Chapter 971
It is right to say that we are cautiously optimistic.

At this time of year, not to mention the real estate industry, but China's future economic development, many people don't understand it. Everyone is crossing the river by feeling the stones.

Not to mention anything else, just last year, due to repeated policies and social turmoil, "fat pigs" were slaughtered all over the country.

Moreover, with China's economic development, there will always be some fat pigs that will continue to be put on the stove.

Pigs, aren't they just for killing?

To be honest, China has a long history of raising pigs.

Archaeologists have discovered pig bones from the remains of prehistoric civilizations 8000 years ago, which means that at that time or earlier, humans knew that pigs were a very good domestic animal.

Moreover, the bronze wares unearthed during the Shang and Zhou dynasties also had pigs as utensils. Such an utensil was exhibited in the Provincial Museum in southern Hunan.

As a result, everyone has developed a habit of raising pigs to survive. After all, fattened pigs can kill a lot of meat, which is an essential nutrient.

For example, Emperor Qianlong left the fat pig Heshen to Jiaqing, and then "Heshen fell and Jiaqing was full".

As far as the prospect of the real estate market is concerned, although the housing prices in Hainan are already very high, they have not yet reached an unreasonable level.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin really can't say too much about the future.

However, he has something to say about the stock market.

It has been said in various novels and literature that anyone who bought stocks in this era has made a lot of money.

Many bigwigs made their first pot of gold from the stock market during this period.

Of course, considering Shen Guanglin's current wealth and social status, he really doesn't need to care about this meager income anymore, and the reason why he is still willing to participate is mainly to satisfy his own curiosity, and by the way, it is just a favor for Lao Wang .

After all, this is another good opportunity to gain fame.

From now on, someone Shen will leave a strong mark in China's financial history.

This time I came to Shencheng, on the surface, Shen Guanglin was invited by Lao Wang to help carry the piles for Vanke.

Shen Guanglin had already figured it out. He originally wanted to help Lao Wang, that is, to support the development of the country's securities economy, but he accidentally made a lot of money again. Don't you think it's annoying.

He has simulated this bridge for a long time.

Of course, Shen Guanglin also heard that the stock sales of various units are not doing well now, and the stocks are not sold at all, but apportioned.

Beginning in 1988, just like apportioning treasury bonds, the staff of various institutions in Shencheng have been apportioned a lot of stocks.

Since these companies have never paid dividends, many citizens feel that this is just a piece of waste paper, which is far less reliable than treasury bills.

It has always been a major feature of Huaxia listed companies that companies do not pay dividends. Even the listed companies in the A-share market in later generations have grown to a certain extent and have good operating efficiency. However, many companies have never paid dividends. It is called the iron cock among cocks.

Moreover, in the perception of most people in this era, stocks are extremely unreliable.

After all, the stocks issued in the 50s have become a piece of waste paper by now.

Some people even held the title deed of Wuliangye wine cellar, but the government didn't admit it in the end, and just refused to accept it.

Therefore, Vanke's stock is really not selling well.

That is to say, based on this situation, Lao Wang asked Professor Shen to come over to give his opinions, and by the way, see if he can let the rich people around Boss Shen buy Vanke's stock, so as to increase the market value.

If it breaks at the opening, doesn't it mean that my old Wang's company is not doing well.

Makes sense.

Only then did Shen Guanglin know that the first year of China's stock market still had such a historical background. Isn't this just a typical way of getting on the horse and sending it off.

a piece of cake!
Shen Guanglin agreed.

Great Wall Group is a patriotic enterprise. It is the duty-bound responsibility of the enterprise to help the government and the people. Especially in the aspect of helping old friends, there is nothing to say.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin said, "How many shares do you have that can be issued, just give it to me, and I will cover it for you. After the stock can be traded, if you need to drive the stock price to stabilize the market value, Great Wall Group may have too much money. If you can’t get it out, you still have the money to buy your company.”

The domineering words said made Lao Wang admire him.

Shen Guanglin said again, "Go back and ask the other stocks to see how many are left, and wrap them up for me."

Since the industrial center of the Great Wall Group is still in Shencheng, it is better to form a good relationship.There are times when you need to use others if you are not in order. It is always right to have a good relationship.

And this matter itself is not difficult, isn't it just money.

Earning a reputation, but also making money, is a convenient thing, and it can also give Lao Wang face, so why not do it.

However, Lao Wang stopped him and refused to let him do this.

This matter cannot be agreed so easily.

It's too simple, and people won't think of him. To create difficulties first, and then Boss Shen will solve the difficulties. This is the standard procedure for sending carbon in a timely manner.

Makes sense!
It can't be said that the Great Wall Group will make money in the future, and these people still have to hate them.

Of course, this matter cannot be discussed at the wine table, and it still needs careful planning and planning.

As expected of Lao Wang who can accomplish great things, if it weren't for Shen Guanglin's forward vision, he really couldn't compare with Lao Wang.

In terms of sophistication, people really beat him ten blocks.

Lao Wang said that it is best to wait for the leaders of Shencheng to come to ask for advice, "Professor Shen, we know that this matter is difficult, but I'm counting on you. At this time, only you can help me."

Then, Professor Shen took Joe a few more times to express his embarrassment. He really couldn't bear such a heavy burden, but for the economic development of Shencheng and social stability, he was willing to help.

Moreover, Lao Wang also talked about how to make Professor Shen sell this favor better.

Boss Shen has a lot of contacts in the wealthy circle of Xiangjiang, so it's best to take care of him and let them block the Shencheng Securities Trading Center as much as possible, and create some difficulties if there are no difficulties.

If you want to be human, you can't rush to say that I am doing it for your own good, and I will help you with this matter.

Rather, I can do this, but I am in a dilemma.

Since no one else could do it, I just reluctantly helped you because of your face.

In short, to give a favor, it is necessary to let people see the value of the favor.

In this way, everyone will have the next happy meeting.

Society is not just about eating and drinking, but also about people's understanding of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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