Start with a college teacher

Chapter 957 Misunderstanding

Chapter 957 Misunderstanding
Hearing what the couple said, Shen Guanglin was also a little puzzled.

what happened?

He didn't even know about it.

In fact, this matter started from the last time someone Shen was stolen from his house.

Shen was robbed of his home in two ways.

On the one hand, Shen Guanglin's woman has been missed, but this matter has been resolved.Somebody Shen inadvertently but intentionally filed a black complaint, probably enough for Secretary Song to drink a pot.

On the other hand, even in the early stage of the renovation of Shen Guanglin's courtyard house, a house theft happened.

The workers in the second construction were not good at taking care of them, and some valuable wood was lost during the renovation process.

Although Shen Guanglin graciously said that it's fine, it's not a big deal.But Erjian is a particular unit, and they said they must pay. Not only did they pay compensation, but they also punished those workers who failed to take care of them.

After all, Professor Shen and the Great Wall Group are the parents of Erjian. Erjian is a well-known star construction company in Beijing, with high wages, good benefits, and even foreign exchange. All of these are brought to them by the Great Wall Group.

Therefore, the relationship between the two companies is very good. Even Erjian proposed that Professor Shen’s courtyard house be contracted by Erjian without any money.

One yard owned by a yard.

Shen Guanglin didn't want to take advantage of this, he had money himself, so there was no need to owe this favor.

Therefore, no matter for Shen Guanglin or Erjian, losing some wood is not a big deal.

However, for workers, especially workers in state-owned enterprises, it is really a big deal to bear the punishment of the unit and even be suspected of self-stealing.

Men in the capital, you can't accept this.

Therefore, the few workers who lost their things were sighing day and night, and they couldn't sleep at night.

In fact, of course they knew that Professor Shen had a great family and a great career, and he was still a fastidious person, so he had no intention of holding them accountable.

However, the unit relies on others to live such a nourishing life, and it is inevitable to punish them. This is the gesture that the second construction needs to make.

Unless, they can find the thief and let the truth come out.

After the loss of wood happened, they went to the police station to report the incident.

The police station heard that it was a few pieces of rotten wood that were lost, so they didn't want to file a case.But I also heard that the value of these rotten pieces of wood exceeded 1000 yuan, and I confirmed that this estimate was only a lot more, so I really paid attention to it.

But where did the wood go?
The workers had someone they suspected, but they didn't say anything to the outside world. Instead, they made up their minds to take the opportunity to make meritorious deeds into their own hands. Otherwise, it would not be enough to vent their inner resentment.

Since the renovation started, they have been eating and living in this courtyard house. Everything is normal. The only abnormal thing is that a half-old guy once brought people from the street to check the house, saying that he was investigating corrupt officials.

That incident didn't even alarm the homeowner, that is, Professor Shen, who was immediately sent back by the workers.

However, this is not an ordinary thing after all.

In particular, that old guy obviously knows the value of these woods better.

Soon, the workers learned that the old man's surname was Chang, and his name was Chang Qingchun. He was called Fourth Master Chang in the alley, and he was a carpenter when he was a child.

In the past, this old guy was so picky, but now he has become generous. He went to eat Baodufeng for several days in a row, and bought a whole pair of clothes to show off in the alley.

Then all this can be matched.

If you follow the usual routine in the novel, then it's time to investigate and search for evidence.What is taking turns on duty, what is not eating or sleeping, what is secretly following, until Chang Siye, the old fox, finally shows his feet, and so on.

Reality has nothing to do with it.

"Illegally restricting personal freedom" and "maliciously beating the masses" happened in broad daylight.

The workers drove ferociously, and directly took Lao Chang away, and brought him to the warehouse of his company to greet him.

Basically, no ordinary person can survive one beating, if one is not enough, then two.

In fact, those who are steadfast and unyielding are mostly heroes in film and television dramas.

People have an upper limit of willpower. When tortured to a certain extent, people's spirits will collapse, and they will even think of a word called "life is better than death".

In spy movies, some people are caught and can endure all kinds of torture until they barely survive.

However, when the old man of the Li family was still there, Shen Guanglin specifically asked the old man if those things were true?
What the old man said is very straightforward, and it may be true, but the rules established by the organization are: Anyone who has been arrested is not worthy of trust.

This is also a bloody experience and lesson.

Lao Chang was just an ordinary carpenter and had no education as a special agent, so he didn't use the blessing of the whip. Under the whipping of the belt, he quickly succumbed.

By the time the staff from the police station came to the rescue, the case had been solved and all the stolen goods had been found.

The wood is hidden in another deserted garden not far away. Huanghua pears are more expensive, and Lao Chang only sold a small piece and greatly improved his life.

In this day and age, it's good to solve the case. As for lynching and beating the suspect, it's not a problem at all.

You caught the thief in the street, don't you want to beat him up to add to the fun?

However, when calculating the value of the case, there was a big problem, because among the wood that Lao Chang stole, there were two golden nanmu and two Hainan huanghuali, and the rest were good materials such as chicken wing wood. They are all old materials left over from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and the combined value may exceed ten thousand.

It's a big deal.

If you put it in the past few years, it is estimated that there is always enough to eat peanuts.

Although it is not as severe as before, the sentence is probably inevitable. Regardless of just a few rotten pieces of wood, the sentence can go up to ten years.

Shen Guanglin understood the whole story, and he also felt that the matter was a bit too serious, so he couldn't bear it.

But what can he do.

This is already a criminal case, and Shen Guanglin can't help it.

Chinese society is a society of personal feelings, so there are still ways.

The Chang family also used various social relationships to obtain such an operable method.

They said that if the head of the household took the initiative to stand up and say that these things were given to Lao Chang by the head of the household, then there might be a turning point.This is not stealing, but a problem in the communication process.

No, after getting this solution, the man and woman guarded the door of Shen Guanglin's new house every day, just to ask the head of the household to forgive him.

After waiting for several days, I finally saw them today, and this matter must be done anyway.

Even, in order to make Shen Guanglin agree, they knelt down when they came up, weeping, and said pitifully, even, such a movement attracted a lot of onlookers.

The content of everyone's discussion is nothing more than the usual bad luck. Didn't they just take a few rafters, and they didn't know the goods, so they were arrested and sentenced to heavy sentences.

Shen Guanglin was very unhappy about this kind of argument. He obviously felt that this was a kind of moral kidnapping, but thinking that he would be sentenced to more than ten years in prison for these few logs, he still agreed softly.

All right, then Shen made a statement, saying that the wood was given to the neighbor by Shen, which was a complete misunderstanding.

 Let’s update a chapter today, not necessarily tonight

(End of this chapter)

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