Start with a college teacher

Chapter 953 Cooperation

Chapter 953 Cooperation
The tree wants to be still but the wind doesn't stop.
I heard that Professor Shen returned to the capital, and that the Great Wall Group suffered heavy losses, and the result was that everyone wanted to take advantage of it.

No, Liu Lian wanted to come to see Professor Shen.

From the looks of it, he was adamant about the Great Wall Group.

Shen Guanglin also stared curiously at this popular entrepreneurial star in China, to see what kind of flamboyant things he has.

Speaking of which, they haven't been in touch for a long time. Liu Lian wanted to come this time, so why did he come.

"The petrochemical company was taken over when it was taken over. That's the Great Wall Group's business. It has nothing to do with Shen Guanglin. I just get a salary. The Great Wall Group is not owned by one person, but by all Great Wall people."

In front of outsiders, Shen Guanglin does not admit that the Great Wall Group is his, and the purpose of registering several companies out of Hong Kong is also to avoid the issue of all human rights.

This creates an illusion that the Great Wall Group is a worldwide company whose main business is in mainland China, and its shareholders may also spread all over the world. It's just that Professor Shen's reputation is loud enough and his influence is big enough. top figures.

No, isn't their president still a crooked person.

"Under the current situation, this is also normal. Professor Shen, don't take it too seriously. It doesn't matter if the petrochemical company is taken away. There is no future for this field. The future will definitely be the world of high-tech industries. Traditional industries have already It's tomorrow's day."

Liu Lian thought that he probably wanted to say something else, so he clung to the petrochemical industry of the Great Wall Group, talking back and forth.

Shen Guanglin didn't care, but smiled and said, "What's the matter? At this stage, stability overwhelms everything. The time for Great Wall Group to take over the petrochemical industry is not yet ripe, so it is not wrong to be taken away."

Liu Lian wanted to push his big square-rimmed glasses, and opened his eyes wide: "Is the Great Wall Group willing to accept such a large property? Shouldn't the country give an explanation?"

This person seems to be a good person, but he doesn't know what is wrong with him.

Shen Guanglin didn't follow his train of thought at all, and still looked very indifferent: "The Great Wall Group has a big family and a big business, and there is no shortage of these three melons. It can develop so fast, it is purely borrowed from the general trend of national development. , the enterprise has made achievements, and it should give back to the society and the country, shouldn’t it, there is nothing to complain about.”

There is really nothing to complain about. Boss Cao donated so many assets to charity, isn't it the same reason?

The stage is as big as the heart.

However, Liu Lianxiang felt that he could not keep up with Professor Shen's ideological awareness.

Therefore, his common hatred and hatred did not gain Shen Guanglin's sympathy.

She winked at the blind man.

"If you have anything to say, just say it directly, don't beat around the bush, I don't have much time." Shen Guanglin rolled up his sleeves, revealing a Patek Philippe of the same model as Li Li's. Of course, Li Rong also owns this watch.

It is quite a pity that Li Li's Patek Philippe was not recognized by anyone until she ran away from Shanghai.

Such a good-looking watch, my colleagues said that they would buy one when they have the opportunity to go abroad.

Li Li didn't answer the call. For a watch worth more than [-] US dollars, even Secretary Song probably didn't have such financial resources.

About ten years later, everyone was exposed to more and more international things, and then I remembered Li Li and her Patek Philippe.

It turned out that as early as ten years ago, people were no longer something they could climb.

"This is low-key luxury." Aunt Xia, the librarian, said braggingly to her colleagues.

Liu Lian wanted to be urged by Shen Guanglin to drive him away, so he began to explain his reason for coming.

It turned out that they even thought that the company and the Academy of Sciences had established a demonstration network for teaching and scientific research in Zhongguancun, and realized network information transmission at ultra-high speed, reaching 64KB per second.

However, when they were producing related equipment, they discovered that the patent was actually in the hands of the Great Wall Group, and it was already a technology two years ago.

"So, you are here to ask for authorization, right?" Shen Guanglin roughly understood what he meant.

This old Liu is not bad, although everyone on the Internet in later generations criticizes his character, but after really getting in touch with him, he still has a sense of property rights.

However, what Liu Lian wanted to say next overturned Shen Guanglin's cognition.

"Professor Shen, our first-generation product was made according to your patent. It is really useful in information transmission, and the country is preparing to promote it vigorously. Although you are one of the drafters of the 863 plan, you may not be right. I have a deep understanding of information technology. When did the country put forward the policy of promoting industrialization and informatization simultaneously? We even think that the company is a national enterprise and shoulders the heavy responsibility of informatization, so it is obligatory.”

