Chapter 946 Li Wei
Is he here to catch the heat?
This was Shen Guanglin's first thought.

Shen Guanglin couldn't be blamed for thinking this way. Today's class was Shen's first public class in two years, and Shen Guanglin still attached great importance to it.

It's obviously rude for this person to interrupt the rhythm of his speech so hastily.

Moreover, when Shen Guanglin listed the examples, he did not name them by name. It is not a big deal for everyone to watch the excitement.

When Professor Shen talked about those cases, he was very reserved.

You know, the technology circle is as dirty as the art circle, but this circle is relatively small, and many things are not well known to everyone.

If it happened in the literary and art circles, it would be different. When it mentions "2 minutes", who do you think of; when you mention two golf balls, who do you think of; when you mention the one-headed princess, who do you think of.

Shen was just trying to adjust the atmosphere, and he didn't lie, he just mentioned a few jokes that made everyone smile.

Anyone who understands understands.

There is also a special term for this in later generations, called "connotation jokes".

Since it is the connotation, it cannot be revealed, otherwise it will really offend people.

Now, this person is just breaking up the little story told by Professor Shen and showing it to everyone. He seems to be speaking out of justice, but in fact he has evil intentions.

You know, this is the lecture theater of Capital University.

Today, there are more than 100 students who should really be attending classes here.

However, the people who came here today are already overcrowded. The students who really want to attend classes plus various non-staff personnel, three to 400 people are counting down. This is the result of someone specially controlling the number of people.

Now, not only the vacant seats are full of people, but also the aisles are full of spectators.

What will Professor Shen teach in his first class?
In particular, after such a big disturbance, Shen Guanglin's laboratory also suffered heavy losses, and everyone wanted to see his attitude.

However, every time Shen Guanglin expressed his attitude, it was just a normal class. He had just started speaking for a while, and someone stood up and questioned him openly.

What is this behavior?
It is undeniable that the sudden arrival really attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone turned their heads in unison, staring at the place where the sound came from, also wanted to see who was so bold, and also wanted to see how Professor Shen would deal with it.

If today is a special report meeting, there will naturally be a link to ask questions, instead of starting the discussion now.

Moreover, there is an on-site host to maintain order, and random interruption of the rhythm is not allowed.

However, what was going on today was just an ordinary public class, and all the rhythms were under Shen Guanglin's own control.

What will Professor Shen do?
What else can I do, cold mix.

Even if it is just a normal class, if the students really want to ask questions, they have to wait until the get out of class is almost over. Asking questions at this time is a strong disrespect to the teacher. .

Shen Guanglin hasn't said much yet, if you stand up and question loudly when you feel uncomfortable listening, you can't help but feel that this is provocation, and it feels like you can't go on with Shen's class.

Therefore, many people came back to this taste and began to frown.

Everyone hoped that the first class of Professor Shen's resumption of teaching would be safe and sound, and they didn't want anyone to come and make trouble.

However, some people insist on doing this to express themselves.

This question immediately attracted everyone's attention, and everyone looked for the voice.

The man who spoke was a man with the leader's back. He was not tall but in good spirits. He was very excited and full of fighting spirit. Although he was unremarkable in the crowd, he was very imposing and looked like he was not afraid of the powerful.

Especially, when everyone was quiet, his doubts were particularly brilliant, and he also seemed like a star who stood out from the crowd.

"Am I wrong? First, let me introduce myself. I am a researcher of wet method from the Iron and Steel Institute."

However, Shen Guanglin stopped his performance and waved his hands directly to the back.

Everyone is used to it, and understands what Professor Shen's gesture means: it means that Professor Shen is going to drive someone away.

When giving speeches overseas, there were quite a few people like this who intentionally made noises in order to be able to act like a celebrity in front of Professor Shen.

And every time Shen Guanglin fulfilled their wish, he really kicked them out.

Seek kindness.

Moreover, Shen does not have the habit of laughing away at grudges, retaliation, this is the normal state of the superior.

Shen Guanglin has high requirements for the effect and quality of his lectures, and it is a serious provocative behavior to interrupt Professor Shen before he finishes his lecture.

Usually, if there is such a grandstanding guy, Shen will definitely not be used to it.

Therefore, male students who are tall and big will immediately have a place to use.

What is humiliating, what is about to happen now.

"Sir, please go out." The male student was very polite, but his tone was firm, and there was no doubt at all. If you don't leave, we will help you leave.

"Me, what are you doing! It's so rude! Is this the way you treat guests at Peking University? Do you know who I am? I'm also a teacher, I am..."

The man still had the courage to fight, and he didn't expect these people to be so rude and didn't give him a chance to show it.

He didn't say a single extra word, just drove away.

Even, he hasn't finished introducing himself to let everyone know who he is.

However, Shen Guanglin didn't care about who this person was and what purpose he had, but said calmly: "This is my classroom, and the classroom is used for teaching. I don't object to someone coming to listen, but in my classroom Roaring and clamoring online, there was no such thing as before, and there will never be any in the future.”

Moreover, Shen Guanglin also said, didn't he want to introduce himself, give him a chance to see where he came from, send a letter of accountability to his unit, and ask why he sent someone to disrupt Professor Shen's class.

What, this is characterized as disrupting the classroom?

Of course it’s disrupting the classroom. They’re doing well in class, and they didn’t invite you. You came here on your own initiative, and made loud noises on purpose. You’re still a teacher, taking the lead in disrupting classroom discipline. Is there such a teacher?
This is a little uncomfortable.

Shen Guanglin's first class was very exciting, and everyone applauded to express their appreciation. Professor Shen is different. His scientific research results are beyond our lifetime.

As for the previous episode, no one cared.

The only thing he really cared about was Dabeitou himself. He felt that he had screwed up. He wanted to show his face, but it turned out to be a show.

Everyone left one after another, most of them didn't see the big back, but some people noticed this lonely looking man.

"Isn't this the wet method teacher? Professor Shen's class is over, and everyone has left."

"'s over, really, it's over." Dabeitou stood up in a daze, and walked out the door.

(End of this chapter)

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