic products, and it was ridiculous to open the door for the outrageous -- outrageous home.

In this regard, Shen Guanglin is still very supportive, as long as there is something to do, the current real estate is not easy to toss.

Now Shen Guanglin eats in the laboratory, which is convenient and trouble-free.

In Shen's laboratory, everything else might be bad, but the accommodation and accommodation conditions must be the best.

This is already an excellent cultural tradition of the laboratory.

Moreover, whenever a new result comes out of the laboratory, you can make a new request.

For example, put a treadmill in the cafeteria, for example, put a table tennis table in the cafeteria.

Why should these facilities be placed in the canteen?

Because the researchers don't have the time and energy to experience it elsewhere.

Only during the 10 minutes of eating can everyone relax, exercise, and even play a game of bridge.

There are many people playing bridge in this era, which is a sport popularized by Emperor Taizong.

However, as an imported product, young people in later generations seem to prefer Texas Hold'em, and even many of the classic scenes in Xiangjiang's movies are Texas Hold'em.

Shen Guanglin didn't participate in the activities of these students, he just came here for dinner.

If you report to Professor Shen during the meal time, you will be scolded. Do you have any private time?

Therefore, Shen Guanglin ate alone without being disturbed.

Although it was breakfast, Shen Guanglin still had to eat Jiuzhuan Dachang.This makes people very speechless, but there is no other way, he has money, and the whole laboratory belongs to him, so it is nothing to hire a few classic chefs.

Even when Mr. Shen arrived in Shanghai, the chef moved here from the capital, so that's it.

Shen Guanglin was snoring while eating, and a middle-aged Mediterranean waited for him quietly beside him.

A bowl of soy milk was waiting for the milk skin to come out, and finally Professor Shen had enough to eat.

This Mediterranean is from Capital University, the deputy dean of the School of Chemistry, and he is here to invite Professor Shen to go back to school.

It’s funny to say that Shen Guanglin Mingming taught physics at first, and he also grew up from the School of Physics, and he also became famous in this field.

But in Jingcheng University, the one with the best relationship with Shen is not the School of Physics, nor the School of Biology with the most achievements, but the School of Chemistry.

Regardless of the turmoil in the current situation or the impermanence of the world, the School of Chemistry is supporting him free of charge.

Of course, it is not accurate to say that it is free.

Because, like Shen Guanglin, a scholar who can bring huge funds to the school is a sweet pastry that any university or college is vying for.

Wudaokou Technical School has been coveting Professor Shen for a long time, the difference between the two schools is Shen Guanglin.

Now, Shen Guanglin's laboratory has cooperated with a certain university in Shanghai, and the government of Shanghai has allocated a large amount of activity funds to the school.

Although this little money is not in Shen's eyes at all, but in this era of poor universities, this is a lot of money.

You know, a total of 35.8 college students graduated in the country last year. Calculated according to the highest salary standard, each person has a monthly salary of 200 yuan.

What is the concept of 7000 million, it is not as much as a hair pulled out by the charter king.

In Shen Guanglin's temporary laboratory in Shanghai, the monthly expenditure almost caught up with this amount.

Of course, the recent expenditure has a downward trend. Without him, equipment is difficult to buy, and money cannot be spent.

The sanctions imposed on China by Western countries still have an impact on Shen Guanglin's laboratory. The most advanced equipment is no longer available, and it takes a lot of trouble to get it.

Shen Guanglin was ready to leave after eating, only then did Mediterranean Difficulty walk up to Shen Guanglin, and coughed: "Professor Shen."

"Oh, Dean Lu, what a coincidence, you also came over for dinner, did you come all the way from the capital?"

In fact, Shen Guanglin had seen the Mediterranean Sea a long time ago, and had some guesses about his purpose, but he just pretended not to know.

"Yes, your food is really good. You have already caught up with the principal's small cafeteria. I came here to see if the students have fallen behind in their studies. After all, they have been away from school for so long, and the school still needs to grasp their basic dynamics."

This also makes sense.

After all, many students have not yet graduated, whether they are undergraduates or postgraduates, they are actually registered and come to work.

Shen is a black-hearted boss.

However, there is one more attractive thing: as long as it is a student from Professor Shen, well-known universities and research institutes around the world are rushing to take it.

After all, the people cultivated in his laboratory not only have high IQ, but also have pretty good hands-on ability.

In Shen Guanglin's laboratory, the atmosphere of mentoring and mentoring has been formed, and everyone has come here in this way.

