Chapter 960 Keynote
Old Li was shocked by Shen Guanglin's words.

What a good son-in-law you are!

I'm not old yet, and I still want to use my spare energy, but you are good, you just want to send me home.

However, in front of the old man, Lao Li didn't dare to speak and could only laugh.

However, after hearing Shen Guanglin's words, everyone except Lao Li, who was anxious and pale, laughed.

What's more, that Minister Wang is no longer smiling. He smiled sincerely and kindly: "Lao Li decided to quit the Ordnance Institute because of Xiao Shen's job in the Great Wall Group. He But a good comrade."

"Well, that's very good." The old man nodded approvingly, "Brother Li's family style is still very good."

Of course, the old man of the Li family has a good family style, but he is no longer around, so it is inevitable that some people go out for tea.

If the old man is still there, no one would dare to snatch the petrochemical company of the Great Wall Group.

Lao Li is a very contradictory person. He thinks about the good of his son-in-law and the good of the country.

At least, the opinions of the two daughters on him are getting bigger and bigger, and they even feel that he is a little old and confused.

Among the family, Shen Guanglin had the best relationship with him, and he understood him.

After a few people exchanged pleasantries, it's time to talk about business. After all, the old man's time is very tight, and everything he does is not aimless.

"Xiao Shen, do you know why I called you here today?"

The old man asked very casually, and he didn't expect Shen Guanglin to be able to answer it, because this was originally a secret act.

"I probably know that Mr. Wang from the Wanwan Wang Family Group is coming." Shen Guanglin replied casually but with great certainty. All signs indicated that this was what we were going to talk about today.

Minister Wang was startled by Shen Guanglin's words. He turned his head to look at Lao Li, meaning: Did you see him through?
No wonder the previous work was so unsuccessful, it turned out that they had already guessed their purpose.

I'm still acting red-faced and white-faced here, why bother, it makes people see a joke.

Lao Li is also helpless, his expression is very innocent: he has never revealed anything, everything is guessed by him.

Of course, Lao Li didn't reveal the news, but there was someone close to Shen Guanglin who tipped off the news.

That's why he was clear about the itinerary and purpose of the old man of the Wang family.

The person who reported the letter was not President Wang, but his cousin. She will come with the old man this time, and she must have arrived in the capital by now.

A new mobile phone "buys" a person, and the deal is worth it.

Perhaps, the old man of the Wang family deliberately asked his cousin to disclose this news.

Both sides need to "test", and there must always be a messenger.

However, within China, the fact that the old man of the Wang family has been visiting the mainland is actually kept absolutely confidential.

The Wang family's itinerary is not even known to the Wanwan government. Minister Wang did mention this matter to Lao Li. The purpose is that they cooperate to restrict Shen Guanglin. It is best to persuade him to stop talking about the petrochemical industry.

How can this be?

Shen Guanglin had been looking forward to this historical event for a long time.

Otherwise, when Lao Li leads the team to confiscate their property, he will not be so calm.

One day, if you eat mine, you will spit it out, and if you take mine, you will return it to me.

Lao Li is Shen Guanglin's father-in-law, so it's not easy to hit him too hard, but this leader Wang is pretty good, and he can take the blame.

Shen Guanglin has a big heart.

Besides, this leader Wang is certainly not innocent.

Now, it was obviously a top-secret matter, but it was broken by Shen Guanglin in one bite, which made Lao Wang have to wonder if Lao Li had leaked the secret.

However, looking at Lao Li's surprised expression, one could tell that he probably didn't say anything.

The old man met Shen Guanglin this time because the president of the Great Wall Group is the eldest son of the Wang family, and Shen Guanglin is the chief scientist of the Great Wall Group. He wanted to take this opportunity to learn about the characteristics and trends of the Wang family group.

Don't fight unprepared battles.

The old man didn't know that Lao Li and Wang had confiscated the petrochemical industry of the Great Wall Group, otherwise he would definitely say that they played the piano indiscriminately.

And Lao Li, Lao Wang and the others also knew what the old man's attitude would be, so they threatened Shen Guanglin not to talk nonsense.

Of course, Shen Guanglin would not talk nonsense, he had already decided to delegate power, and delegated all power to President Wang.

Therefore, it is Xiao Wang who will talk nonsense in the future, not Xiao Shen.

In fact, the old man didn't expect Shen Guanglin to be so sure. He didn't expect Shen Guanglin to know about the Wang family's visit. Who told him?
Of course, the old man is well-informed after all. Now that Shen Guanglin knew about this matter, he did not show any surprise, but continued to ask: "Then what do you think about this matter?"

"It's just fooling around." Shen Guanglin made a four-word conclusion.

Lao Li immediately began to retort: ​​"Don't talk nonsense! He came here with sincerity. This is an investment of billions of dollars. Otherwise, would he spend a lot of time to come to the mainland? Do you think it's just to see the Great Wall? Eat roast duck."

Others can't reprimand Shen Guanglin, but Lao Li can.

He also didn't expect that Shen Guanglin would be so pessimistic about the visit of the old man of the Wang family. He would be responsible for talking nonsense in front of so many people. Xiao Shen was still too young.

However, Shen Guanglin did not distinguish, but waited for the old man's attitude.

Since Shen Guanglin dared to say such a thing, of course he was well prepared. They even set up a special team to predict the actions of the Wang family.

The old man took out the cigarette. He wanted to smoke it, but after smelling it, he put it away again.

"Go on. I heard that you work with the Wang family. You know the Wang family best. You can say whatever you want, don't be afraid."

It's long overdue!

Shen Guanglin was also unambiguous, he began to analyze the purpose of the Wang family's trip.

The purpose of their trip is also very simple, that is to throw out a big satellite, raise the expectations of the mainland, and hope that the mainland will provide good policies and guarantee lower production costs.

Historically, this negotiation has been protracted.

The mainland's position retreated again and again until it fully agreed to all the demands of the Wang family.

However, the Wang family broke the contract. They didn't intend to bring sincerity. Their goal was to develop Liuqing in Wanwan. When Wanwan let go, they immediately regretted it.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin said with certainty that they were here to fool you.

Of course, this is only Shen Guanglin's one-sided opinion. The matter has not happened yet, and everyone is unwilling to believe it.

Or, even if they believe in their hearts that this is the truth, they want to use it to achieve something.

For example: Now that the whole world is blocking China, if the news that the Wang Family Group has come to make a large investment spreads, it will be good for attracting foreign investment.

Therefore, after listening to the old man, he didn't express too much, "I'm a guest from afar, let's get in touch and see."

(End of this chapter)

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