When talking about the mission and vision of the company, Liu Lian wanted to talk endlessly. He said a lot, and he believed it all.

However, Shen Guanglin interrupted him, pointing directly at the core of the problem: "Aren't you just a company that resells computers and makes Chinese cards? The informatization of the country and the nation is originally translated from English to Chinese."

There is no Chinese version of the computer operating system in this era, which is different from the fact that a dog can speak a few words of English in the later generations. Those who can speak English in this era are scarce talents.

Therefore, it is really important to use computers, Chinese cards and Chinese versions.

The country says it needs informationization, and many units have bought computers, but they are locked in cabinets and cannot be used, or they can only be used with a Chinese card.

In this era, not only Lianxiang Company started with Hanka, but also Shi Yuzhu of Giant Company, who also completed his first business venture with Hanka.

Of course, Microsoft directly launched the Chinese version in the later version, which directly cut off their jobs and the giant's capital chain, so the Giant Building only built a foundation.

Fortunately, there have been two trustworthy "Lao Lai" in the Chinese business community, among which Shi Yuzhu was the first mover, and Lao Luo was the follower later.

If he can pay back the money owed, he is a good person.

It is said that Lao Luo went out to start a business again, but Shen Guanglin couldn't keep up, and he traveled back in time.

Only after listening to Liu Lianxiang's narration did Shen Guanglin know that he really thought of them as high-end.

They didn't pay at all, and it's not that they didn't infringe on the patents of the Great Wall Group, but they used it for a long time and didn't take it seriously at all.

Speaking of this matter, Liu Lian wanted to feel a little confident in his embarrassment.

It is for this purpose that he came to find someone Shen now.

The patents registered by Great Wall Group in China are no longer enough to copy. He came here to learn from the experience and see if there are better and newer patents.

Now that there is no Internet, it is very difficult for the latest international scientific and technological news to spread to China, and there are no domestic companies that specialize in information retrieval.

Therefore, they didn't even think the company had mastered the patents registered internationally by the Great Wall Group.

Moreover, Great Wall Group also used different company names when registering patents.

Now, they can't get the latest technology, but they feel that the Great Wall Group's family background is more than that, so they directly come to the door and "don't be ashamed to ask".

Shen Guanglin also suppressed his anger, and said in a steady tone: "You guys did a great job."

Liu Lian didn't want to answer this topic, but told Shen Guanglin in a righteous way: "Isn't Huaxia and Citigroup thawing now? Now our Zhongguancun Education and Research Demonstration Network is developing well, which is very important to Citigroup NSFNET. Because these technologies have been developed for two years, I just want to ask if our Great Wall Group has newer technologies?"

"There are newer technologies, will you spend money to buy them?"

Of course, the Great Wall Group has more advanced technologies.

Shen Guanglin came from the Internet era, so of course he understands the importance of the Internet.

Of course, because he was afraid of backfired, Shen Guanglin did not get too involved in this business, but silently developed technology.

Research on the Internet and its equipment has always been the research focus of the Great Wall Group.

Just like the Great Wall Group has not produced real computers until now, just because I don't produce them doesn't mean I don't have the technology.

On the contrary, in the international arena, everyone is already a little afraid of the Great Wall Group, and now this company can already maintain its scientific research expenditure by collecting patent fees.

A large part of the name of "patent troll" comes from the network and computer field.

Therefore, after the Great Wall Group launched the mobile phone, the whole world immediately exclaimed, "Wolf is coming!"

Moreover, Shen Guanglin is a time traveler after all, he knows the future trend, the Great Wall Group is rich now, and can make some investments.

Therefore, Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, and Apple all hold some stocks, although not many, only about 5%, but they generally cast a net, and the nets are all large man-eating sharks.

Shen Guanglin was already thinking about it: when his son took over, he thought the old man was outdated, but he was surprised to find that he was an important shareholder of the world's major Internet companies.

Of course, Shen Guanglin is also ready to participate in a company like Yahoo that started out strong and then hit the street.

Entering the market at the right time and leaving the market at the right time is the dream of many stockholders, and Shen Guanglin can handle it easily.

Facing what Shen Guanglin said, "There are newer technologies, are you going to spend money to buy them?" Liu Lianxiang was not even shy, but opened his mouth and said, "I think we can work together."

 Today is still an update. Recently, the epidemic in Wuhan has been particularly severe. Today, all business premises in Hanyang are closed. Everyone protect yourself
(End of this chapter)

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