Start with a college teacher

Chapter 947 Bringing Children

Chapter 947 Bringing Children

In fact, teaching is a very energy-consuming thing.

For one class of Shen Guanglin, three or five classmates often need to prepare the courseware for him, and if someone Shen is not satisfied, he will change it two or three times.

In other words, behind every wonderful class, there are many years of hard work.

For a scholar of Shen Guanglin's level, some things cannot be said indiscriminately, because he has to consider the subsequent impact.

However, as a scholar at the top, he cannot be so casual.This is an era when everyone has a "mobile phone". Shen Guanglin's words can often be recorded for a long time.

Now, any research direction that Shen Guanglin casually mentioned may be taken seriously and recorded as a reference for future research.

They even said plausibly, "Professor Shen Guanglin holds this point of view."

This is about the same as the ancient emperors, with Tianxian in their mouths.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin's public speech was actually very cautious.

Probably because of this, the more scholars are at the top, the less likely they are to give public lectures, because what they say must be responsible for the person, and it may cause a storm.

Of course, it’s okay to tell some unnutritious jokes in class, but it’s obvious that you’re making a big deal out of a molehill if you take this as an arrow with your back.

When it comes to making a fuss out of a molehill, who wouldn't.

Capital University is not close to Iron and Steel College, but everyone is in the capital, so how far can it be?

So, before Dabeitou returned to school, the condemnation letter sent by Shen Guanglin's laboratory had arrived, because he had money and a car, and this was Dongfeng Express.

In Shen Guanglin's first class for the students, he also studied it several times and thought it over carefully.

Otherwise, why do some people come all the way to listen to the courses of high-end scholars, just to get first-hand scientific research information.

Now there are five or six laboratories under Shen Guanglin's name, and the scale is quite large.

Speaking of it, in the whole of China, no one's laboratory can match his shoulders, and in fact, some academic committee members are no exception.

When Shen Guanglin was preparing for the next class, Li Li, who was far away in Shanghai, was also preparing for the class.

The warm spring flowers bloom, taking away the sentimentality of winter, and the breeze brings a romantic atmosphere.

The spring breeze from Siberia blows through Mu Us, through Zhangjiakou, into the capital, and all the way south to the magic capital.

In the morning, fresh sunlight shone in through the gaps in the curtains, lazily sprinkled on Li Li's body, her hair was so yellow that it seemed to be dyed blond, her entire face was crystal clear and impeccable.

Several male colleagues in the office were reluctant to go to work at this time, and they couldn't help sneaking a peek in Li Li's direction out of the corners of their eyes.

It's nice to go to work.

Such a beautiful scene is rare in movies, let alone just a few steps away from them.

Li Li didn't notice this, she was still preparing her lessons seriously, there were too many mistakes and omissions in the textbooks of this era, since she was a monk for a day, she had to hit the clock for a day.

Perhaps, before long, she will return to the capital to continue her real estate business, and she also wants to leave a useful textbook before leaving.

Otherwise, so many years of professional training in physics, wouldn't it be just a decoration.

Li Li said that she is a female Ph.D. in physics, and she and Shen Guanglin still have a common language, but it is not the case.

At home, Shen rarely talked about academic matters. He said that home is a place for love, not a research institute.

And Shen Guanglin's Institute of Physics never let Li Li get involved.

However, Li Li's performance was so low-key that she even aroused the dissatisfaction of her female colleague Xia, "Mr. Li, should I go to class?"

Usually, the focus of the office is only on her alone, especially when Sister Xia laughs, the towering mountain peaks can catch the eyes of those stinky men, but now, they are all seduced by this vixen.

Li Li came back to her senses, looked at her watch, and smiled sweetly: "I don't have class in the first period."

"Oh, look at my memory, I made the class schedule, I forgot, your watch is not bad, how much did you pay for it?" Sister Xia patted her forehead as she said, she also brought a watch, it was a diamond Yes, the latest model, ready to compare.

The watch that Li Li was wearing was given to her by Shen Guanglin, Patek Philippe, with a blue dial, studded with small diamonds, it looks very beautiful, but I really don't know how much it costs.

However, it doesn't have to be okay, sister Yi Bixia is even more upset that her watch is not as good-looking as hers.

Flashy stuff!

What's the use of a good-looking watch, a good watch is accurate.

The diamond watch is a famous brand in the country, and it is the pride of Shanghai. It is said that it is a watchmaking technique inherited from Switzerland. Even if it has been used for decades, it is still very accurate.

"I don't know about this watch either. My brother-in-law gave it to my sister."

In Li Li's place, everything belongs to her sister, including men.

"Then you can ask me later to see how much this watch costs, and Ala will buy one too." Although Sister Xia didn't want to admit it, she really didn't think her Kun watch looked good.

"Okay, I'll ask later." Li Li replied perfunctorily. She didn't want to show off her wealth, so the clothes she wore were all made by the Great Wall, but they already felt extravagant.

After all, no matter how low-key is a woman, a woman's wardrobe will always lack a piece of clothing.

As for the proprietress of Great Wall Group, she can own all the clothes of Great Wall Clothing.

"What is Mrs. Li up to lately? I see you write and draw every day." This was a male teacher asking, he was embarrassed to get too close, but he wanted to know what Li Li was doing.

"I'm sorting out the lecture notes and textbooks, which are a bit outdated." Li Li replied sincerely. Shen Guanglin also did this kind of thing when he was teaching at Beijing University, and she also followed suit.

Speaking of this, Miss Xia became jealous again.

Because Li Li came back from studying in Fusang.

For people in Shanghai, especially women in Shanghai, those from overseas are the biggest.

Therefore, sister Xia didn't want to continue this topic, but turned to the direction of men and women: "Mr. Li, what is your partner doing, and I haven't seen you come to pick you up. Look at my old Lin who comes to wait for me every day. This stinky man is waiting for me every day." Can't leave me."

This topic is indeed very attractive, even the married male teacher is still listening with pricked ears at this time.

It would be great if she was still single, there is no man in the world who can match her.

Men are confident animals. When they see a beautiful girl, a thought will flash in their minds: "It would be great if I wasn't married."

It seems that as long as he is not married, opportunities are at his fingertips.

Li Li shook her head slightly, not wanting to answer.

How to answer this, who is her partner, her brother-in-law?
"Ms. Li, like this, our school and government agencies are organizing the Magpie Bridge Meeting. They are all young people from the municipal party committee and government, and they are the best match for our teacher. I think you are not too young. Find a suitable teacher." Objects are stronger than anything."

"Thank you, sister Xia, no need, I have something to do after get off work, so I don't have time to attend these."

"What are you busy with?"

"Take the kids."

(End of this chapter)

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