Start with a college teacher

Chapter 952 Attitude

Chapter 952 Attitude
Just as the renovation of the courtyard house in the capital was in full swing, Li Rong and her sisters also packed their bags and prepared to move again.

Mr. Shen has returned to the capital, and the sisters are also coming back. The family always wants to be reunited.

Anyway, now that the two sisters have children, they won't feel awkward living together.

Have acquaintances?
Don't be afraid, just stay away from them.

The capital city is so big that it can accommodate the whole world.

The old man is gone, and the whole capital city is ruled by someone Shen.

Shen felt that after the old man left, his pressure was much less.

Although, in the process of development, he may have lacked some protection, but Shen Guanglin felt that he could support the sky independently.

As for the matter of the Great Wall Petrochemical being taken away, Shen Guanglin is not in a hurry.

In the future, how do you take it away, and how do you send it back to me.

The petrochemical company was indeed taken away, but the research institute established for the petrochemical company is still there, and even in the most difficult time, their funds have not been cut off.

Moreover, there are many research results, and the international patent fees alone cost a lot of money.

In fact, the Great Wall Group is a patent hooligan, and they are now plundering advanced technology and all kinds of good things in Maoziguo.

In the past few decades, the two ideologies of the East and the West have been opposed. Mao Ziguo is the leader of one of the camps, and he has a lot of good technologies in his hands.

Therefore, the Great Wall Group had a lot of fun during this time.

They preemptively registered Brother Maozi's patents internationally. This is a huge wealth. After all, we are brothers in the same camp, so we can't take advantage of outsiders.

Among other things, in the field of petrochemicals, the number of patents registered by Great Wall Group even exceeds that of established petrochemical companies such as BASF and Shell.

Now, these companies have also learned, and they are desperately going to Maoziguo to reap benefits.

In short, in the past two years, Maoziguo has been the battlefield of major companies all over the world.

Great Wall Petrochemical was forcibly taken over on the grounds of protecting the economy and people's livelihood, but their research institutes are still frantically doing "useless" research and frantically registering patents, just to hold their breath, and sooner or later they will burst out.

Therefore, when Shen Guanglin returned to the capital, his attitude was unpredictable. Many people were actually a little frustrated.

In particular, after Shen Guanglin hit the teacher who dared to question him face to face, it made people feel that Shen was not a soft persimmon, he had his own attitude.

Originally, my sister didn't want to go back to the capital so soon, just because Secretary Song felt so good about herself.

He didn't go to school every day, but he went to school regularly every day to show his hospitality, coupled with Sister Xia's wholehearted assists, it was really annoying.

In fact, as early as Li Li took out the photo of her and Shen Guanglin, Secretary Song should have given up.

However, he didn't.

He didn't even ask who the man with Li Li was or what he was doing.

Probably because he is used to Rejoice, Secretary Song is so confident, he firmly believes that he can win the hearts of beautiful women with his charm and strength.

If you ask too much, in case that man is really her object, it will be a bit bad to continue to develop.

It is better not to ask.

Because of this, they missed the chance to recognize Shen Guanglin.

Since they didn't ask who Shen Guanglin was, Li Li naturally couldn't directly say that he was Shen Guanglin, is there anyone who is very powerful?
After all, Shen is her brother-in-law, not her real husband.

However, colleagues are still very interested in the origin of this group photo. You actually met the King of Denmark?
Is that a fairytale empire?Is it possible for all Chinese people in the past to meet the king?
of course not!

But Li Li didn't show her pride, she just said indifferently, "At that time we passed by Denmark, they invited us to visit the palace and have dinner together, the food in Denmark is not delicious, the best food is actually in China "

Now, my younger sister's speech is more and more characteristic of Shen, and she also says that everything is good in China.

Perhaps because of Shen's influence, Li Li now feels that even if the country's current development is not satisfactory, it will get better sooner or later. She has this confidence.

Especially after she knew the strength of her man, she became more confident.

A woman is weak at first, but a mother is strong. Now that she has a son, her thoughts have changed.

With such a powerful brother Guanglin at home, what can he do when he goes abroad?

For that $300 to $100 a month salary?Li Li is very happy to get [-] yuan a month, which is on par with the full professor's salary, which is more than [-] yuan more than Miss Xia's.

