Chapter 948
Li Li said that she wanted to go home to take care of the child, but no one believed it.

It's not like everyone has never seen the state of a mother with a child.

Where can there be a mother like her, the sun is shining brightly, she is full of fairy air, and she is not contaminated with a trace of fireworks.

Of course there is no fireworks, because Li Li doesn't know how to cook at all.

Why did Shen Guanglin like to be with his younger sister, but he didn't abandon her in the end? It was because her elder sister could cook, she grasped someone Shen's stomach, and hooked his heart.

Moreover, Li Rong usually likes to delve into it. Even some very simple dishes, she can still cook them with gusto.

Li Li can't do it anymore, she doesn't have this life skill at all, and she has no plans to learn it.

Therefore, her life habits are determined: Even if she is 27 years old, she still looks like a girl in her 20s who has not experienced much in the world.

No, an admission ticket was placed on Li Li's table the next day, it belonged to the Magpie Bridge Club.
Don't think about it, it must be Miss Xia's name.

The male teacher passing by saw it, and wanted to throw it away secretly several times, but he didn't have the nerve to do it.

When Li Li came to work, she naturally saw the invitation card on the table. She couldn't laugh or cry, helpless and powerless.

"Sister Xia, I don't want to participate in blind dates."

Sister Xia had already expected Li Li's reaction.

Moreover, good-looking girls naturally have no shortage of objects to pursue.

But Miss Xia has her own ideas, she still enthusiastically introduced:

"Don't refuse in a hurry. Let's compare the conditions first. Picking a man is the same as picking an animal. You can't just look at sweet words. Men are afraid of entering the wrong profession, and women are afraid of marrying the wrong man. Look at this bunch of stinky men. What good can you do by being a stinky old nine at school."

The stinky old nine were hit immediately.

Originally, they were listening sideways, but sister Xia's words hurt a lot of people.

In her eyes, male teachers are all good-for-nothing scumbags, so I don't know if Professor Shen is considered good-for-nothing.

However, Li Li still didn't intend to participate in such boring activities.

From the beginning of college, any alumni association, fellow country association, and classmate association are often for this purpose.Li Li, as the best-looking girl among the girls, has long been tired of such boring social activities.

Every time she attends such an event, she will be harassed by those who feel good about herself for at least half a year.

Moreover, Shen is not a broad-minded person.

When they were in Kyoto, all men who dared to harass Li Li violently were educated and beaten by the society.

It's really a brutal beating, and those who refuse to mend their ways will be beaten terribly.

For this reason, Shen did not know how much money he spent on bodyguards.

And Li Li didn't seem unaccustomed to having bodyguards around her.

Although there are no guards around Lao Li, there are some guards around Mr. Li. She has seen it since she was a child, and she feels that everything is taken for granted, so she goes with the flow.

However, Sister Xia didn't give Li Li a chance to refuse at all, and introduced arrogantly:

"Well, let me introduce you to a young man with good conditions. He comes from a good family background. He is 1.8 meters tall and handsome. He is just 35 this year. How old is he, but he has already become the second secretary in the office. If you transfer to a local area, you will be the parent officer in the county at first, and it is because you are too busy with work that you delay your marriage."

Anyone who has been in the officialdom knows that the second secretary is an extremely important position with great power, and the first secretary is the foil.

"Sister Xia, I really don't want to go on blind dates!"

Li Li held her forehead, refused again, and said she was quite speechless.

"Why?" Sister Xia asked with a frown.

The male teachers around him also asked with their eyes, "Why?"

"Didn't I say it yesterday, I'm going home to take care of my children, how can I go on a blind date?"

Li Li also had no choice. She was about to leave her job, and she didn't want to make trouble with her colleagues at this time.

"Oh, Lily, if you really don't want to go, let's find another reason. Don't talk about going home to take care of the child, who would believe it? Will you change the diaper for the child? Do you know how the sand is fried?"

"Fried with sand? Why do you want to fry with sand? Are you using sand to fry melon seeds? What does this have to do with raising children?"

Li Li really didn't understand what Sister Xia said. The two things had nothing to do with each other. Didn't they have diapers for taking care of the baby? Shen Guanglin brought them from Fusang. It seemed to be some kind of Kao.

In Beijing, during Chinese New Year, some people fry melon seeds, peanuts, noodle balls and corn kernels. They also use sandy soil, and they are rolled and fried, which is quite fragrant.

"Look, look, I don't know how to fry the sand, what to do if the child urinates? He also changes his pants every day. Lily, our school has such an environment, and there are not many good men, just these three melons and two dates I'm not good enough for you either. As for you, don't be embarrassed, I'll let you choose first, let's look at the photos first and then decide whether to go or not."

