Chapter 969 Dinner
The company is going to have a distinguished guest, and Vanke attaches great importance to it from top to bottom.

In recent years, Vanke has developed very fast. From its establishment to the present, it has changed every year, and it has gone through a leap-forward development.

Lao Wang is a very ambitious and thoughtful person.

Therefore, when the shareholding system reform was carried out a few years ago, he firmly supported and applied for the first demonstration.

It's just that the company's stock is not selling well, and the employees don't believe it.

Lao Wang himself ate part of it, but there was still a big gap.

This time I invited Shen Guanglin to come over, and I also wanted to find some countermeasures.

What if Boss Shen thinks Vanke is developing well and is willing to buy some of our shares?
But Lao Wang also knew that this was almost impossible.

Shen Guanglin has always looked down on the real estate industry, and he is not focused on developing industries.

Of course, the Great Wall Group's industrial development is excellent, and Lao Wang can't say that Professor Shen is short-sighted and can only develop silently.

Now Vanke is still a state-owned enterprise, and their company's working place is in an independent compound, which has the atmosphere of the times and the style of a state-owned enterprise.

The staff probably often engage in reception, and their actions are very skilled.

Moreover, they also built a special exhibition hall, which was filled with pennants and honorary certificates.

When distinguished guests come, the company attaches great importance to it from top to bottom.

Moreover, every room that may be used is specially furnished.

The staff were conscientious, arranging every detail in a hurry but not in a hurry.

For example, the corridors should also be covered with carpets, flower bouquets and slogans.

Moreover, the cement floor in the Vanke compound was also cleaned spotlessly, and it was even washed with a water gun in advance.

Even so detailed, the staff still search for the dirty things that may be seen and where the arrangement is improper, just like military dogs looking for drugs.

The weather in the south is often cloudy and rainy, and the walls are prone to warping. All the bulging places are covered by large portraits. The entire Vanke looks like a prosperous scene.

"Who is here to visit? It's so grand."

The staff were discussing while covering the chairs with white leather.

"That's right, the big leaders who came from the capital last time didn't seem to pay much attention to it."

Before they had discussed the results, another staff member suddenly came in, "Hurry up and build a stage, and there will be a show for the guests later."

"What? A performance?" The staff were all stunned, and now they are still making trouble.

"What show is it showing?"

"Sing! It is said that it is a very popular male and female group in Yangcheng. If you want to sing "Small Town Stories", quickly find the tape to accompany it."

"Small Town Stories" is Teresa Teng's classic song, and most people can sing it, but Yang Xiaoying is really one of them who can sing it so that people can't help but dream.

"Small town has many stories
full of joy

If you come to the small town

Very rewarding. "

On the other side, Boss Wang is already inviting Boss Shen to dinner, and he will go to Vanke's site after dinner.

Before the meal, Yang Xiaoying sang this song first, and then they started eating.

"Professor, I can't understand your hobby."

While talking, Pharaoh poured wine attentively.He and Shen Guanglin have been good friends for many years, and they can crack jokes. Moreover, Lao Wang himself is not a very ethical person. He divorced and stopped his wife and remarried in his later years.

However, Lao Wang in this era has just married the daughter of a certain leader, and the father-in-law is still there, so he is relatively honest.

Shen Guanglin's father-in-law is also there. Seeing Boss Shen so chicly taking handsome men and beautiful women out, he is very envious.

However, Lao Wang is still a relatively traditional person after all.

I have been in Shencheng for a long time, and of course I know that Xiangjiang people like to raise mistresses, and they will envy them by real names.

In particular, many houses were built by Vanke, and now the largest mistress village in Shencheng is in Xiasha, Futian.

Therefore, it is understandable for Shen Guanglin to take Yang Xiaoying. After all, she is a young and beautiful girl, which man doesn't like it.

But he even brought a boy with him, especially such a sunny and handsome boy.

I have to say, Boss Shen still knows how to play, men and women take it all.

Looking at Lao Wang's simple and honest expression with a wretched expression, Shen Guanglin knew that he was thinking wrong.

"This is a newly signed artist under our Great Wall Company. We met in Yangcheng. Because the pass has not been completed, so we brought Shencheng here."

Shen Guanglin explained, after all, this guy is too dishonest.

"I understand!" Lao Wang slapped his chest hard like an orangutan, but he couldn't hide the wretchedness in his eyes.

"Do you love to understand?" Shen Guanglin also scolded with a smile, then pointed to the wine glass: "Xiao Mao, this is Boss Wang from your hometown, and Boss Wang is also from the capital. He is a big boss of a real estate company in Shencheng, a thief. If you have money, hurry up and have a drink with Boss Wang, and he will book the venue for the concert in the future."

Probably had a similar life in the past, Maomao listened to Boss Shen's instructions, and quickly stood up, holding a glass of white wine in both hands: "Hello, Boss Wang, I am Xiao Mao from the south of the capital, and I will thank you for your care in the future." , I'll finish this glass of wine, you can do whatever you want."

After finishing speaking, he raised his head and drank a glass of white wine, his face didn't turn red, and he couldn't breathe.

A boy who can drink is good, and he is not afraid that others will think about his body.

As a girl, Yang Xiaoying is actually extremely disadvantaged at the wine table, but this kind of social occasion is unavoidable.

Yang Xiaoying also watched Brother Mao Mao drink a full cup, and couldn't help being a little embarrassed. She turned to look at Shen Guanglin, meaning: Do I want to do the same?
Not at all!Boss Shen doesn't need to rely on this to win the relationship here.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin didn't give her any winks at all.

Lao Wang still understands the wine table culture very well. He probably saw the little girl's predicament and used an excuse to talk about it.

He also saw that Mao Mao drank the wine very refreshingly, expressed his appreciation, and then he accompanied one of them: "As expected of the men in the capital, drinking is bright! Little girl, don't be nervous, you don't need to drink. And, remember in the future, follow Shen The professor is an asshole, and there is no need to toast at any wine table."

This is the iron law.

Lao Wang knew Shen very well, that is to say, the two had a good relationship, so there was no restraint in joking around.

If it was another boss who really dared to invite Boss Shen's people to accompany him for a drink, he would be an idiot.

Even if the leaders of the government came, Shen Guanglin would not pretend. I am in a good mood, and I will have a meal with you, but in a bad mood, what do you like?

This has been true in the past.

Once before, Shen Guanglin took Li Li to a dinner.

In the end, someone drank too much, and because of Li Li's good looks, he wanted Li Li to drink with him.

The result can be imagined, Boss Shen, who has a big heart, didn't even spend the night when he took revenge.

It turned out that my boss was such a person. Maomao and Yang Xiaoying looked at each other, and they both saw relief in their eyes.

Of course, there was doubt in their expressions.

Boss Wang called Shen Guanglin "Professor" just now, and now he calls him "Professor Shen", which made Maomao and Yang Xiaoying a little confused.

Boss Shen is obviously a big boss, so why is he called "Professor Shen"? Could it be because of his profound knowledge?

Since the atmosphere at the wine table was good, Yang Xiaoying asked, "Mr. Wang, why did you call our boss Professor Shen just now? Is there any explanation for that?"

"You don't know?"

"what do you know?"

"Your Boss Shen is a university professor, and a professor at Capital University."

Yang Xiaoying covered her mouth in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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