Start with a college teacher

Chapter 949 Decoration

Chapter 949 Decoration
Compared with the joint laboratory far away in Shanghai, Shen Guanglin's laboratory at Capital University is more powerful.

In fact, as long as it can bear the name of Capital University, it will have a different influence on the outside world.

For example, a certain training institution in later generations, which obviously has no relationship with Beijing University, took advantage of the reputation of Beijing University, and it was established with great fanfare.

Therefore, it is a wise move for Shen Guanglin to return to Beijing University.

This is a strong alliance, not only a good thing for Shen Guanglin, but also a good thing for Capital University.

But for other schools, it's not so wonderful, especially Shen's strong performance in the first class shows that Shen Guanglin is still not a soft persimmon.

If you want to catch the heat, you have to be prepared to be rubbed off your hair.

There have always been a lot of dirty things in the academic world, but Shen Guanglin is a person who will take revenge, and he is magnanimous. This word is just a propaganda term.

Now, Shen Guanglin has finally decided to move the base camp back to the capital, so naturally he can no longer stay in the hotel, he must have a new home of his own.

It's new weather.

Fortunately, it is only 1990, and courtyard houses in the capital are not expensive. Anyway, if you have money, just buy another set.

Ever since he had money, Shen Guanglin did have a rush to buy a house.

Since he became richer, Shen Guanglin actually didn't have much intention of hoarding houses.

However, hoarding houses is still an unstoppable thing.

No way, you clearly know that if you spend tens of thousands of dollars to buy a yard at will, and the value may exceed 30 million or hundreds of millions in [-] or [-] years, the only way to stop you is to have no money.

As a qualified traveler, especially as a traveler who has experienced the peak of real estate, how could he resist this temptation.

Especially, the current Shen is super rich, and has reached the point where he can buy houses all over the world at will.

Ever since someone Shen gave lectures for a fee, he has achieved financial freedom in the outside world.

Even if you don't organize and start a business, you don't know how many courtyard houses you can buy in the capital just relying on the money you earn from the lectures.

Even if it continues like this, I don't know how much wealth can be produced.

And if you count the assets of the Great Wall Group, it is simply impossible to count.

If we do nothing now and exchange all the wealth of the Great Wall Group for a house in the capital, there will be no such thing as the richest man in the world in the future.

Of course, this is just talk.

Of course, Shen is still very low-key and owns many properties in the capital, and he has no plans to list the Great Wall Group.

Let the first richest man in the country be handed over to Miss Xiaoqing, and enter the village quietly, not the one who shoots.

If Shen Guanglin didn't sweep all the courtyard houses in the capital in one go, it was entirely because of his strong self-control, morality and rules. He knew that there was a lucrative business and didn't do it. He really needed to resist the temptation. .

Just as the collection is getting better and better, the quadrangle that Shen is optimistic about is getting bigger and bigger.

What is the difference between a quadrangle courtyard and a large courtyard?Can't get into his Dharma eyes at all.

What Shen Guanglin likes is at least a courtyard with three entrances, with an area of ​​more than 2000 square meters, which is a bit of style and statement.

For example, the courtyard houses located around Shichahai are very good, such as the one where Lao Guo lived.

Of course, this old Guo is not the one who talks about cross talk, but the one who looks at a dog from a distance.

He went to see Lao Guo’s courtyard. There are two entrances, a small courtyard surrounded by a larger courtyard, which is equivalent to two put together. This is very good, forming the so-called back house, a private place.

From then on, no one knew that Shen was messing around in the back house.

Of course, Lao Guo’s courtyard house is of course not for sale. It will be changed into a memorial hall in the future, and it is said that it is to solemnly commemorate Mr. Guo.

But it doesn't matter, there are many courtyard houses by the Shicha seaside, and Mr. Song Qingling has been away for many years, and the courtyard she lives in is quite nice.

If you don't pursue celebrity effects, there are more places to choose from.

Shen Guanglin quickly selected a courtyard house with a large area but not very good appearance.It is said that it belonged to a famous official in the late Qing Dynasty, and among them was the teacher of Emperor Guangxu who was the Six Gentlemen of the Eighth Century.