This is also the place where colleagues can't understand Li Li the most. The doctoral student at Kyoto University actually went to a fishery school to teach physics. This must be a plan.

Li Li really has a plan, which is to be close to home, so she doesn't have to drive to and from get off work, which is convenient.

If this reason is told, they probably won’t believe it: If I have the opportunity to teach in Fudan, Tongji Jiaotong University, I am willing no matter how far away it is.

Moreover, Sister Xia even doubted whether Li Li was really a doctor of physics who had studied abroad in Fusang. She even played a tape in Fusang for Li Li to listen to, and asked Li Li to help translate it.

This is a prudence, the reason why she didn't show Li Li the books in Fusang language is because even if she doesn't know Fusang language, she can understand what it means.

However, that all happened in the past. The current sister Xia doesn't want to offend Li Li, because she still wants to rely on her relationship with Li Li as a colleague to climb up to Secretary Song: The matchmaker I made for you can't be busy for nothing, right? .

It was indeed not in vain, because Li Li quickly gave her a "thank you gift".

Li Li submitted her resignation to the school, saying that she would go to the capital for development.

Naturally, the school tried its best to keep him.

A high-achieving student who had just returned from overseas was recruited and was about to be trained as a core backbone, but he turned around and was about to leave.


Unexpectedly, Li Li is also quite bad, and probably learned from someone Shen.

She told the school: She was very reluctant to take this job at first, but recently there were always people harassing her, which made her unable to work well, so she planned to go back to the capital.

The school was quite surprised.

who is it?so bold!
After investigation, it became clear that it was Secretary Song himself.

Persimmons are soft and soft, and people are no exception.

Secretary Song is probably something the school can't afford to provoke, so the punishment can only be given to Sister Xia, who made her think so much.

At present, the library still lacks an archivist, and this position must be Miss Xia's. It may be said that this is the starting point of her fortune.

If you don’t believe me, look back half a century ago, there was a North Drifter who was also a librarian.

It's just that the librarian did a good job, because his father-in-law passed away, and he was immediately driven away by a man surnamed Zhang.

Unable to continue as a librarian, the man made another achievement.

Therefore, sister Xia was quickly transferred from a teacher to a librarian.

Moreover, she also received an inexplicable but serious punishment: no promotion for three years and no salary increase for five years.

Sister Xia didn't even know why she was punished, but was she seen by the dean just because she was knitting sweaters during working hours?
However, many people have done this, only she was caught.

Thanks to the fact that the school is a public office, there is no precedent for expulsion under the condition that Miss Xia does not violate social order and good customs.

Otherwise, sister Xia would probably be dealt with even worse.

When Secretary Song went to the school to look for Li Li again, she didn't care about such a small person like Sister Xia at all, but still put all her care and reluctance on Li Li.

"Isn't the devil pretty good? Why do you want to leave?"

"Didn't you say that I should have a wider stage. Teaching in this school wronged me, so I found another job." Li Li answered casually while packing her things.

"Isn't Jiaotong University and Fudan University not good enough? I know their leaders, so I can help recommend them." Secretary Song did say this. He did know some leaders and thought about helping Li Li operate.

"I also know their leaders, but it's because of someone. But it's because of knowing that I'm here to teach at the University of Fisheries. Otherwise, others will think that I got in through relationships."

Li Li told the truth, she didn't care if others understood or not.

"Then where are you going next?" Secretary Song was very reluctant.

"The capital." Li Li didn't hide anything.

"Isn't it good to stay in Shanghai? Could there be better development in the capital?"

"I don't necessarily want to develop better. The main reason is that I don't want to rely on the strength of others. I have already found a job and I will start working next month."

Li Li also wanted to dissuade Secretary Song's enthusiasm, and she did not give Secretary Song a chance to get closer.

After all, her son still wants to inherit Boss Shen's billions of dollars in wealth. She is a mother, and she is no longer an inexperienced girl.

"The unit? I'm not sure, and it might help introduce better jobs and schools."

"Wudaokou Technical School, have you heard of it? Did you say that the better school is Capital University? I just didn't want to go to Capital University, so I went to Wudaokou Technical School."

 One update today, I came back late, I still rushed out a chapter

(End of this chapter)

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