Chapter 961 Meeting
Shen Guanglin soon saw the guests from Wanwan.

Of course, this guest is not Mr. Wang, but a cousin of the Wang family.

It's good to be young, enthusiastic and lively, full of firepower.

The cousin of the Wang family is indeed playing with fire. Today, when China is still very conservative, she actually went out wearing hot pants, which is indeed very eye-catching.

Especially, when she rushed up, she hugged Shen Guanglin's arm and kept rubbing it coquettishly.

"Professor Shen, you have the latest electronic products, so don't forget about me."

Shen Guanglin flung his arm away, "Stop rubbing, your ribs are hurting."

"You hate it!"

Of course Shen Guanglin hated it, but he really didn't mean to provoke Wang's cousin, especially since his wife Li Rong was right next to her.

Li Rong didn't get jealous because of this, but watched her cousin perform there with a smile, without showing the slightest discomfort.

In foreign countries, there are many scenes that are more passionate than this one, and some hot girls even want to kiss their faces to play stickers, just get used to it.

Sometimes, this kind of frivolous and exaggerated behavior is not terrible, even less terrible than some women's smiles.

However, Professor Shen is a talented person after all, and Li Rong can still tolerate everything about him.

It doesn't matter what happens to him with his cousin, man, if he doesn't want to conquer women, how can he have the motivation to conquer the world.

The head of the Wang Family Group has really visited the mainland, and the country is highly valued from top to bottom.

In fact, Great Wall Group also attaches great importance to it.

No, President Wang is back, and now he is back as the Great Wall Group's negotiator.

Speaking of which, the treatment of the Great Wall Group is really not as important as that of the Wang Family Group.

House flowers do not have the fragrance of wild flowers.

Even though the Great Wall Group is larger than the Wang Family Group and contributes more to the GDP, who would let others come from a Wanwan company? If they really invest tens of billions of dollars in Huaxia, they will also be able to stimulate a lot of people. GDP.

And what about your Great Wall Group?Everyone can see that they made a lot of money in Huaxia, but turned around and invested a lot in Maoziguo.

Although this is an appearance, it is hard to say.

Therefore, the Great Wall Group should not get the status it deserves, because you lack loyalty.

However, Shen Guanglin couldn't explain: they invested in Maoziguo to squeeze their wool, and this country has been bouncing around in a few days.

Shen Guanglin said this argument, but no one believed it.

Such a huge country, if it is not for internal problems, it will not fall anyway.

But it just so happened that the country had internal problems, which made it fall apart, and this gave Shen a chance.

Therefore, the most important strategy of the Great Wall Group now is to make a big profit from Mao Ziguo. It cannot be done, even if others have opinions.

Fortunately, no one has the position to criticize the Great Wall Group now.

Great Wall Group successively invested in Jinling Petrochemical and Yanshan Petrochemical. However, before the investment landed, the company was taken away by you.

I listened to your words and invested, but where did my investment go?

Now, the Wang Family Group has proposed to invest tens of billions of dollars in the mainland. This matter has great political and economic influence, and it is impossible for the mainland to ignore it.

Moreover, the old man of the Wang family has been hiding in Citigroup these years, and he is also preparing to play a trick of both sides.

As Shen Guanglin's guest, it will take a few days before he makes an appointment to meet Mr. Wang.

In the past few days, people have been lobbying in front of him constantly. The implication is to tell the Great Wall Group not to be self-defeating, not to talk nonsense, and damage the relationship with international friends.

Shen Guanglin really didn't think about it that way. After receiving two waves of people, he began to avoid them. He simply said he was sick and didn't see them.

Let President Wang discuss this matter. He is not only the eldest son of Wang, but also the president of the Great Wall Group. He has a detached position and can make independent decisions.

However, this is really a problem for some people.

They couldn't give up the Wanwan Wang family's investment, but they really wanted to give the Great Wall Group an explanation, otherwise, this matter would get worse and worse.

Lao Li has said it several times, let's sit down and talk about how to deal with the petrochemical company.

However, Shen Guanglin didn't care because he had nothing to ask for.

It was in this attitude that when Shen Guanglin saw old man Wang, his attitude was quite calm, even looking down.

Isn't he just a shriveled old man, what is there to pay attention to?
He thought so and did it.

Meet, shake hands, sit down.

A whole set of procedures is beyond reproach.

In fact, the Wang Family Group's team is also looking at Shen Guanglin. Regardless of his status as a scholar, it would be great if he is a businessman.

In the Chinese-speaking circle, there are too many businessmen who are respectful to Mr. Wang, and the name of the God of Management is not for him.

But Shen Guanglin's attitude is completely different. He doesn't care whether he is the god of business or not. Anyway, the Great Wall Group's money does not depend on this, but on technological innovation.

Of course, relying on patents for profit is also a kind of technological innovation.

In this meeting, the level of the Chinese escorts was not considered high, and the old man did not show up.

Except for the people from the foreign affairs department, Minister Wang was the highest ranking one. Of course, Lao Li was also on the list.

However, President Wang didn't come. He didn't want to see his father on such an occasion. Shen Guanglin understood and supported his idea.

"Professor Shen, Mr. Wang is a well-known patriot. This meeting is actually because Mr. Wang wants to hear your opinion on the Wang Family Group."

Someone introduced the two sides, and then the formal discussion began.

Shen Guanglin turned to look at Lao Li, and then at Leader Wang to see if they had any instructions.

What instructions can they give in front of guests?
Okay, then Shen Guanglin has something to worry about:

"If I were to talk about my views on the Wang Family Group, then this is a commercial capitalist that developed from a landlord's old fortune, and a company that developed by relying on scrounging and saving money. It can operate for a long time, but it can't make a big name."

These words are very hurtful, but Shen Guanglin's evaluation like this is not unreasonable.

"The Great Wall Group is perfect. Since your management level is so good, why do you want to recruit people from the Wang Family Group?"

These words are full of sparks, because in the past two years, President Wang has poached many people from the Wang Family Group. These people have worked in the Wang Family Group for 20 or [-] years. Or the young master dug it himself.

"Great Wall Group was established a lot later, but looking at it now, our turnover and profit level are not comparable to a petrochemical company. I am a scholar, how can I evaluate a company? Great Wall Group I know Don't look at it, let alone other companies that are full of copper smell."

Yes, Professor Shen is a scholar, and a world-renowned scholar.

The old man of the Wang family is the guest of honor of Mrs. Wanwan, and Professor Shen has traveled all over the country. As long as he wants, he can meet the heads of state of various countries.

Therefore, when Shen Guanglin speaks as Professor Shen, he is detached.

"Mobil, BASF, Bayer, Dow, DuPont, in my eyes, are all chickens and dogs. Each of these companies counts as one, and none of them is good. Even your Wang Group has violated our patents. Let me take a look, you have infringed a total of [-] items, if it wasn't for President Wang's face, we would have taken you to court long ago."

(End of this chapter)

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