Start with a college teacher

Chapter 945 Eligibility

Chapter 945 Eligibility
If in later generations, an idol-level star like Shen Guanglin appeared in the school, there would definitely be a large group of girls and wild men shouting loudly, "Professor Shen, I want to give birth to monkeys for you."

The way people express their emotions in this era is still too subtle, they only know how to applaud.

However, for the students of Peking University, Professor Shen is great, almost a living god.

The first lesson for everyone entering Capital University is to learn the glorious deeds of Professor Shen.

You don’t even need to inquire about it yourself, some well-informed students can already describe it vividly.

Professor Shen Guanglin was originally just an ordinary teacher who taught foreign languages. He deeply felt the backwardness and helplessness of the country, so he liked to study physics during extracurricular activities, and finally achieved success.

Then, he started teaching physics and started writing papers that were published in high-end journals.

In fact, it is not uncommon to be able to reach this step.

Especially in Beijing University, many teachers can do this and have done it.

Cross-line cross-professional is a trivial matter.

Then, Professor Shen was qualified to attend the international conference because of the high-end publication of the paper.

This is not surprising at all. Although it is not so casual to go abroad in this era, it is not uncommon.

However, it was at this International Physics Exchange Conference that Professor Shen became famous in the first battle. He used the method of verbal battle against Confucianism to denounce all the scholars at the scene as chickens and dogs. In front of Professor Shen, there is almost no enemy.

Professor Shen is like this, with his own strength, he has made a name for himself all over the world.

And this is just the beginning of his surprises.

After becoming famous, Professor Shen relied on the fees earned from giving lectures, and used the fees to start his own laboratory.

Then, they developed step by step. They cooperated with large international companies and exchanged results for funds, and the laboratory operation became better and better.

Even, Professor Shen has become the chief scientist of a large international company, and the funding of Professor Shen's laboratory is more than that of all the universities in Beijing combined.

"Is no one jealous?"

"Of course some people are jealous, saying that you, Shen Guanglin, have so much funding, why don't you share some with other scholars. This is called not worrying about scarcity but inequality."

So how did Professor Shen do it?
Professor Shen didn't say no, but other people are indeed not qualified. This is a donation from others, and it is only used by Professor Shen.

"Didn't that offend a group of people?"

"Of course, they are all villains anyway, so if you offend them, you will be offended, but why is Professor Shen still walking sideways in the school? It's because the scientific research results produced by his laboratory have to be matched with funding. These matching funds are always paid by Professor Shen. I didn't ask for any money, and donated it all to the school.

Therefore, we look down on Wudaokou Technical School now. The extra chicken legs in our Ximen canteen are actually all thanks to Professor Shen. "

"Besides, as long as you enter Professor Shen's laboratory, you can get what you want. Even, in a certain year, some older men and young men got married. They are all female cadres of the Central Organization Department, and they are all like teachers' wives. Pretty."

"Then how can I enter Professor Shen's laboratory?"

"Hard work and intelligence are enough, and intelligence comes first."

"That's over, I only got No.2 in the province in the college entrance examination."

"Don't mention it, I can't do it, I'm fifth."

Recently, the most attention-grabbing event at Capital University is the return of Professor Shen Guanglin.

Today is his first class, so naturally it has attracted much attention.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin does not want to talk about a specific knowledge point after being separated from the school education system for such a long time. Everyone can study by themselves when they have time. Shen Guanglin just wants to talk about the results of Shen's laboratory during this period of time.

If you don't continue to talk about this, I'm afraid you don't know the greatness of Professor Shen.

Therefore, everyone who entered the classroom received a book at the door. There was nothing else in the book, just a brief introduction to the work results of Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

Shen Guanglin also thought about writing a special book for his own laboratory, or compiling a set of textbooks for the current students, but these tasks have already been done. It's embarrassing to steal other people's business.

This is just an ordinary lecture, but it is also a report meeting.

Apart from some students, there were also a considerable number of teachers present at the meeting, and even many teachers from other schools came to watch Professor Shen's lectures.

It's a pity that the two sturdy male students who guarded the door for this report meeting did not send a lady of manners with outstanding looks and figure, which is not perfect.

A teacher from Wudaokou Technical School followed the crowd and stood next to the teacher from Beijing University. He said enviously, "It's just an ordinary lecture. As for such a big scene, is it necessary?"

The teacher at Peking University didn't care, instead he smiled and asked, "Why, envious?"

The teacher at Wudaokou pouted and turned to greet other familiar teachers.

Even, inadvertently, he even saw two faculty members.

Isn't it true that such a lecture is actually worthy of the faculty members coming?

You must know that even in later generations, although the number of academicians has increased greatly, it is not as much as a free-for-all. Shen Guanglin only opened a class, and it is really rare to have two faculty members.

There is no such treatment for teaching achievement evaluation.

And at this moment, Shen Guanglin entered the gate amidst the noise.

Then, he was greeted with applause like a tide.

It's just a small scene, someone Shen can hold it.

It doesn't matter who you are, whether you like to come or not, this is my Shen's place, and it only belongs to Shen and Shen's students. As for the elderly adults present, Shen Guanglin doesn't plan to pay attention to them.

"Thank you for coming. To save time, I won't introduce who I am. Let's get started."

Although he hadn't been on the stage for a long time, Professor Shen's typhoon was still very stable. He chose not to exchange pleasantries and started the lecture directly.

Although what he was doing was sensationalizing, let's forget about the sensationalizing process, it seemed sincere.

Therefore, Shen introduced the results of his laboratory in a soothing and firm tone, which is also the purpose of his lecture today.

This is the theme of this class, just like "The Last Lesson", what Shen Guanglin has to do is to let the students have an intuitive concept of how awesome his laboratory is.

And if you want to show how good you are, the best comparison object is the domestic scientific researchers.

Don't be shy, just use your dog's head.

Shen Guanglin's courseware is ready-made, and the assistants in the laboratory helped him sort it out.

What Shen Guanglin has to do now is to rely on his on-the-spot performance ability to make his laboratory's awesome talk as vivid and interesting as possible.

It's just that the topics that are interesting for Shen Guanglin are not so interesting for other teachers.

Because, this Shen Guanglin is not a son of man.

From time to time, he mentioned the deeds of a well-known domestic scholar, and then used their stupidity to set off his awesomeness. There are many short stories like this, which are also very interesting.

Although no names were named, in the scientific research circle, anyone who knows understands it.

Thus, the person being cited is a bit hurt, and likely to be a laughingstock for years, if not decades, to come.

"Professor Shen, I have a question. Is it too much for you to raise yourself up by belittling others?"

(End of this chapter)

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