Start with a college teacher

Chapter 956 Chapter 992 Kidnapping

Chapter 956
The conversation is over and the tea is full.

When it's meal time, drinking tea doesn't make you hungry, you still have to eat.

Shen Guanglin took this opportunity to talk with Lao Li half-jokingly and half-seriously today, and the next part is to celebrate the completion of the new home.

There are not many other places near Shichahai, but there are quite a few famous restaurants.After all, this is the center of the capital, and it is not far from the Forbidden City. It is indeed a rare and good place.

Of course, a better place is in Zhongnanhai, but it's a pity that Boss Shen can't live there.

Fortunately, the old man went, and his villa was left to Shen Guanglin. This was a special request from the old man, saying that he had no other request in his life, but to leave this house to his grandson-in-law.

The higher-ups agreed, and then turned around and asked Shen Guanglin to donate the house for other comrades to use.

Shen Guanglin stubbornly refused to hand in, the old lady is still there, what are you guys doing?
Shen also wants to live in such a mysterious house, he is also a layman.

Even, in order to experience a different life, Shen Guanglin went to the East Lake in Jiangcheng, which is said to be the leader's favorite place to live. "I only drink Changsha water and eat Wuchang fish."

Li Bai let go of the eagle here, "December in the cold winter, the goshawk has eight or nine hairs. I send a message to the sparrows, don't talk to each other, they are as high as the clouds."

As for the well-known No. [-] Meiling, Shen was lucky enough to live there for a few nights.

Now, Shen Guanglin's new house specially built for the sisters has been decorated and ready to live in soon.

It is good to have your own laboratory. There are various testing equipment, which can monitor the air quality very well, and can also detect various toxic and harmful gases, and can also use various methods to treat formaldehyde.

Therefore, even if it is a newly renovated house, there is no uncomfortable smell in the house.

Of course, in this era, the smell of paint is not an unpleasant smell, but a smell of a new home, and the yellow smoke from chemical factories is not polluting the environment, but a yellow dragon that helps the economy take off

The negotiation with Lao Li this time was actually the two sisters Li Rong and Li Li who persuaded Shen Guanglin to come here, especially the younger sister. Although she looked weak, she had the most righteous ideas.

After giving birth, a girl transitions into a woman.

When she started to pay attention to family wealth and parents, she was not as cute as before.

Even so, there are still people chasing her, and even calling her after returning to the capital.

Of course Shen Guanglin had heard about that Secretary Song.

The leader was surprised and asked why.

Shen Guanglin just said that his woman couldn't stay idle at home, and she was originally teaching in a certain school, so she had something to do.

As a result, I was harassed every day by a certain Song surnamed secretary of your unit, who also said that she could be arranged to teach in a better school, and said, "As long as the hoe is well used, there is no corner that cannot be dug down."

Now, Shen's corner is about to fall.

Since a secretary can arrange someone to teach in a better school, so can Shen.

Therefore, he was going back to the capital, and he was going back to the capital with his wife and children, just to prove that the university in the capital city is still better than the university in Shanghai.

If he continued to stay in Shanghai, his family might be destroyed after a while.

The leader was silent, and asked, is it true, you are not joking.

of course it's true.

When it comes to complaints, Shen's ability should not be underestimated, and because he was afraid that the leader would forget, he even asked for the ID number of Secretary Song.

Then, Shen Guanglin never heard the story of Secretary Song again.

This time, after arriving in the capital, they visited their new home together. In fact, it was a heart-to-heart trip specially arranged by the sisters for Lao Li.

A woman's heart, a needle in the sea.

Now, both sisters have become mothers, their identities have changed, and their views are different from before.

In the past, they would definitely not care about what Lao Li did, nor would they care.

They even admired their father a little since they were young. After all, Lao Li was engaged in military scientific research and defended the country. Moreover, Lao Li's status was very high, which made them quite proud.

It's different now. Lao Li's actions have directly damaged the interests of the Great Wall Group and Shen, and they have begun to disagree with their father.

Girls are extroverted, and have always been like this for thousands of years.

Even when she was lying in Shen Guanglin's arms and was about to go to bed, Li Li said, "You can't let Dad participate in these things anymore, such a big loss can't be counted like this. If you don't talk about this matter, I will go." Said. He is just tossing around, probably because he has been brainwashed for a long time. Let's not talk about taking advantage of the public, and he can't give so many assets to the country for nothing, there is not even a statement. "

Can you say anything, send Lao Li in?

Shen Guang and Lin Xin said that if Lao Li knew that his daughter had commented on him like this, he would be very sad.

The career and code of conduct that Lao Li pursued all his life was called by his daughter that he had washed his brains out.

In fact, it doesn't matter to Shen Guanglin that the Great Wall Group suffered some losses.

After all, the Great Wall Group also spends a lot of money on charity every year.

Now, their joint university donation activity with Shao Yifu is very successful, and there are hundreds of libraries and Yifu buildings that have entered the planning and construction stage.

Of course, Shen Guanglin didn't care about the loss of the Great Wall Group. This is not a matter of level of structure, but a very special feeling.

The Great Wall Group made so much money so easily, Shen Guanglin felt a little unreal.

It's like playing a game and downloading a dungeon. I have opened a cheat, and I didn't use much force, and all kinds of money flowed in.

What can I do if I scoop it out occasionally.

It may be said that it is the "water diversion" of the pressurized well. Only when the air is excluded, more running water will come.

We still have to take a long-term view.

When misfortune comes, fortune rests on it; when fortune comes, misfortune rests.

Speaking of it, Shen Guanglin is still a little lonely from the level of the spiritual world, and often feels that no one in this world understands him.

It wasn't until one day that his sister said something inexplicably, which made him alert. There are still people who can understand his emotions.

My sister said this, "Brother Guanglin, you seem to care nothing, but in fact you are a very proud person. In your eyes, everything is not that important. Everyone is out of your sight. Me and My sister is not here, and no one can make you bow your head, but this is what I like about you."

It turned out that Shen Guanglin's sense of alienation from the world was felt even by his careless sister.

Fortunately, Shen Guanglin had a child, which was his own flesh and blood, which gave him some real emotions.

From now on, he is a man of this era.

The family went out, but before they walked in the direction of the car, they were stopped.

The ones who stopped them were a man and a woman, who appeared to be older than Shen Guanglin, with distressed looks on their faces.

"Boss, please do me a favor and let my father go."

What's happening here?Shen Guanglin was dumbfounded.

"Your father? Who is your father?"

"My father is Chang Qingchun. He took some rotten logs from your yard, and he will be sentenced in the end."

(End of this chapter)

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