Start with a college teacher

Chapter 970 House Prices

Chapter 970 House Prices
Shen Guanglin smiled lightly, he was just a university professor, so why not be surprised.

University professors are indeed not surprising. Many people go into the sea these days, and quite a few drown.

However, if the name of the school is hung, it is quite surprising.

Capital University, is this comparable to other schools?

If Shen Guanglin went to Fusang, went to Kyoto University, and became a professor of Kyoto University, and when he came back to introduce him to others, he said that he was a professor of Kyoto University.

Kyoto University?What kind of school is this?How many books?
I'm afraid it's not a pheasant university.

Therefore, in Huaxia, if you introduce yourself and say that I teach at Capital University, the audience will immediately be in awe.

Is there anyone who doesn't know how many books Capital University has?
So, Yang Xiaoying covered her mouth in surprise: I really didn't expect that.

Well, this effect is what I want!

What Shen Guanglin enjoys the most is the process of others discovering that he is a university professor and expressing their surprise.

This feeling is very refreshing, much better than knowing that he has a lot of money and is a big boss.

The boss is just rich.

Many people will say that this is a nouveau riche, uneducated, and out of shit luck.

However, being a university professor, and a professor at the best university in the country, is what makes people speechless.

I'm rich, I'm educated, you still want to criticize me?

no way!

Therefore, Yang Xiaoying expressed her surprise in a timely manner, which greatly comforted Shen.

Satisfied with wine and food, Shen Guanglin was invited to Lao Wang's company, and he was treated like a super VIP.

I heard that Professor Shen was coming. Not only people from Vanke, but also people from the government and many institutions came.They all wanted to meet this big man from Capital University as soon as possible, and wanted to hear his views on stock trading.

After all, Shen Guanglin is not only a professor at Capital University, but also a member of the Faculty, and the chief scientist of Great Wall Group and Sinopec.

How many salaries are received by one person, you say it's great or not.

In particular, many people know that the Great Wall Group holds many shares of Xiangjiang listed companies. This is an open secret, and anyone who is interested will know it.

Since the Great Wall Group holds so many stocks of companies, Professor Shen should have some good suggestions on what he thinks about the resumption of domestic stock market trading.

Everyone has expectations.

Professor Shen came, and everyone greeted him grandly.

The red carpet, the camera, the hostess, everything that should be arranged has been arranged.

Moreover, at the scene, Maomao and Yang Xiaoying actually sang a song, the effect was quite good, and the staff also took out a big red envelope accordingly, saying that it was labor fee.

They didn't dare to accept it, so they looked at Boss Shen.

Shen Guanglin signaled that he could take it, it's okay, those who follow Boss Shen, they can't be short of their income in terms of income.

Shen Guanglin also said, Xiangjiang residence is not easy, you have to make enough money in Shencheng to spend in Xiangjiang.

Just as Jia Ling couldn't survive in the capital after graduation, Teacher Feng also took her around and earned rent for several years in half a year.

Therefore, there are still many opportunities to perform and sing in the future, so the labor fee will be charged boldly.

When Mr. Shen came over, they didn't pay the consulting fee, and the labor fee should be replaced.

However, what they didn't know was that during the performance just now, there was a young man among the crowd who was also watching their performance, and left without saying anything else.The corners of the mouth are swollen, and it hurts when I speak.

Now it's time to get down to business.

Professor Shen is here, so he has to guide the economic construction of Shencheng. Shen Guanglin, as an academic authority, a member of the academic department, and a well-known professor, isn't that what he does.

Lao Wang is usually very arrogant, thinking that there is no one else in the world.But in front of Shen Guanglin, he was very low-key, saying that he was a primary school student, and he was willing to carry the shoes for Professor Shen.

All right, Mr. Shen, let's comment on Vanke's business situation first.

Shen Guanglin took a brief look at Vanke's financial statements. Although the volume is not large, the profit margin is not bad, and the development speed is indeed very fast.

Land in this era is not valuable, and the cost of development is mainly the cost of building materials and labor, and the key to the built house is to see who can sell it to, which is the key to the development of real estate.

Shencheng does have this inherent advantage. The customer base they face is not only the mainlanders who have initially become rich, but also overseas Chinese from Xiangjiang and overseas.

They are rich, and the houses in Xiangjiang are expensive, so they are the real main force of real estate consumption.

From this perspective, Lao Wang's ability to grasp the market is indeed good, and he is worthy of someone who wants to climb Mount Everest.

Moreover, Vanke is not only engaged in residential real estate, but also industrial and commercial development.

Even, many of their buildings have been sold to the outside world before the construction is completed. Small profits but quick turnover.

After all, selling uncompleted properties is still allowed in this era. It was probably after the property market bubble in Hainan that the regulation prohibiting speculation of uncompleted properties was introduced.

After carefully reading the report and pondering for a while, Shen Guanglin said: "Your development model is right, and the country's economy will develop rapidly in the next few decades. Therefore, the real estate industry is a very promising industry with great development momentum. Industry, Lao Wang, I am optimistic about you."

Professor Shen is optimistic, Lao Wang is very happy, and he also has questions to ask.

"What do you think about the current hot situation in Hainan? Should our real estate company develop there?"

Lao Wang asked the question very well. He didn't ask at the dinner table, but in front of many economic experts and government staff, probably on behalf of everyone.

In fact, for Hainan's booming economy, Shencheng is under great pressure.

Although it has only been two years since Hainan became an independent province as a special zone, in the eyes of the people, most people, Hainan has a greater advantage in economic development than Shencheng.

In this era, it is the hottest land of China's economy and vitality, even surpassing Shencheng.

Now, many talents have gone to that place to venture into the world, but they withdrew after a few years.

In 1988, Hainan became independent from Guangdong and became the only provincial special economic zone in China.

Moreover, from the very beginning, due to the needs of economic development and construction policies, national policies have also been strongly inclined to this side, which makes Hainan an existence that is not inferior to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

If you want to make money, go to Hainan; if you want to make money, speculate on uncompleted properties.

Gold diggers from all over the country gathered in Hainan. This small island with only 600 million people originally had more than 2 real estate companies at its peak.

Shen Guanglin asked, from 1988 to the present, housing prices have grown from scratch, and the current price has remained at around 1500 yuan per square meter.

This price is not expensive, but it is already hundreds of dollars more expensive than Shencheng, which has profit and motivation.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that the current house price of 1500 jumped to 92 in 5000, and 93 in 7500.

The five-fold increase in two years directly caused the country to strike hard, not only knocking down housing prices, but also knocking down Hainan's economy.

It was not until 2010 that Hainan completely cleaned up the unfinished houses.

"Cautiously optimistic." Shen Guanglin used a very unusual word.

 The weather is changing, I have a cold, my whole body hurts, I don’t want to code today, just a chapter
(End of this chapter)

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