Chapter 958
Yes, Shen Guanglin has many social identities, the landlord of the courtyard house, the son-in-law of Lao Li, the ghost of the sisters, the professor of the Capital University, and the chief scientist of the Great Wall Group.
However, what identity does he use to welcome Mr. Wang and the others from Wanwan?

If it is for the face of President Wang's father, then of course it is obligatory.

This is the courtesy that a junior should have, no matter how hospitable the reception is, you can even welcome them into your own home.

However, as the president of the Great Wall Group, Mr. Wang himself was "busy" and didn't intend to come over to greet his father. Of course it was okay to let Shen Guanglin go to greet him, but it would be inappropriate to have the foreign affairs department involved.

How can private affairs take up public resources?

Now, the itinerary of the old man of the Wang family to the mainland is in the hands of the foreign affairs department. The relationship between President Wang and the old man is not very harmonious. Therefore, this trip is not a personal relationship at all. Therefore, there is no reason for the younger generation to welcome the elders.

However, it would be even more inappropriate for Shen Guanglin to meet Mr. Wang as a professor of Capital University.

After all, it would be a bit out of line for a professor from Capital University to greet a scholar from Wanwan, but to greet a businessman who smells like copper.

Do businessmen have more social status than world-renowned scientists?
I didn't see Dean Qian bowing his knees to greet any businessman.

However, what if Shen Guanglin was asked to come forward because of a business relationship?

That's even more nonsense.

Who is Shen Guanglin?He is the Chief Scientist of Great Wall Group.

Who is the guest here?He is Mr. Wang, the head of the Wanwan Wang Family Group.

One of the two companies is from Xiangjiang, and the other is from Wanwan. Is there any overlap between the two companies?

Indeed, it cannot be said that there is no such thing. After all, the Great Wall Group has also been involved in the petrochemical industry, and the Wang family is a well-known petrochemical giant. They have overlaps in this field.

However, the current situation is a bit embarrassing.

The petrochemical industry of the Great Wall Group is no longer in their own hands, it has been taken over by the government, and there is no explanation so far, but Mr. Wang came here to talk about investing in the petrochemical industry.

Speaking of which, the overall size of the Great Wall Group is larger than that of the Wang Family Group.

Now, it is unreasonable for you to let the core personnel of a Xiangjiang company receive guests from the Wanwan company.

Therefore, the people in the foreign affairs department took it for granted.

They originally thought that it was because of Lao Li's face, and that they knew Shen Guanglin quite well, so if they simply mentioned this matter, Professor Shen would not refuse.

But Shen Guanglin did not agree.

If the name is not correct, the words will not go well, and if the words are not good, then things will not happen.

No matter from which point of view, Professor Shen could not attend the ceremony to welcome the old man of the Wang family.

Germany does not match ah.

In other words, the Wang family is actually unworthy.

The people from the foreign affairs department left in despair.

For this reason, Lao Li was also a little unhappy, but he had no choice but to have a legitimate reason for Shen to come forward.

It is of course impossible for Shen Guanglin to lower his status to be a welcome person, which is also disrespectful to Shen.

However, Shen Guanglin didn't say anything to death.

It is of course impossible for Professor Shen to attend the ceremony of welcoming Wanwan's guests, but it is possible for them to invite Professor Shen to be a guest at the same time.

Shen is not a person without social status, he deserves to be invited.

It was all because of Lao Li's ignorance that Shen Guanglin seemed a little too talkative.

Since this meeting is an official action, then take the necessary action, Shen is still willing to agree.

In fact, as long as Shen Guanglin's identity as a "family member" was put aside, the foreign affairs department quickly figured out how to get Professor Shen to attend: then give him the same treatment as a guest, and not lose courtesy just because he is an acquaintance.

Therefore, facing the formal invitation letter sent by the foreign affairs department, Shen Guanglin agreed and prepared to bring his wife to attend.

The official state guest treatment, of course, is to stay in the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse.

Lao Li has never enjoyed this kind of treatment, he just said sourly, "You guys are really messing around."

The more fussing is yet to come.

The crooked Mr. Wang came to the mainland to visit, but the topic had already been reported in advance: that is, they planned to invest 80-100 billion US dollars to build a super-large petrochemical base in the mainland.

Now is the most difficult year for China's economy. GDP growth has changed from a yearly growth rate of more than a dozen to negative growth, which requires a strong economic stimulus.

Therefore, the Wang family's proposal was like a fire in winter, and everyone was very tempted.

However, there is a difficult problem waiting to be solved, that is, what should the Great Wall Group do?
Their petrochemical industry is still in the hands of the government, and there is no way to avoid it. I heard that the president of the Great Wall Group is the eldest son of the Wang family. With this relationship, we can only discuss this matter together.

This is the turning point for Shen Guanglin's long-awaited Great Wall Petrochemical.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin knew that he wanted to talk about this matter, so he called back the prince who was far away in Southeast Asia, and gave him full authority to act as a human vase.

Speaking of which, this is also Shen Guanglin's first time staying at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse. Just like a young man, he didn't sleep well all night, and Li Rong begged for mercy before he gave up.

The next day, Shen Guanglin got up before dawn, washed his face and shaved his beard, and was full of energy.

Although he worked hard all night, his waist is not sore or his legs hurt. He is not the professor Shen who struggled three or five times to the point of death. The whole Li Rong once suspected that he had fallen out of favor, and his surname was Shen's favorite sister.

In fact, no, Professor Shen treats everyone equally, and they are all equally soft.

Only career is a man's second spring.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the waiter knocked on the door on time and said that it was time for breakfast.

Shen Guanglin thanked him very politely and had a very ordinary but different breakfast before following the waiter to the conference room.

This is also the first time that Shen Guanglin has entered power as a guest, and he is full of imagination and a little absent-minded.

Sure enough, Lao Li also came to accompany him. He saw Shen Guanglin looking at the scenery seriously, so he sat beside him: "You really live here? And you, why are you so ignorant?"

"Otherwise, do you think I shouldn't?" Shen Guanglin asked back.

Li Li did not show any weakness: "I came with my husband. It is a great honor for the little girl to be able to attend the event with my husband as a guest. If this gentleman does not want us to attend, then we will leave now."

After finishing speaking, she really pulled Shen Guanglin up to retreat.

Of course it was impossible to retreat, Lao Li smiled to hide his embarrassment, and then wanted to change the subject, but he didn't expect his daughter to come for real.

They were really about to walk out of the conference room, so Lao Li hurriedly grabbed them and apologized: "I said something wrong, can you please?"

That's how it should be.

Lao Li is a bit indiscriminate between public and private, and he also came with a mission, the purpose is to talk to Shen Guanglin about the petrochemical company.

"Today, if we want to talk about the Great Wall Group, President Wang has the final say on this matter, and he is the CEO of the group." Shen Guanglin blocked what Lao Li wanted to say.

"I don't have to speak, but I only say what is in my interest."

 Tomorrow and the day after the weekend, try to update more

(End of this chapter)

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