Chapter 954 Patents
"You want to cooperate with Great Wall Group?"

It's really not that Shen Guanglin looks down on them. A company that sells assembled computers has made some money with the convenience of using foreign exchange and the advantages of tax exemption, and now it is packaged as a high-tech company.

Moreover, their innovation ranking is even higher than that of Great Wall Group.

What did they innovate?
A super-compensated executive team?

Of course, Shen Guanglin can also understand, anyway, it's all the money of the stockholders, so it's not worth it.

Now, what qualifications does Lianxiang Company have to cooperate with Great Wall Group?

Is it a lot of funds, strong technical strength, or hard social relations?

Indeed, in terms of social relations, Lianxiang Company is indeed superior. After all, they are the sons of the Academy of Sciences and have extensive social relations.

But what else?

A high-tech company started with just seven or eight people and a dozen guns just feels good about itself.

Of course, Lianxiang in this era is not as rampant as the later generations. It is still in the stage of struggling to develop, and it has not been taken away by white gloves for inexplicable privatization. It is still a relatively dynamic company.

After all, there are many computer companies that started at the same time as them, and it makes sense for them to stand out.

In Beijing, Capital University also established its own computer company, which seems to be called Fangzheng or something;
Wudaokou Technical School also has a computer company called Light.

Shen Guanglin didn't care, he just heard about this company when he was sending Li Li to work, Wudaokou Technical School also asked Li Li if she was familiar with computers, and if she wanted to work in that company.

Originally, Shen Guanglin didn't want Li Li to go to Wudaokou Vocational School to work. The two schools are too close to each other, so it's not easy to directly intervene if there is a disturbance.

And Li Li has the kind of physique that can be harassed even if she sits there quietly. It is impossible for Shen Guanglin to fight against those mad bees and butterflies every day without getting wet. It is better for the two of them to work farther away. .

Moreover, Shen Guanglin's laboratory has always had its own branch venue in Jinmen, and they have a good foundation for cooperation with Nankai and Jinmen University.

In particular, in the field of solar power generation, everyone is quite happy to cooperate. The recent satellite launches are all solar panels provided by Great Wall Group. The conversion efficiency of monocrystalline silicon is much higher than that of polycrystalline silicon.

Moreover, last year's turmoil did not affect Jinmen, which is another safe haven in troubled times.

However, Li Li insisted on going to teach at the Wudaokou Skills School. If Shen Guanglin objected again, then she would go to Capital University.

Anyway, people don't need to rely on relationships and backgrounds, just relying on academic qualifications is enough.

Female PhDs who have returned from studying in prestigious overseas universities, and have published articles in top journals, are very popular in universities of any era.

Although Li Li doesn't have much talent for scientific research, her current achievements are enough to ensure that she becomes a qualified scientific researcher, and that's enough.

All of this was supported by someone Shen, so who can be blamed?

Moreover, the price Li Li paid was not much. She just gave birth to a son for her brother-in-law. It was not at all like a certain beautiful teacher in later generations who successfully entered the academic hall after marrying four times. That is the real counterattack in life.

With Shen, it was enough to deal with him alone.

"It's okay, you can go to Wudaokou to teach, it's a big deal, I will go out less and visit less in the future." Shen thought viciously.

Liu Lian wanted to come over to discuss cooperation, and it was based on infringing on their Great Wall Group's patents. Shen Guanglin appreciated this very much: "Your proposal is very good, please don't mention it again in the future."

This stalk was a bit ahead of its time, and Liu Lianxiang couldn't get it, so he quickly asked, "Professor Shen, what do you mean, and why?"

Even asked why, Shen Guanglin didn't even bother to explain to him.

"I heard that your family is from the patent industry. You have infringed on the Great Wall Company's patent so recklessly, why are you so unmoved?"

Shen Guanglin is also curious, who gave you the face, saw that our patent is good, and immediately used it, and dared to come to ask if there is any newer and more advanced technology.

It’s like, a company that sells plug-ins goes to a game developer and asks: What kind of game are you going to develop next? Can you show us the source code?

After all, everyone is doing it for the progress of the industry, and we are doing this for the good of gamers.

"Everyone is for the progress of the industry." Liu Lian thought that was what he said.

Moreover, he also said plausibly: "Professor Shen, it has been two years since your patent was developed. If we hadn't used it, it would still be piled up in the waste paper pile. For the sake of industry progress and technological development, moreover, just now you You are talking about the fact that the state took away so many assets of the petrochemical company, and you didn’t even care about it, isn’t that what patents are all about.”

