Chapter 944 The Return
Shen Guanglin still returned to the capital.

Capital University is his basic set, and it really cannot be lost.

The dean of the School of Chemistry is right. Scientific research is a contest of high IQ. It is not impossible to do scientific research in Shanghai, but the problem of student resources is really a big problem.

So far, the CAR-T project team has recruited 9 shallots, except for Zhou Fen who was picked away by the little black fat man probably because of her beauty, and the rest are still doing training.

They may also be capable, but no one is willing to give them a chance to prove themselves, unless they are their own juniors.

Moreover, Zhou Fen's job is not to start experiments, which is too risky. Her job is to cook meals for the members of the project team and provide logistics services.

To talk about high-quality male students, you have to look at Qingbei.

Of course, when it comes to high-quality female students, there are more places to look, and the best choices are those drama schools.

Male talent and female appearance.

Now, the times have turned for the better, what should have passed has passed, and the days are getting better day by day. People still have to learn to let go, and don’t be like those literary youths, who are always dying and living, and engage in boring scar literature.

Shen Guanglin was not such a person.

Although there have been some twists and turns in the progress of society, for Shen Guanglin's laboratory, the overall loss is still within an acceptable range.

Therefore, as soon as Dean Lu persuaded him, Professor Shen came back immediately, abandoning his wife and son, which was very touching.

Isn't that what great scholars are willing to dedicate to their classmates?

Now, Shen Guanglin appeared on campus again, and there were not many classmates who knew him well.

In Huaxia, there are not many other things, but there are many people, especially on the campus of the university, there will never be a shortage of young students.

Everyone has heard that there is a very powerful Professor Shen in our school, but we have only heard of his name and never seen him.

Therefore, taking advantage of this opportunity, everyone wanted to take a closer look at Professor Shen, and then sighed: He is just a little handsome, and I will definitely replace him.

Some teachers also sighed, "Professor Shen hasn't haunted the school for two years."

"Yeah, he hasn't taught classes for several years. I still remember when he first started teaching, but it was erotic."

"Yeah, everyone has a time when they were young, and everyone came from the youthful stage."

"No, that's not what I mean. I'm talking about eroticism, not youthfulness. You know, he first taught foreign languages ​​and often told dirty jokes. At that time, everyone thought he was very good."

"Ah, if you say this, I won't be sleepy. Come and talk about it in depth."

The teachers chatted so happily that they almost danced.

Literati are all boring, even the ancients, when they have nothing to do, they like to make a few pornographic jokes to comfort the boring life.

Even Su Shi wrote a poem, Eighteen brides and eighty husbands, with pale hair and red makeup.The mandarin ducks are trapped in a double night, and a pear tree crushes the crabapple.

Returning to the campus of Capital University again, Shen Guanglin didn't feel that it was too different from those universities in Shanghai.

In recent years, he has indeed spent less time in class. When he comes back this time, he is ready to resume class.

Of course, it is impossible to go back and teach basic courses.

Tired of his reputation, he could only give big lectures, which are the so-called lectures.

Even, the school helped him figure out the topic, and it was called "Preface to Science and Technology".

Don't care about physics, chemistry and biology, just talk about it casually, as long as it is what Professor Shen said, the students will love to listen.

Of course, the students love to hear stories about how to go abroad and make money, and this is also what Shen Guanglin doesn't like to tell the most.

As for the truly meaningful courses, such as those of biophysical chemistry, Professor Shen has many talented calves under his command. They can do it for the teacher, and they can be regarded as training newcomers for the laboratory.

Those cultivated through mentoring are all direct descendants, and their loyalty is very high. Even though some students have been away for many years, they still love Professor Shen.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin has not been able to win the Nobel Prize in recent years, but his voice has always been the highest, and many people have complained for him, many of whom are his students.

Hey, if you are hot, you will die. Shen Guanglin didn't expect that he would become Haruki Murakami one day, shouting for awards every year, but not getting them every year.

Of course, it is certain that Shen Guanglin won the nomination. Many scientists have said that he nominated Shen Guanglin, but he has not been seen to win the award. It is not like Li Zhengdao and Yang Zhenning. The results were confirmed in the first year and won the award in the second year. .

Now, there are not many opportunities left for Shen Guanglin to succeed at a young age, and if he keeps going, he will probably be a late bloomer.

However, after going through all kinds of twists and turns, Shen Guanglin also let go of his normal mind, so he didn't care so much. Instead, he was a bit back to basics and ready to return to the classroom.

Shen Guanglin's laboratory is one of the largest martial arts sects in Capital University, a bit like the Shaolin Temple in martial arts novels.

Shen Guanglin is the abbot who loves to marry his wife. Moreover, the two abbots have the same abilities in terms of cultivating successors and getting sponsorship from the big chaebols.

In short, they are all the kind of money huggers.

Now, apart from wanting to resume teaching classes, Shen Guanglin even has the idea of ​​continuing to study in depth.

Of course, Shen Guanglin is definitely not interested in building bridges or other natural sciences, after all, he does not have Lin Weiyin by his side.

Maybe it's because of collecting too much, Shen Guanglin is actually a little fascinated by history and archeology. For this reason, he went to southern Hunan to see the female corpse at Mawangdui.

Mrs. Xin Zhui is really a miracle, not only in history, but also in biology.

Fusang people have always wanted to take some tissue fluid, get some hair or human tissue for research, but we have repeatedly refused.

However, Shen Guanglin's lab also wants to conduct research.This is not difficult, really not difficult. When the female body was unearthed, people from the medical school organized an autopsy and still had samples.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin's laboratory wanted a little of this thing, and the other party readily agreed, and expressed their willingness to share the previous results.

Being able to cooperate with Beijing University and Shen Guanglin Laboratory is something that academic institutions in many places dream of.

However, there has been no conclusion about the research on female corpses not decomposing for thousands of years. Most people guess from the natural environment. Although it is not unreasonable, it cannot be a final decision.

Now, Shen Guanglin's laboratory has specially dispatched a project team to conduct research in this area, and hope to gain something.

Everyone is very excited that Professor Shen can return to work.Some teachers even stood up and said that Professor Shen can take any of his classes, and as long as there is a need, he can lead the horse for Professor Shen.

What is this? As a teacher, teaching in the classroom is what the world should be like.

In the past, Shen Guanglin made a bad start. He even ran away for more than two years in one breath in order to avoid the storm.

Now, he is back, returning to the classroom again, just doing what a teacher should do.

In short, Professor Shen is very modest and has no stains on him.

The revered Professor Shen is back!

This time, not only Professor Shen came back, but Shen Guanglin's laboratory was also preparing to relocate and reopen.

The research groups that are already doing research will still stay in the local area to continue their research. If there are new research groups in the future, it is estimated that they will be relocated to the capital.

The next day, Shen Guanglin ceremonially went to the auditorium to attend classes.

This is a class for freshman students, and education should start from the baby.

From the moment they entered the door, the applause of "Hua Hua Hua" has never been broken.

Even the students who were sitting upright in their seats stood up, and everyone stood up and applauded vigorously, welcoming the return of Professor Shen.

"Thank you, thank you!" Shen Guanglin waved his hands in greeting.

This feeling is long gone.

Hearing applause is much better than hearing the news that students have besieged his lab.

This feeling is very good, but there is still a bouquet of flowers and a little girl who presented flowers.

(End of this chapter)

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