Start with a college teacher

Chapter 959 Recommendations

Chapter 959 Recommendations
After posing the score that should be posed, seeing that Lao Li gave up, Shen Guanglin and Li Rong didn't do anything else, just sat there drinking tea.

The tea is not good, this is Shen's true evaluation.

After Shen got rich, he was very fond of drinking tea and knew a lot about tea.

Although there is essentially no difference between tea worth tens of yuan and tea worth hundreds of yuan, Shen can still taste subtle differences. This is not a problem of tea quality, but a problem of processing techniques.

The tea processed by the master craftsman is still valuable, which is another craft money.

Tea is the most difficult commodity to value, so tea is the favorite gift for future generations, with a good packaging, it can be worth tens, hundreds, or thousands.

The three of them sat there stupidly without speaking, and just waited for a while in boredom. The staff came over and said that it was time for the meeting.

However, this meeting is not the real master.

Shen Guanglin and Li Rong followed Lao Li into another living room, where they saw a middle-aged man and several young people who looked like secretaries.

Lao Li was very enthusiastic, and introduced with a smile: "This is Minister Wang. He has the final say on the entire petrochemical industry. We have formed a team before. Xiao Shen, you can call him Uncle Wang."

Shen Guanglin took a look at this leader Wang. He has black hair and looks younger than Old Li. This is an uncle who knows how to take care of himself.

No wonder he is the official leader, and Lao Li is just a consultant.

Looking young is also young.

However, Uncle Wang's attitude is worth pondering.

Seeing Shen Guanglin coming in, Minister Wang didn't even stand up, but smiled calmly, a cheeky smile.

He looked at Shen Guanglin, then at Li Rong, then turned back to Shen Guanglin, looked him up and down carefully, and said, "You are Shen Guanglin?"

This attitude is worth pondering, making Shen Guanglin very uncomfortable.

"I am Shen Guanglin. It is a great honor that Minister Wang has heard my name."

Shen Guanglin saw that the minister didn't intend to stand up, and he didn't "mind". He found a seat and sat down with his legs up, and then tapped on the table: "Where's the tea? How can you achieve this level of work?" Do you work here? Are you a related household?"

The staff hurriedly poured tea, then shrank aside and did not dare to say anything. They had all heard of Professor Shen's great achievements, but they didn't expect that he would also be very angry.

Even Minister Wang was stunned, and he was stunned by Shen Guanglin's "arrogance": "Xiao Shen is so impolite, Lao Li, your son-in-law has quite a personality."

"Everyone calls me Professor Shen." Shen Guanglin looked serious, watching the service staff pour tea for him, but he didn't intend to drink it.

I drank too much just now, and I will go to the toilet if I drink any more.

Minister Wang was choked by Shen Guanglin, coughed, and then said, "Okay, Professor Shen."

The words "Professor Shen" were blunt and full of unhappiness.

Old Li wanted to smooth things over, and hurriedly said, "Guanglin, what are you talking about? Uncle Wang also wants to get to know you in advance. It's a little impolite of you to do so."

polite?Shen Guanglin brightened the invitation in his hand: "Is it a business or a private matter today? If it's a private matter, should we change the venue? I have good wine and food there, so there's no need to take advantage of the country. If it's a business matter, why not Is it about organization and discipline? I am a guest, what are you doing, one red face and the other white face, who are you showing it to?"

Shen Guanglin directly exposed their behavior, and at this time, he still wanted to give Shen someone a blow, he was thinking too much.

The scene was awkward for a while.

Lao Li and Leader Wang looked at each other and laughed dryly, trying to fool them.

Of course, this is not a formal meeting, but a prelude, and the next thing is to continue to wait.

What else can it be? Of course, it is the business of the petrochemical company of the Great Wall Group.

This matter has a lot to do with it, and there are many people involved, Lao Li was so anxious that he almost knelt down.

Shen Guanglin could only agree, as long as the old man didn't ask, he wouldn't take the initiative to speak up, but if the old man took the initiative to ask, Shen would definitely answer truthfully.

Well, that's the only way.

About half an hour later, another staff member finally came to invite them.

Shen Guanglin looked at his watch, it was 9:59.

From the looks of it, the time I wanted to meet was 10 o'clock, but I was called at 8 o'clock.

Shen Guanglin finally met the person he wanted to see very much.

In fact, this is not the first time they have met. They met when they organized 863 to write articles.

Several years have passed, and when we meet again this time, just like Lao Li, in fact, the old man is already a consultant, and he has completely retired.

Seeing Shen Guanglin come in, the old man was very happy, but he didn't smoke anymore:
"Xiao Shen, we met again. I heard that you don't like people calling you Xiao Shen, but you want to be called Professor Shen. I wonder if I can call you that?"

The old man is still in good health and energetic.

"Of course it is possible. After all, you have already retired. Without your official status, you can call it whatever you want."

Shen Guanglin is a little annoyed now that Lao Li doesn't distinguish between public and private.

In fact, Lao Li didn't really discriminate between public and private. He did it on purpose. He just wanted to ask the country to get some wool.

"That's a good point. We need to distinguish between public and private. There is no distinction between public and private. Sooner or later, something will happen. What happened in the past is a wake-up call for us. I heard that you are the chief scientist of the Great Wall Group. How do you treat senior officials? What do you think if children are not allowed to do business?"

This is a very hot topic recently. The state has issued a document that prohibits the children of high-ranking cadres from doing business.

"Resolutely support! If the children of high-ranking cadres go into business, if they say that they have not used power for personal gain, ghosts will not believe it."

Shen Guanglin has this self-confidence. He himself has never borrowed Lao Li's relationship. As for whether the old man of the Li family has any backing, he doesn't know.

The old man smiled and nodded, sign of agreement, and then turned his gaze to Li Rong:

"You are Li Rong, are you so old? I always remember that you are the doll who loves to practice martial arts. I also said that you will walk with Xiao Lin. You have chosen a good husband."

Li Rong is not stage fright, and is also close to the old man: "He is already a martial arts star, and he has gone abroad to make movies, and he married Senior Sister Huang. It’s okay, I just like martial arts.”

There is a lot of information in this passage.Shen Guanglin was dumbfounded, what else is there?Is this circle so small?

Now, someone Shen is also a bigwig in Xiangjiang's entertainment industry, so he has to find a chance to ask.

After exchanging pleasantries, the old man asked Shen Guanglin to sit down for a chat, and continued the topic just now: "Xiao Shen, you support the children of high-ranking officials not to do business, but how did you become the chief scientist of the Great Wall Group? Does this count as doing business?"

"So, I suggest, let my father-in-law go home early to rest, it's good for everyone."

(End of this chapter)

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