Indeed, blind dates in this era often start with a photo of life.

Then the seven aunts and the eight aunts mobilized together to investigate the three generations of each other's ancestors. Of course, they had to check the status a few years ago, but now they like overseas relations.

Until, apart from the unknown situation of the blind date partner, the other party has no more privacy.

Li Li didn't look at the photos, didn't agree to go on a blind date, and went to class as if fleeing famine.

However, as long as Li Li is still working, as long as she is still in school, she will not be able to escape sooner or later.

No, just after she finished class, sister Xia was waiting for her in the office, with a tall man standing beside her.

"Let me introduce, this is Secretary Song, Song Siming. In our magical city, he is really a great talent with one person under one person and above ten thousand people. From now on, if Lily has any difficulties, just mention them directly. There is no problem that cannot be solved by others. Lily, you should not be teaching in our school because you have such a good education, Tongji, Jiaotong, Fudan, that’s where you should go.”

Li Li was very speechless, she really couldn't shake it off, she didn't answer the words, just put the book on the place, and was about to pack up and leave.

Of course, sister Xia refused to let her go, she still wanted Zhang Luo to get to know each other.

However, she didn't dare to call that young man Xiao Song, but called Secretary Song respectfully: "Secretary Song, look, isn't our teacher Xiao Li very beautiful?"

Secretary Song's smile was very official and friendly, "Indeed, Ms. Li is more beautiful than any girl I've ever seen. When Sister Xia mentioned it, I didn't believe it at first, so I almost missed it."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand for a handshake, gentle and refined.

Li Li didn't respond to his handshake, and she was already a little angry in her emotions, "Sister Xia, I've already said it, I don't go on blind dates, why are you so forceful?"

Sister Xia has experience and confidence in this, girls are thin-skinned.

"Lily, whether you are satisfied or not, let's talk first. There are always multiple ways to get to know more people, right?"

Secretary Song wasn't embarrassed when he didn't get a response to his request for a handshake.

"Xiao Li, can I call you that? What hobbies do you usually have? Tell me, maybe we have something in common."

Song Siming also had a lot of experience in striking up a conversation, but he was unavoidably nervous when facing a girl like Li Li at first, and he was not so nervous when reporting to the leader.

Li Li didn't want to talk to him, but she also knew that she couldn't get rid of him. Men were always so confident.

Although Li Li's tone is not very good, but Secretary Song doesn't mind, he is just waiting for this, as long as you have a response: "Hey, what Sister Xia just said is just a description, in fact, power is given by the people Yes, I'm just a secretary, just to get closer to the leader, I'm really not a high-ranking official."

Sister Xia also chimed in: "Secretary Song is modest. He can also speak foreign languages. He has also traveled abroad with his leaders. He has been to many countries. The leaders don't need to bring a translator when they go abroad."

"That's true." Secretary Song nodded confidently, "I have a little talent in languages. I first learned Russian, and then I taught myself English."

"Look, look, how good you are at speaking this. In addition to our Modu dialect, these are four languages."

The two of you talked about Shuanghuang one sentence at a time, but Li Li was unmoved, "Sister Xia, Secretary Song, as I said, I have a partner."

"Don't talk about your partner. Yesterday you said it was even more outrageous. You are going home to take care of your children. I haven't seen your partner come to pick you up for so long. Look at Secretary Song. You can go abroad. I want to go in the future. Go wherever you want."

Sister Xia also saw Li Li's perfunctory, a good girl is afraid of pestering her husband, she has confidence.

"I don't want to go abroad. Going abroad is meaningless." Li Li has no interest in going abroad. After being brainwashed by someone Shen every day, she has passed the age of envious of going abroad, and also realized that going abroad is not as good as imagined.

"Then Ms. Li probably hasn't been to farther places. The culture of Fusang is indeed similar to that of China. It's normal to get tired of seeing it. But it's different when you go to Europe, especially Northern Europe. Take a look at the Northern Lights. It's human. I don’t know if there is a chance to invite Ms. Li to go abroad for inspection.”

Secretary Song was very eloquent, and he talked about his travels in Europe fluently. Moreover, he also said that he had photos taken with European celebrities.

"Thank you, I'm not interested in this, and I also have photos with celebrities." Li Li saw that she couldn't do without something real, so she took out a notebook from her drawer, and there was a photo in it, "Danish Kings and queens, are they celebrities, are they fairy tales enough?"

 Update today

(End of this chapter)

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