The country took away the petrochemical industry of the Great Wall Group. Are you really not angry when you think of someone Shen?
How many times has he scolded Lao Li in his heart.

That's his father-in-law, what can he do.
Shen Guanglin just took the petrochemical industry as the development focus of the Great Wall Group, spent a lot of money to buy the latest production line, and spent a lot of money to set up a professional research institute.

Today, the research institute is still burning a lot of money, but the petrochemical company is no longer in the hands of the Great Wall Group.

Of course, the Great Wall Group is not completely without backup plans. Southeast Asia is also relatively rich in oil resources, and the business environment in Malaysia is not bad. They have acquired a petrochemical plant there and plan to continue operating their own petrochemical industry.

So, recently, President Wang has been wandering around Southeast Asia.

If the Great Wall Group cannot develop into an international company, I will be sorry for the support of such a good friend as Charter King.

Lao Bao was indeed very interesting and donated a lot of money to Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

The CAR-T developed by Xiao Ma in Shen Guanglin's laboratory is effective, and the old man's health has improved, and he may live for a few more years.

As for what Great Wall Group should do with its domestic petrochemical industry, what else can it do? Temporary setbacks are fine, and this will further promote their outward development and expansion.

In fact, Lao Li also did bad things with good intentions.

He thought that leading the team to take over the petrochemical assets of the Great Wall Group would be able to minimize the loss of the Great Wall Group.

However, he never thought that when the Great Wall Group really launched a counterattack, those people would still push Lao Li to the foreground as a shield.

Thinking of this, Shen Guanglin became angry. If he hadn't married his two daughters, he...
Thinking of the two daughters-in-law and his own son and daughter, Shen Guanglin lost his temper.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin also supports the recent major rectification in the country from the bottom of his heart.

How has the entire public opinion environment developed over the years?
The overwhelming self-uglification and dwarfing, some people made up some "advanced concerns" and "scientific methods", which almost missed a generation.

However, this kind of argument is not popular. Shen Guanglin has been scolded for ten years after talking about it for ten years.

Some people obviously dare not scold him, but secretly scold Shen Guanglin as an old stubborn, a pathetic nationalist, and a loyal lackey of a certain organization.

It doesn't matter to Shen Guanglin, if you scold me, you can scold me, and I am willing to be a lackey, the most loyal lackey of the Chinese nation.

"Okay, now the time is up, goodbye!" Shen Guanglin saw off the guests on time.

Cooperation is naturally impossible, the time for conversation is up, and Shen Guanglin is going to chase someone away.

Liu Lianxiang also had a temper, and before he left, he was soft but hard: "You don't open up patents, do you think I can't do anything? It's better for everyone not to go to that step."

Doesn't the Great Wall Group have many patents overseas, and he has a way to make them fail to register in China.

"Okay, then I'll wait for your solution." Shen Guanglin was also honest, and even looked forward to it. Finally, he found an opponent. This company, which is notorious in later generations, will not be offensive to deal with it now.

Now this period is indeed the dormant period of the Great Wall Group. You even think that even if the company steals my patent, I will not speak for the time being, and watch you build a tall building and watch you entertain guests.

Sooner or later, you will have a day when the building collapses.

Let's take one step at a time.

Really don't underestimate the darkness of people's hearts and the sinisterness of society.

Shen Guanglin took some measures to avoid Lian Xiang's company doing bad things.

For example, he asked people to solidify the evidence that Lianxiang Company had infringed its own patent, and by the way, made a backup of the submission time and various materials of his patent, one copy was kept in the laboratory, and the other was kept secretly.

After all, some people in China do whatever they want, and they can even modify Great Wall Group's patents into theirs in the background.

Say we infringe on patents?
You have to really have a patent.

Salaries are drawn from the bottom of the pot.

This is really one of Liu Lian's plans.

Even, he has already prepared the research and development process and various materials about the "patent", and it is not emotionally embarrassing at all to replace other people's patents with his own.

This is about the same as some journals, you submitted a manuscript, he said he didn’t receive it, and then a third party published a paper after a while, and the content was 95% similar to your paper.

Most of the routines that everyone operates are so similar, and they are enduring. This method has continued since the imperial examination era, and some people will continue to use it in the future.

 Today is still an update, there is a party today, not during the day

(End of this chapter)

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