The top and luckiest students became the project team leaders, and the students who feel hopeless can also choose to find another way out, and no one will lose money.

Therefore, as long as he has received a complete education from Shen Guanglin's laboratory, he will be a person who can fight and win when he comes out.

"I was busy eating just now. I didn't see you. I'm sorry." After all, he was the dean of the School of Chemistry, Shen Guanglin still greeted him politely.

As for whether he really didn't see it just now, it depends on how he understands it.

Mediterranean hurriedly smiled and said it didn't matter, and then said sincerely: "Professor Shen, let's go back, the school needs you."


"My laboratory has been demolished. I heard that there are still students from our school. Is that why the school needs me?"

As he spoke, Shen Guanglin pulled out a wet tissue and wiped the oil from the corners of his mouth.

This kind of wet tissue was invented by Shen Guanglin for himself, and it became very popular when it was released. It is especially useful for cleaning, disinfecting and wiping glasses, but the price is a bit expensive, and only Shen Guanglin and his family can afford it.

Now, everyone doesn't like to use handkerchiefs very much.

After all, that's unhygienic, wiping your mouth, sweat, and nose, that's all it is.

For such a sensitive topic, Hai Hai could only smile helplessly. The reason for this cannot be elaborated at all. He believes that Professor Shen can understand it.

"Professor Shen, I heard that the school here is not cooperating well with your laboratory. See if we withdraw early. The school will definitely give us the greatest support and help."

The dean spoke very sincerely, and he also knew that Shen Guanglin had no intention of leaving Capital University.

However, with the arrival of the new year and the restoration of teaching order, the school's need for Shen Guanglin is much more urgent than Shen Guanglin's need for the school.

Shen Guanglin looked leisurely: "But, I don't need any support at this stage."

Shen Guanglin's laboratory is not short of people, money, and things. What kind of support does he need?

However, since Dean Lu came here, he would not fight unprepared.

He has mastered what Shen Guanglin's laboratory needs most now, and it doesn't lack everything.

"Professor Shen, the youngest student in your laboratory is already a junior. Think about what you need?"

The confidence of the Mediterranean is still very strong. "For a laboratory to survive and develop, what it needs is the cultivation of a talent echelon. To put it bluntly, the top reserve talents must be in the capital, not in Shanghai."

This is not true at all, and it hits the point right away.

Although these universities in Shanghai are good schools and the quality of students is quite good, compared with those two schools, there is still a big gap.

If a champion in the college entrance examination did not go to the capital, but studied in a certain university in Shanghai, it must be a big book.

But in Beijing, if you are not the number one student in the college entrance examination, you would be ashamed to be a team leader in Professor Shen's laboratory.

In this regard, what touched me the most was the nine new interns recruited by the laboratory. They thought they were awesome, but they turned out to be better than them.

Zhou Fen is now a newly-promoted lab flower. What she relies on is not her strength, but her appearance.

All along, she has always regarded herself as the favored child of heaven. She has studied very well since she was a child, and she has always been No.1. Only then was she admitted to the medical university in Shanghai.

In Shen Guanglin's laboratory, there are many wretched men who like to chat with her in their spare time. Among them is a little black fat man with an unshaven beard called Hu Bandit. He insists that we have been with her for a year. How close.

For this reason, this horse bandit also used his privilege as the team leader to take Zhou Fen over.

When the fellow saw the fellow, he panicked.

Girls don't have high standards for boys, as long as they are clean.

Of course, the so-called cleanliness does not mean being clean after taking a bath, but looking as clean as Liming, a Beijinger who is popular in Xiangjiang.

Therefore, in terms of appearance, the little black fat guy doesn't have much advantage, and Zhou Fen also has classmates he likes at school, it feels even more useless.

How many ugly men does a good-looking girl have to reject in her life?
Until, they inadvertently chatted about the college entrance examination that year, and the little black fat man was very embarrassed and said that there was nothing to talk about. He was the top scorer in the provincial college entrance examination that year, and his result was in the lower middle of the national ranking.

"Number one in the college entrance examination? You are Hu Xu! I saw you in the newspaper!" Zhou Fen was extremely surprised, she never expected that the top student in the college entrance examination that year had such a dignified appearance.

"Yes, don't you know my name?" The little black fat man was also secretly happy, and he hadn't experienced this sense of superiority for a long time.

"But aren't you called Hu Bandit?"

"Because I have a beard like a bandit."

 Let’s update it today, I don’t want to split the number of words in two chapters, rest tomorrow, a few more chapters

(End of this chapter)

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