Of course, the reason why the Reform Movement of [-] failed was not because of old Yuan Yuan's tip-off, but probably because of Kang's departure, which aroused the suspicion of the old woman.

The history is too long, so I won't go into details. In the future, it may be the former residence of Shen Guanglin here.

However, after all, it is a courtyard house built decades or hundreds of years ago. The design does not meet the needs of modern people. There is not even a toilet in it. If you really want to go out, you have to go to the public toilet in the alley.

When the weather turns cold in winter, if you don't think of the night, you have to prepare the kind of fruit pots that are popular in Citigroup.

It is said that the queen princess was once photographed holding a basin and pouring something.

Speaking of it, Dou Wei is really talented. The Black Panther has been very popular in China in the past two years. It is a typical export to domestic sales. It first became popular in Xiangjiang, and then it was made a god in the mainland.

In the past few days in the capital, Shen Guanglin stayed in his yard thinking about the decoration plan when he had nothing else to do except go to class.

Without the trouble from home designer Li Rong, Shen Guanglin's thoughts were organized very quickly.

The plan for how to decorate will be finalized soon.

Fourth Master Chang is now in the old capital, and every morning he must buy a few donkey rolls and take a few coke rings with him to go home with a bowl of soybean juice.

This alley has been walked for decades, but it has never been enough.

In the old days, Wang Xietang flew into the homes of ordinary people.

If it wasn't for the new China, how could a poor and lower-middle peasant like him have the opportunity to live in such a good place? It was because he had paid public food for the army when he was young and paid for it before, so he got this cheap.

Beijing is really nice.

"Fourth Master Chang, you are eating." A neighbor greeted Fourth Master Chang.

"Hey, isn't this Second Master Song? I brought it home. I just went to Gulou Street and ate a bowl of haggis. It was very satisfying."

After finishing speaking, Lao Chang still smacked his lips, making a feeling of endless aftertaste.

"Then you've gone far enough."

"It's like walking around. The haggis over there is delicious. A bowl is three cents more expensive, but it's worth it. Have you eaten, Mr. Song Er?"

"Eat, eat, Deshengmen's mung bean noodle and sour ball soup, today there is too much vinegar."

"Then you can continue to be sour, sour and appetizing."

Fourth master Chang was even happier after winning the victory.The neighbors I meet next time can’t eat haggis, it must be Feng Caicheng, I heard that their new store has opened in Changdian, bah, it’s obviously a low-grade thing, but now it’s making a lot of money .

Walking all the way, cursing all the way, walking and walking, and soon came to the entrance of the street.

Inadvertently, Fourth Master Chang heard the clanging sound, and naturally followed the sound to take a look.

People from the capital, I'm sorry for our temperament if we don't watch the excitement.

Perhaps, that's how the people of Chaoyang came here.

This is a very old house. It has been unoccupied for many years. It seems that it used to belong to some unit. It leaked rain, and there were blind people who wanted to live in it, but they were kicked out.

Holding the top of the wall, Fourth Master Chang saw the people working inside: "What are you guys building, which unit is it from?"

The worker who was under construction looked up and saw that he was a half-grown old man, so he didn't care: "What's the matter with you?"

"Heh, why is it none of my business? Reporting corrupt officials is everyone's responsibility. Which corrupt criminal's house is this? It's a waste of money."

This is something people really don't like to hear.

The workers are workers from the second construction of the capital, regular workers, who have built houses for the Great Wall Group for a long time, and the old capital is old.

He is also registered in the capital, so he is not afraid of such an idle old man.

Therefore, the worker responded unceremoniously: "Old guy, you must be full, and you are really generous."

Moreover, the eyes of the workers are full of contempt, and there is a sense of contempt that crosses classes.

Fourth Master Chang's anger was instantly ignited: "What's the big deal! Since the corrupt criminals dare to live in our street, I can't ask?"

"If you really have the ability, you really take care of it. If you don't care, you are my grandson." The worker spit and turned away, but this behavior was even more contemptuous.

Fourth Master Chang was so angry that he kicked the corner of the wall hard. His feet hurt because of the cloth shoes he was wearing.

The blue brick wall skin is firm, not broken at all.

How can this be tolerated?

Fourth Master Chang tucked his breakfast under his arm, urinated hard, and left angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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