Chapter 951

Boss Shen's house was stolen.

There are two meanings.

One is that his daughter-in-law is being harassed, and someone wants to pry into his corner.

The other is that his home was actually stolen.

The master worker is obviously paying attention, and there are still people on duty at night, but there is still a gap.

Having good things just can't stand the thieves' concern. When they counted the materials, they found that several pieces of wood had been stolen.

There are many thieves these days, and they steal everything.

As long as it has wheels and iron, there is no thief who can't steal it.

Moreover, not only private items, public items are more likely to be stolen, but it is also safer to steal public items.

The decoration of Boss Shen's courtyard is the second construction of the capital. They have a strict management system and focus on guarding against self-theft.

Therefore, when their foreman checked the materials, he found that a few huanghuali rafters were missing. Boss Shen spent a lot of money to collect them from the flea market.

Of course, the old sea yellow wood bought in this era will be a leak in later generations.

With a different vision, you really don’t need to make any money.

In this regard, Boss Shen is a fastidious person.

Even if it’s only in the 90s, scarce materials are really expensive. Sea yellow is still scarce and expensive.

At least, according to folklore, the value of this thing is about the same as that of gold. Although everyone doesn't believe it, it can be explained that it is expensive.

However, in a few years, it will really be more expensive than gold.

Isn't the South China Sea development hot now? Many people have gone there to pan for gold. The Great Wall Group also joined in the fun and bought a piece of land there symbolically. However, they don't plan to do real estate development, but to prepare for construction. A resort center for myself, surrounded by huanghuali.

What does it mean to fish out of the pond? This is what Boss Shen did.

Money can turn ghosts around. There were not many huanghuali trees in the South China Sea, and a large number were bought by the Great Wall Group, and even fewer remained.

In the future, if you want to watch huanghuali, you can only go to the resort center of the Great Wall Group.

Huanghuali grows very slowly, and it takes at least ten years to mature, which is only enough material for car beads.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin decided to leave these chrysanthemum pears to future generations. This is the foundation of a prosperous family. In the future, when anyone brags that he is awesome, take him to the resort center to have a look. Each tree costs tens of millions of yuan .

Let's keep a low profile, don't show off wealth, show off trees.

On this day, Boss Shen was inspecting his laboratory, and then received a call: his house was stolen.

Originally, Shen Guanglin didn't take it seriously, just report the lost things to the police, but Lao Ma insisted that he go over and have a look.

After all, this is all Lao Ma's painstaking effort, and he feels more uncomfortable than the rightful owner if he loses something.

Over the years, Lao Ma's life has been very good. On the one hand, he helped Shen Guanglin collect antiquities;

Whenever the old and the young in the capital want to sell something good, the right thing to do is look for Mr. Ma.

If it is missed, then the item belongs to Mr. Ma; if the shipper is more knowledgeable, then the item received belongs to Boss Shen.

Master Ma is responsible for paying the money first, and then delivering the good things to Boss Shen.

Shen Guanglin also saved trouble, and spent a small amount of money to accomplish big things, and he also prevented the loss of national treasures to a certain extent.

It can be said that in the capital, Shen Guanglin alone drove up the entire cultural relics and antiques collection market. Not only Lao Ma, but also several old experts from the Palace Museum are also helping Boss Shen find good objects.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin is going to decorate his new home. There is no shortage of good materials. Most of these huanghuali, red sandalwood, and chicken wing wood are dismantled from the old house, and they are not cheap.

It is not close to Shichahai from Capital University, one is far away from Wudaokou, otherwise a certain university would not be called Wudaokou Technical School.

Where is Shichahai?On the edge of the Forbidden City.

Originally, this was an integrated water system, first the North Moat, then Jishuitan, Shichahai, Beihai, Zhonghai, and South China Sea. This water system is connected to the Jinshui River in the Forbidden City, so the Forbidden City flows living water.

Now the capital is under construction everywhere, and there are many shacks along the way.

The system of demolition and relocation in this era is not perfect. Usually, the house is demolished first, then the house is built, and the house is moved first, and then resettled.

If you are lucky, if your family is connected, you can also borrow the government's turnover housing to live in.

Those who are unlucky and have no chicken feathers at home can only temporarily build a house similar to an earthquake-resistant tent, and it may take three to five years to live there.

It’s inconvenient for young couples to do things at night, and it’s nothing more than hairy children who like to eavesdrop. They also spread the word: “Brother Liu Jiadong can’t do it after shaking it a dozen times, but the younger generation of the Li family is even more powerful. The spanking of my ass is still hard, no wonder the Li family's nephew and daughter-in-law were beaten and cried."

Hey, the room attendant is still a senior hairy kid, so where should I go to reason.

When Shen Guanglin parked the car and arrived home, all the parties involved were there.

A manager and two vice-presidents came to the Second Construction of Beijing City, and they apologized to Boss Shen when they came up.

"I'm sorry, Professor Shen, but we didn't take good care of the property at the scene. Our unit is responsible for paying for the value of the things you lost."

Then, the manager turned his head and kicked the workers again, "It's useless! I've told you to keep an eye on it, but in the end I made a mistake. Let's see if the labor and management don't beat you to death."

In fact, the workers were also wronged, their noses and faces were already swollen, they had already been beaten once, and now they were going to be beaten again.

Of course, this beating was for Boss Shen.

Of course, Shen Guanglin understood the meaning, and quickly stopped the manager who wanted to continue to be violent, and said generously: "It's okay, just throw away something, it's a trivial matter, just look after it in the future, don't hit people."

Indeed, for Erjian, it is a trivial matter to lose something, and the unit is not short of the money, and they can even give Professor Shen a courtyard house, as long as it does not affect the friendship between the two parties.

Over the years, relying on the construction of the Great Wall Group, the scale and profitability of the second construction have increased several steps, and now it is a well-known construction company in the country.

In particular, after they completed the construction of the Great Wall Building, they received a large number of orders.

We built the world's tallest building, isn't it amazing enough?

You know, the original tallest building in the world is the Sears Tower in Chicago, which is only 442 meters, while the Great Wall Building exceeds 500 meters. It is estimated that this is the tallest building in the world before the Burj Khalifa.

"Professor Shen, I can assure you that it's not our workers who guard against us. Their family backgrounds are clean, and I have sent people to search their homes, and the neighbors have also inquired, but they have not found them. Don't worry. , I promise this will never happen again.”

Shen Guanglin waved his hand and didn't take it seriously. If it wasn't for the old horse's blah, he might not have come over.

Of course, a visit is not in vain. Shen Guanglin took out his wallet and found two [-] RMB bills, "Master, you have worked hard, and I have been wronged. I'm sorry, but I hope you don't take it personally."

The new one-hundred-yuan RMB was issued in 87, and it has long been circulated on the market. It is the head portrait of the four great men.

The master worker suddenly felt aggrieved, but thought to himself, it would be fine if he was beaten every day, but he didn't know if he could resist.

(End of this chapter)

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